Evgeny Antropov: "I'm thirty-two, and I still ask me a passport"


Evgeny Anthropov calls himself lucky, but at the same time considers everything that happened to him absolutely natural - he since childhood wanted to film. He looks very young in his thirty-two, although much perceives as an adult and a very responsible person who has a serious peaceful luggage. Well, the boy, which remained in it, allows him to be included in the game on the shooting and communicate on an equal footing with his two little sons. All of this - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Eugene, you Muscovite. It is believed that the provincials make it easier to break through. Have you felt any difference with fellow students-Nonoshvichi?

- Valentin Black in his book "Moscow does not believe in his book" wrote that Muscovites did not like Muscovites, this and parents were told that they are allegedly arrogant, wiggy and business. And then Muscovites became quieter. As my girlfriend says, they are "greenhouse children", because the provincials live in a hostel, they need to eat, break through, and they try to face connections, to build. And we, Muscovites, have a house where they will feed and go. Therefore, even if you have a goal, there is no such importance and need to achieve it. When I received the first role on third, I did not experience any surprise - I walked to it. It is like a mechanic who studied his work and received a discharge. It seems to me that the provincials are charged to the victory more, but I was very strong. I did not come from the first time and was very upset that I would have to sit without study.

- Upset only it?! There was confidence that you would do anyway? And what did you do the year?

- Pope had a small sports shop in Kuzminakh, I worked there by the seller. After failure, confidence, on the contrary, has increased. By doing the second time, I fed rage, thought: "Yes, who are you that you don't give me to engage in your loved one?!" I was inside a very angry, bile, it seemed to me, I'm just obliged to do. And this rage gave me an incredible motivation. I am glad that I got to Gitis, to Leonid Efimovich Heifets, he lays a powerful acting foundation. Although the main thing is that feeds in this profession, - experience, and creative, and life.

- And where to take a life experience to a young man?

- Certainly, it comes with age. But something happens for everyone - and the experience of romantic experiences, and drama in the family or from relatives, close friends. It happens, you yourself pass through very serious, even tragic stories in youth. After receipt, I went with a classmate in Alushta. Before that, Mother Mama, my grandmother, sick with cancer, felt badly. I loved her very much. Mobiles were then already, but the connection was worth it with space, and we went to the mail almost every day to Moscow. I asked how things are like granny. I was told that everything is in order. Dad, mother and brother, who younger than me for four years arrived at the station to meet me. We approach the entrance, dad goes with my brother to put a car, and we call the elevator with my mother, it comes for some reason without light. And in this dark elevator I immediately ask: "Mom, how do granny?" "And she replies:" Zhen, grandmother died in the second August. " That is exactly the day when I arrived at sea. They did not say anything to me so that I rest well. Then it seemed to have plugged her eyes alone, and everything, and after three days I caught up with the thought that now, when I arrive in Yaroslavl, I will climb on the fourth floor, I will call the thirty-eighty apartment, I will never open the door a small gray woman. And I just broke. And most of all is a shame that she did not see me in the movies. I know how glad it was pleased with my work. Especially since we are absolutely simple family.

Evgeny Antropov:

"I learned about the death of my grandmother - the eye pointed, and that's it. And after three days she caught up with the thought that a small gray woman would never open me"

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- What do mom and dad do?

- Dad finished the middle-special seaworthy school. But he worked here, then there, in the nineties, he tried to organize one small business, then opened the store, and then retired. Mom is in general only secondary education, a housewife all life. But she adored Soviet cinema and a lot of films watched on TV. She told that at eight years I had a favorite movie - "faithful friends". We had a cassette with him, I put it and looked, looked, looked ... Our film "Winners" also about real friends. No matter how they treat something, they still go to a friend to help, worry about each other, save lives.

- You are easily approved in the "winners"?

- Dmitry Konstantinov wrote on me the role of Zavarzina, because we have known each other for a long time, he loves me. But I could lose this project, because when Konstantinov left the directorial post, I became aware of the conversations that I supposedly fall out of the ensemble. I immediately wanted to go to the new director, to stay him into the wall and say: "Show me, who are you going to take it to play you Zavarzina?!" (Laughs.) But then the director changed again and everything went down.

- Did you fit into some adventurous stories to prove something or others?

- I am generally very easy to go to "weakly." But now I can not remember something concrete. Two times jumped with a parachute, but no one has podnakoval, I myself went - I thought that the jumper and stop afraid of heights. Did not stop. (Laughs.) In general, it's fashionable as a challenge that I hardly do something, they act almost trouble-free. And this applies not only to roles. Constantly appear "You can - you can not", and I connect instantly. If you want to get something from me, then I need to provoke. (Smiles.)

- Admit, did you appear signs of star disease?

- No, no. Although they were hit by the buddies, that I somehow changed after the first picture. On the contrary, I had money, and I could raise a penny - not from the Barsky shoulder, "on, Gulyi", but simply because I wanted to give. And the changes were a litmus piece of paper that I go correctly. So far I have not been filming, I treated with every institutional work as the last thing: I need to live, die ... Therefore, nothing worked. And when I started to act, it was already coming to the institute with other self-sustainment. I remember, the "three sisters" rehearsed - I was generally in a relaxed state, and the director said all the time: "played perfectly." Just because the first time in my life there was ease and confidence in myself.

Evgeny Antropov:

"I constantly refuse to sell cigarettes, ask to show a passport. My age is thirty-two years old, but I do not feel them at all."

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- What happened to you after got the first big role?

- Nothing. The first work was a full meter, and everyone said everything: "The old man, well, now everything, you wake up ..." And I did not have such a feeling, just hope that now will give work at work. And when this did not happen, I thought: "Strange, played a major role, and nothing really changed." But gradually the projects went, including very good, and most importantly, different. Acquaintance with Dima Konstantinov and cooperation with him and Alana Zvankova, his wife, in the picture "Goodbye, Favorite" brought me a lot of joy.

