Fresh Air Training: Exercise Complex


When the weather is not happy outside the window, and the beach holiday is still far away, it's time to go. Do not think that training without dumbbells will not give results. Yes, you will not grow volumetric buttocks, but they will acquire a neat form due to strengthening existing muscles. In this material, make up a workout plan and talk about contraindications to classes.

Preparation of the cardiovascular system

Start with the articular gymnastics: warm up, starting upward from the bottom of the Lymph movement, as doctors advise. After charging, let's start quick walking or running for 5-10 minutes. During Cardio, the muscles will warm up and become more elastic, and therefore after workout you will not feel unpleasant stiffness in the body because of pain in the scored muscles. Take into account contraindications: the run is prohibited during excess weight (20+ kilograms), diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular or respiratory system, as well as the cold and its forms.

Start workout with workout

Start workout with workout

Training process

In the fresh air, with good weather, it is easier: the body quickly cools, why fatigue comes later. Start with the squats: Put your legs on the width of the shoulders, bend your hands in the elbows and connect to the lock. Lose up to parallels with a floor, your hands will be a counterweight for you to keep the balance. After 3-4 approaches, start doing Bepi: jump in place and slapped with straightened hands over your head during a jump, then lower your hands on the ground and jump to the bar. Return to the original position and repeat the exercise 20-25 times. After, do push up 10-15 times from the floor on straight hands before tapping the floor with breasts.

Complete the workout with simpler exercises, for example, loses in motion. Stand straight, step forward with the right foot and bend both legs in the knees so that they are at an angle of 90 degrees. Lift and step forward with the left foot - repeat the same thing. Perform 3-4 approaches until you feel the stress in the back of the thigh and buttocks. Complete the clauses to the side: send the right leg to step aside and make a squat, then straighten up and cut your left foot to the right.

Better run at the end of the lesson

Better run at the end of the lesson

Completion of training

If you are engaged in the evening, finish the occupation by advising the run for 30-40 minutes in a convenient pace. During running a lot of energy is spent, so after training you will feel pleasant fatigue in the body and quickly sleep. Do not forget about the closure - stretch your muscles after classes.

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