Ivan Lodine: "Next time I'm not married to actress"


In a professional plan, Ivan Lykova can be called a Mesunchik, the Balley of Fate. After school, I left Yekaterinburg to Moscow and from the first attempt went to the MCAT Studio School. Then he was immediately taken to the "tobacker" and in MHT them. Chekhov. The movie debuted at Peter Todorovsky itself, in the picture "In the constellation of the bull". In parallel, a lot was filmed in the series, among which "soldiers-4", "thunderstorm", "network". "Acting life consists of takeoffs and falls, everything can change overnight. Then you are quite in demand, then suddenly silence, there are no offers for six months without work. But I always, under any circumstances, I remain the optimist, I think that it is impossible to give up, give hands, "says liquid. After a complex life period and enhanced work on himself, he is again full of enthusiasm and strength.

- Vanya, you married early - at the age of twenty five. Did it really believed that it was serious and for a long time?

- When people get married, they want to believe that it is forever. Why then marry? And I was just convinced that here is my family - and she for life. And when familiar tell me (and there were a lot of such): "Come on, Wan. You divorced, here you will see! " - I naturally did not listen to anyone. I sincerely thought that this would not happen to us. And Tanya also believed. For the time being ... if I say that we did not work out, because we absolutely different people - it will probably be trite. But it is, though! Tanya is a very calm, organized, hyperspical, in all of her clarity and order. And I am terribly emotional, explosive, blinding instantly. Also stubborn. Bashed mix! And Tanya is also a girl with character. In short, it was difficult for us to agree on something in principle. And in general, we needed differently from each other. What Tanya wanted, I could not give her, and vice versa. Gradually, the point of contact between us disappeared at all, we existed in parallel, everyone lived her life ... Love was held, tomatoes called. (Laughs.) Although many wrote a lot that Tanya left me to Gregory Antipenko. This is a complete stupidity, from the field of fiction. I hope I have the right to make clarity. Grisha There is nothing here, he is just a tannin partner on the play "Two on the swing." And all! And the rest - the speculations that journalists inflated ... So no one left anyone. We broke up by mutual agreement. It happened not from the bay-junction, and has long been copied and ripe. And when the impulse appeared on the part of Tanya about the fact that it was time to put a point, I picked it up.

Ivan Lodine:

In the multi-sieves film "Prince Siberia" of the liquid played a major role - Maxim Programmer

Photo: Frame from the movie "Prince Siberia"

- Did you painfully worried about the gap? Still, you have lived together for almost six years. The term is considerable.

- When all your lifestyle has been sharpened for several years - and it falls apart, you are slightly lost. Ask your questions: "What now? All start first? " Although I was where to live and what, but I was in some kind of prostration ... My parents lived together thirty years old, and although it was all, but they retained the family. She remained strong. And, of course, I experienced disappointment from the fact that my fortress was not resistant ... but there was no mad drama, there was no powerful stress. And the Tanya and I parted without special conflicts. It was a natural course of events, both understood what we were going to ... We were going through a lot of good together, and I try to keep only bright memories. This is a huge layer of life, but I treat the past, as what happened and passed. Not nostalgic, I do not suffer, analyzing what happened, I do not return to the fact that I was painful. I reap some lessons for yourself and go further. And in the present we have Masha.

- Did you explain Masha what happened?

- No, they did not explain. She was three years old, when we dreamed, she understood little then. We, thank God, did not divide the child. Whatever happens between us, the daughter should not suffer. So for her almost nothing has changed. We also left for shooting in turn, Masha got used to the fact that her mother, then dad ... Now she is already six and a half years old, and she understood everything, got used to new circumstances. Issues do not ask. It seems to me that everything went for the daughter of Lightovo and organically. I hope. After all, with Tanya, with her did not swear, did not quarrel, they could go somewhere somewhere - in a cafe, in a cinema. We have a normal relationship. It happens when divorced everything is much worse. And it seems to be no special offense with our each other ... So everything was done correctly. The main thing, the child was not left without a family. He and with her mother, and with dad, and with grandmothers, and grandfathers, everyone loves him. By the way, the cars of the grandfather and grandmother "concentrated" in Kaliningrad. Tanya from there Right, and my parents also built a house there, moved from Yekaterinburg. That's so funny it turned out: we divorced, and our parents live in the same city, communicate ... Well, Masha, of course, remained with her mother. But we are all the time with it in touch, converating without end. The daughter has a clock with a sim card, with the "Mom" and "dad" buttons. And with them my daughter is constantly talking. On the weekend I take it to myself. Even if I have shooting or rehearsal, the Mashka goes with me everywhere.

Ivan Lodine:

Ivan Lodine in a mystical thriller "Dark World"

Photo: Frame from the movie "Dark World"

- How does she feel on the set? Doesn't it express the desire to act in the cinema?

