Who creates stylish people?


Hello, dear readers!

My name is Katerina Khokhlov, I am an image consultant. For more than 5 years, I have been working in the field of beauty, image and transfiguration: I started as an assistant stylist in a premium studio in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg took up private consulting. Behind my shoulders - I have education in the field of international relations (I graduated from MGIMO), which helps himself very much: Thanks to him, I managed to communicate with representatives of completely different cultures, assimilate the norms of strict and unusual types of dress code, learn etiquette and so on. The second education I continue to receive now is psychological. It is absolutely necessary in order to successfully develop in the profession: working with each client, you need to know how to understand it, analyze its goals, motives and a person's warehouse to help build a successful and at the same time a comfortable and natural image.

Today, at the beginning of our communication, let's talk about who these mysterious "stylists", "image makers" and "image consultants". From the television screens, from the Internet and from pages of printed media constantly give advice to the Guru style, named themselves, then, then Edak. But what's the differences between them? I explain.

Stylist is a master who has knowledge of the laws of style and building an image, working at the most applied level, directly changing a person physically. Hence: Hairdresser-stylist, colorist-stylist, stylist for photo and video filming.

Imager - a professional, building an image under a certain order, often changing a lot in man. So, for example, image makers work with politicians, TV, stars. The task of such a specialist is to create an image that will get the "correct" response from the target audience.

And finally, the image consultant. This profession is close to the work of the image maker, but another component is built into it - psychological. Image-consultants create (or adjust) the image for the life of a particular person based on its features. And the goal is slightly different than the image makers, it is a congruent image, that is, based on the needs and potential of a particular person.

Of course, dear readers, it is difficult to distinguish so closely intertwined specialties, but I hope that now it will be easier for you to deal with what it works in the field of fashion and style, and what specialist you need in every specific life situation.

By the way, maybe you have already experienced the experience of stylists, image makers or image consultants? Waiting for your stories and comments on the post: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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