How to make selfie


Ordinary selfie or real photo shoots have long ceased to be new-fashioned hobbies and have become almost regular rituals of each modern girl and not only. But manuals for action in this difficult case still no one wrote, and it is sometimes very difficult to achieve decent personnel, especially if you did not have time to achieve an ideal form. What rules to follow?

Model and singer Andrei Volkonsky specifically for reveals the secrets of a successful deployment.

Lighting - the key to success

It sounds obvious, but the first rule of a successful frame is to achieve suitable lighting. With insufficient lighting, make successful frames very hard. When it comes to the photo, the light is undoubtedly the best cosmetic product for which you do not even need to pay. With poor lighting, quite often the flaws of the face and the figures are as if highlighted. Most often, the perfect option is to turn to the window with natural lighting. Or even better - to go out and make a few frames with bright day sunlight.

If you take pictures very close in the portrait format, try to take a sheet of white paper and hold it under the chin in the process, it will create the desired fold and the contour of the face in the photo will be clearer.

Keep posture

- Transfer your weight to the foot.

- Keep your knees slightly bent.

- Keep your legs on the shoulder width.

- Let your hands are located naturally on the sides of the body.

- Stand straight, shoulders stretched back.

- Tighten your stomach.


Everything that visually expands you or focuses on problem areas, it will look even more obvious in the photo, so the beautiful photo depends largely on what you wear. Wear what you give back to yourself more slim than it is in fact, and you just like yourself on a photograph.

Avoid shadows

If the light source is too high, unwanted shadows will appear on your face, which will be noticeable in the photo. For example, if you are on the street in the middle of the day, when the sun in the zenith, the shadows may look like bags under the eyes. Ideal time for photo - closer to sunrise or sunset, when low light lightly lights you.

Make a lot of personnel

You will not get the perfect photo of a couple of clicks. Of course, I do not approve that you need to do this clock, but sometimes it's not a sin to make several dozen frames to make it possible to choose from.

Try mirroring photo

According to some specialists, many people believe that they are poorly overlooking the photos, because the image in the photo is always different from what we used to see in the mirror. The problem is that, looking into the mirror, we see our opposite reflection. If you have not managed to make a good frame, try turning the photo from left to right in any editor, and you will be surprised by the result. The same photo, but in mirror reflection, it may seem to you a hundred times better!


A natural smile will make a beautiful any photo, even if you are not perfectly slim on it. Do not bend! Stretched smile in 32 tooth will look ridiculous. Natural smiles are always better. In front of the mirror until you achieve the desired result. Remember the best moments, and sincere smile will not make himself wait long.

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