- still how does it! She really likes the shooting process. Mashka has already starred in two episodes, with me. Just ranked in the frame, I picked it up on her hands. Nothing special, but for each episodic she received two thousand rubles - earned herself. She folds them somewhere, savage. He says here recently: "Dad, let's go to the store, buy me a toy. Don't worry, I have a money! " But while we do not touch her reserves, the dad to your money buy her toys ... (laughs.) And we also participated in the shooting of the transfer of the channel STS "Big Little Star", which Nikolay Baskov leads. Masha lies in love with him! Run behind him: "Kohl! Kolya!". She did not eat childishly there, everyone lay from laughter. This is a child with an incredible sense of humor. Mashka of any adult can bring to hysterics with her jokes, she is insanely in-district and energetic ... So, it was impossible to lend her after those filming. For a long time I remembered them, Kolya and repeated: "Dad, and let's get started somewhere!"

- That is, if Masha chooses the acting laughter, you will not give it together?

- Of course not. I think it will be correct and logical. Acting in her blood, genes, as they say, are not going anywhere. She naturally feels in front of the cameras. It may, however, first to burn hard, cling to the leg, hide. She is a child yet! But when it comes to himself, it can be seen that it is very artistic. And at present she wants to be an actress ... But still can change many times. In any case, she will decide herself what to do in life. And I always support her choice and I will help her as much as it takes, whatever way it chose.

- In early childhood, Masha was your miniature copy ...

"Now she has changed, she became more like her mother." And she is also very intelligent and obedient - this is definitely in Tanya. When I take a mask on shooting, it behaves just perfectly: sits quieter water, below the grass. Exactive child! But from Tanya, she seems to me, a little. In character, she went to me more. Such a "lighter" towards rock and roll is noisy, emotional, cheerful, sociable. We even have a common passion - karting. I love cars, speed and glad that my daughter is also in the buzz. She sits in the map nearby, completely not afraid, turns his "children's" steering wheel and on turns squealing from delight. Yes, I start: "Dad, well, come on! Quick drive! ". And we chase it very much cheerfully, I even make comments: "Hey, you're with a child! Where are you going? ". But I am all controlling, I know that with me the most valuable passenger.

Ivan Lodine:

With Anastasia Zadorozhnaya in the film "In love and unarmed"

Photo: Frame from the movie "In Love and Unarmed"

- Disagreements in the upbringing of your daughter with Tanya arise?

- There are some kind of inconsistencies, but nothing terrible. The main thing is that we are not interested in entering the distribution, we have nothing to find out. We go to each other for concessions. And Tanya is a big clever! She understands that the child needs a father's education. She is big respect for this, I am grateful ... Although, I repent, sometimes it is so tired that Masha is like me and with me, but is granted to herself. For a few days spent with the dad on the set, it turns into Mowgli, I do not have time to comb her. Tanya, of course, do not like it ... But I really try to be a good father. Masha has a different dad, and never will never! I want my daughter to be proud of ... Here, for example, on February 23, Masha asked to come to her kindergarten for a holiday. Of course, I went, because it was important for her. The competition was arranged in the garden - forced us to run, ride on some balls. On the first competition, the ball from under me jumped up, the legs went away, I fell, in my eyes darkened. But I dreamed about somehow something ... It is clear that I participated in this without much joy, agreed because of my daughter. And Masha was happy, looked at me with such pride! For the sake of this glance, you can kill a lot ... You know, with Masha, I want to fill what I was not enough for me in childhood. There was a clear border between her parents, we did not have a trust relationship. I did not know how it was to speak with my mother and dad to souls, share something. I did not really nursed with me, they brought up pretty hard. With my child, I behave differently than my parents. I want her friend! I want her to trust me completely, told everything that lives that she worries her. It seems to me that the child should be poured, in reasonable limits of course. Here, too, it is impossible to carry a stick, I still dad, she should respect me, obey. (Smiles.)

- Masha asks you: "Dad, do you love me?"

- We have a different way. I get it out of it. All the time ISP: "I love you so much, Mashka!", "How I love you." And she says to me: "Dad, I know! Why are you talking about it all the time? " I'm offended: "Listen and be silent, the Puffer!". And I ask her: "Do you love dad?". "I love," she smiles and hugs me ... Our relationship is changing all the time. Masha became older, and me too. We are together with her together. And I like it - to grow together with my daughter! Masha in September will already go to the first class, choose school for her ... And it seems, so long ago, in another life, I traveled for my daughter in the hospital, she made her first steps. I remember how the midwife, giving me Masha, said: "Here is a gift for my life." That's for sure! I will now be responsible for this "present" all my life.

With Tatyana Arntgolts Ivan lived for almost six years

With Tatyana Arntgolts Ivan lived for almost six years

Photo: Legion-media.ru.

- Would you like other children?

- Yes very! Son or another daughter. Children are happiness! It is said that men usually want the Son, the heir. And in general, without a difference. When on ultrasound, we were told that we would have a girl, I was delighted!

