Breastfeeding in public places: what reaction to wait


Now many mothers are increasingly abandoning artificial blends in favor of breastfeeding. However, not all surrounding adequately react to this completely innocent process. We will tell you how to prepare for feeding in a public place and not run into angry glances.





Undoubtedly, if you do it for the first time, you can be embarrassed with your head. But look attentive: most of the chest covers the child's head, so the reason for concern is more contrived.

For first feeding in a public place, select a familiar company where you will not experience a strong embarrassment.

Some comfortable clothes

For cases when a child suddenly asks for it, and around a lot of people, there are special clothes for moms: it can be t-shirts with a breast section, dresses on buttons or lightning or tops with side cuts.

Also, designers offer cardigans with a smell that are not enough that stylish will help cover the baby until you brew it, so there is a possibility that no one will notice feeding.

Choose comfortable clothes

Choose comfortable clothes


Visit the place at first without a kid

Before you go with the baby to the shopping center, it would be nice to walk there and determine whether there are special seats for feeding. If not, also look for a place where people are not so much and no one disturbs you.

Examine legislation

If you do not know exactly where and in what order is allowed to feed the baby with breasts in a public place, look for information on special sites on the Internet or consult with a familiar lawyer. Most countries encourage nursing mothers and, as a rule, no fines are superimposed. The only thing you may face the condemning views of passersby, but you know your rights, and you do not need more.

Explore the place in advance

Explore the place in advance


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