Olga Dykhovichnaya: "We live at such a time when anyone else surprise"


Shortly before the start of the summer Olympic Games of 1980, a fake bouncing was found in the USSR, which was better than real in quality. The plot of the series "Money", which started on the TV channel "Russia-1" on April 25, is based on the events of the time. I met with the actress by Olga Dykhovichnaya, who played Nina Filatov's investigator.

- Olga, you are known as director and producer. Once you said: "My favorite role is an actress. This is not the main profession, so I can choose projects. " Why did you come by the series "Money"?

- First, a wonderful scenario, which is visible from the first pages. I can say that I started reading and could not stop until I finished. Very cool is written. The following factor is the director Egor Anashkin. For Egor, the picture is very important. And this very motivates the actor when you see burning eyes. And I really believed in him, believed in his work and believed in his talent. And the third decisive factor was the acting ensemble. We are, of course, very friendly in our acting shop, but there are artists, before whose talent I take off my hat, is Fyodor Lavrov and Dasha Ekamasov. We are friends, but did not cross in work. And I can say: they are completely wonderful. Their participation in the project is an absolute quality assurance.

Olga Dykhovichnaya:

The story, told in the TV series "Money", is based on the events that happened in the USSR in the 70s of the last century

- The plot of the film refers to the loudness of the "fake number 1" Viktor Baranova ...

- He is a phenomenal, indiscreational personality. He was a man of bright fate. Engaged in the manufacture of fake × 25 rational, but money faked with incredible quality, which was not required to be successful in this business. He managed to inform the whole system. We thought how much money could be done with such a quality for the year, it turned out not those amounts that justify such a risk. Still, there was something else - Ambitions of a furist with a capital letter.

Full Fedor Lavrov played Alexei Barannikov - a talented inventor who was supported only by his wife Lyudmila (Daria Ekamasova)

Full Fedor Lavrov played Alexei Barannikov - a talented inventor who was supported only by his wife Lyudmila (Daria Ekamasova)

- Is it possible to call your heroine Nina Filatovo - the boss, Major Militia - the Iron Lady, which hides from all his tears?

- Yes. This is a woman who made a choice in favor of a career, sacrificed personal happiness. I tried to understand: why are men go behind her? Because she paid a really big price to be in its place. She is obsessed with a profession - and this is her charisma.

- When did you get ready for role, I learned some specific profession?

- This is not my first role of the investigator. I understood: they are the same people as we, but they have certain features. The script and dialogues are so well registered that I did not have to question the work that the playwright was conducted. Lexics of that time is saved. And the director recovered the era for some fundamental moments. Our costume artist has become a discovery. For me, the indicator of a good costume - when you do not understand: is it your clothes or hero? Sometimes I looked in the mirror and did not understand: I am dressed in my or heroine? .. There were the same episodes and with my colleagues when I was confused: they came to the playground in their or already in a suit? Moreover, things were authentic, from that era. And such a stylist helped the epoch manifest itself in the picture.

To convey the atmosphere of the 70s, the authentic suits thoroughly selected

To convey the atmosphere of the 70s, the authentic suits thoroughly selected

- What do you think your heroine could fall in love with Alexey Barannikov's loser?

- I think there was a moment of meeting two obsessed people. She is her profession, he is his crime. Neither she nor him had a different life. This happens when we learn themselves in another person.

- The picture has a very beautiful swimming scene in the river in which you starred nude. Shy?

- We live at such a time when no one surprise. The scene with swimming was important for several reasons. The first is the moment of proximity between the heroes. The second - we have not seen such scenes in the Soviet cinema. This is some kind of sharpness, it is in the context of this story. And the third - in this scene, my heroine feels symbolically free from care, from work, from problems. And in fact, everything turned out so charming that, it seems to me, there were more conversations about this scene than the shooting itself.

In real history, fake billing bills were better than real

In real history, fake billing bills were better than real

- You were born after the Olympics-80 and the late 70s only heard. How did you immerse yourself in that epoch?

- I knew about her through photos of my parents. My mother worked as a head of the workshop, she had more than a hundred men in her submission. She is an example of a successful Soviet woman. Beautiful, soft, bright. Therefore, the epoch of the 70s for me was associated with the image of my mom. And at some moments I used it in the role.

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