- And create a new family in principle ready?

- I do not regain from the family, despite the fact that ideal ideas about her are somewhat undermined. I was disappointed in marriage, but not radically to put a cross on it. Until I have a hurry to dip in a family life ... I raised the oars and sailing for the flow. Let it be!

- Are you looking for?

- You will not believe, but I really had a little novels in life. Once or two and turned around. Moreover, I seek so easy, even frivolous. And like ladies like me, I do not suffer from lack of attention on their part. I have enough fans too, I respect them, I love, I am grateful that they are ... But it is very difficult for me to find a woman with whom I would like to associate your life. And I realized that looking for someone else and guided by some criteria, meaningless.

- But they surround you mostly actresses! The acting world is cracked. Are you not afraid to marry actress again?

- And we divorced not because she is an actress, and I am an actor ... But in general, you are the right, we are a specific caste. When in the family two artists - the mixture is revealed. Therefore, it is better, of course, next time not to marry actress. I think so ... (laughs.) Now with your colleagues I prefer to be friends.

- You are satisfied with freedom? Like living one?

- Well, I'm not quite alone. I had a lily girl, and she is not an actress. We met more recently - a little more than a month ago. And they began to live together in a country house. We decided: and let's try - and gathered. While everything is great. I finally left the megalopolis for the city. I like that I care about me: they are preparing food, waiting with the filming. And I care about someone, it is also nice. What will come from this? What awaits us tomorrow? I do not know. Wait and see. I do not deceive it, absolutely honest. I do not promise anything, do not make it, I do not build any plans for the future. Just living!

Ivan Lykova and Tatyana Arntgolts will grow up Masha's daughter

Ivan Lykova and Tatyana Arntgolts will grow up Masha's daughter

Gennady Avramenko

- After a divorce, more than two years have passed ...

- Yes, and I am today, and the one was in marriage - two completely different people. I changed internally, and externally. Now I like me much more! (Smiles.) I look at myself in the films of the period when I was married, and I hardly recognize. Is this borov I really? What is sin to hide, dismissed himself. I relaxed for some reason, ate everything ... But I could take myself in my hands, completely changed the lifestyle. I began to regularly play sports, eat right. And became different! This is my victory over yourself. In general, it happened that for his thirty two years I never found out what support from loved ones. Just after the divorce I had a very difficult period. I hurt a whole year, constantly. The body because of the sores was as much percent of twenty. I treated one thing, then another - in a circle. Huge money spent on medicines and doctors. And before a heap, I had a break in work. And also, the thrust iron (I still tried to maintain the form), I torn the bundle in my shoulder. For half a year with sports loads I had to tie, and I also lost and the outstands in the form of a gym. Well, full trabl! At such moments especially need support and care. And it becomes very sad when you understand that there is no one next, you are very alone. Although, when I removed the glands and I was lying in the hospital, a friend of Zhenya Pronin came to me, visited. Gave the Hippo, who sings the song "Lilac Fog". It was very cute. But still I felt that there was no one to take care of me. Well, nothing, I coped. But he became stronger.

- Do you have enough work now?

- quite. I am filmed in the TV series for the channel "Russia" with Alexander Domogarov. I play a positive hero, and the homogur - negative. This is my karma - the roles of good guys. And so I want to play someone's nasty, terrible, vague ... (laughs.) I also recently returned to the theater scene. Six years did not play the theater. And then suddenly suggested six performances at once. I was confused and tried to choose what's closer to the heart. Recently, they recently released the "Wheel of Fortune", in which I am busy together with Stas Bondarenko and Glafira Tarkhanova. And now there are rehearsals of other entrepreneurs, where my partners again Stas Bondarenko, Sasha Ramnikov and Zhenya Prone ... You know, I learned to appreciate what life gives me. And I try not to refuse from interesting proposals. Over yourself I work constantly. I want to be better! With regard to myself, I am a fierce warrior: mercilessly fight with my vices and weaknesses, I do not gear myself. I, honestly confess, very lazy. But I struggle with laziness by all the might. I do a lot of sports. Every morning I run, pouring cold water, I go to the gym regularly. And alcohol is extremely negative. Two years did not use any alcohol at all and now I drink extremely rarely.

- Want to be young and beautiful a little longer?

- Oh, my grandmother says here: "Do not comb your hair back, you look so older than your years! Make a nurse, you are so young with her. " And nothing, what should I have over thirty? And what, should I look like a pioneer? Or like Justin Bieber? What nonsense! I do not want to be forever young. But I have a desire to be in the form, have a sporting, taut body. Therefore, the sport is seriously engaged in sports, he became for me in the way of life ... and I am pleased with what I matured, I have accumulated some life experience, I became higher than the level of awareness. Naivety and stupidity was dressed. But at the same time, the eyes still burn, I wonder to live. I like to live! I want to move somewhere, develop, internally grow. Despite the fact that much already behind, I have a feeling that I am at the start.

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