- Do you know how to rejoice not only work?

- I try. For example, I am glad when a poem is written. I love nature; It's nice when I can sit somewhere in silence or just drink good coffee in the morning. I am glad that I wake up, and the sun shines on the street that today I have a day off or, on the contrary, I finally go to work and you can spend time in the company of like-minded people. I can enjoy what I told the anecdote on the shooting, he launched everyone, raised the mood, and you were in the center of attention. Even a good comfortable thing that makes you stylish can delight.

- Can you say to yourself that you are lucky?

- I think, yes, because very often the circumstances were so folded that the hoolet-hook - and everything in itself happened. When I came to Alexey Mizgyiv on the samples in "Flint", my first film, he asked me, if I know, which means one matery phrase, said unusual way. I replied that yes, because I read it at Dovlatov. He said: "No one knows, you know, good." It was another plus, so that I was approved. I starred in his film, and I noticed Yusuf Bakhshiyev and called to "Antikiller". And then I met Alena Zvankova, and the roles began to write a role - this is also luck. Although, on the other hand, largely patterns.

- You write poems. And how it started, why?

- Thirteen years old I wrote the first poem on some piece of paper. And recently I had an evening of poetry in one of the cafe. I wrote all the time on the table, and then Lena Makhova, she studied at Kudryashov in Gitis, threw the cry in social networks: "Actors! Who writes poems ... " This is not my comfort zone - read your poems in the public. But I still decided. Surprisingly, I started writing in English, although he taught him only at school and had four on him. It seemed to me that in Russian it will be all in the forehead, but in English rolling. It's like a story with English-speaking songs: they are beautiful, but transfer them to Russian - everything, by. I sat with a dictionaries and looking for words to express my thought, brought poems to the English language teacher, and the paradox - she did not find mistakes, although I had a very limited vocabulary. And then began to write in Russian, first by some scraps, and then rhymes already went.

- What do you think, as an actor and poet, why are all good fairy tales end, then there are excellent romantic relationships, and even strong family stories?

- Long living - this is a story of consonance. This is not halves, all self-sufficient. If you really are on the way, you will stay together. I doubt that chemistry can leave. It can be modified, arise and disappear, but it is always some kind of remarkovskaya story. A man cannot stop admiring the woman if he loves her. My dad and mom happily live together more than thirty years.

"You said, your family is not connected with art, only mom always loved movies." Why did you decide that acting your favorite thing?

- Study in the gymnasium class, I played in the play on the "Sooro". The teacher of English gave me a small role. And then in the corridor said suddenly: "Go to the actors, it's yours." I think that I was transferred to very powerful genes from the Father. He is just a murderous artistry. When we were traveled to Turkey with him, crowds and men were going around him, and women: he knows thousands of additives, jokes, jokes, and he has an incredible charm.

- And when did you decide to become an actor, Pope was delighted?

- Dad expressed doubt, but probably to quickly get me off. Especially in the first year, when I did not do, there was such a provocation on his part. I think he somehow unconsciously said, but I just helped me. And my mother always believed in me. She is insanely glad, but he considers the normal that the Son works in the cinema, for her it is also not a miracle story. She does not tell everyone in a row who she has a son, this dad will rather say, he is a very emotional man. And my mother pretends with dignity: "Yes, he did, yes, it works" (smiles), not with neglect, but with internal aristocratic pride.

- You look very young. How many years do you feel?

"I constantly refuse to sell cigarettes, ask to show a passport, I even asked first time:" Do you seriously say that I have seventeen years old? ". What answered me is that now there are seventeen-year-old looking for thirty. I'm thirty-two, but I do not feel them in general, despite the experience of my shoulders. And yet, more recently changed the feeling of itself in space and time, an understanding of the value of the moment and the life itself has appeared. There is no longer a feeling that you fall asleep and wake up, and you are fine, and it will be another hundred years every day. No, it will also be different. Of course, there was responsibility for children and parents.

- After the birth of the firstborn, did you grow up?

- Everything was somehow calm, strange. Naturally, life has changed, because a small person appeared, for whom you are responsible for all my life. And this is a new feeling; Attachment to him grew every day. But immediately it is impossible to realize - probably because it is a fantastic event. You do not understand why he shouts, how to put it, put sleep, but slowly get used to it. And when you get used to, you understand that without this person now you can not. But such that I suddenly say to bass (laughs) or became very serious and important, did not happen.

- Why did the first son of Peter called?

- Just chosen in honor of the Apostle. At one time, I thought that if I had two sons, it would be great that they would have a small difference, they would go together at school and said there: "The apostles are coming." And they have a difference in two years with kopecks, the older has been five years old. We chose a second child, but I realized that it was not escaped: there is Peter, let Paul be. They complement each other, and that's fine. They have completely different characters, one is easier, the other is more solid. The eldest impress the physics, younger - lyrics, although it is a very paint definition. (Laughs.)

Evgeny Antropov:

"Long living - this is the story of consonance. All self-sufficient, but if you are on the way, you will stay together."

Photo: Vladimir Myshkin

- In what age period of children are more comfortable or more interesting to communicate with them?

- Always interesting. It only seems that they are small and do not understand anything, they simply cannot answer you, but all intuitively feel. Children like when they see passionate parents. If I go somewhere, they want to go with me if I look something - sit nearby.

- Some of the actors recently told that the question of whom he would like - a boy or a girl, - without thinking he answered that her son, because he dreamed of a radio-controlled helicopter ...

- When children appear, you go to the "Children's World" on legal grounds. (Laughs.) Although you are an adult and you can buy any toy, but when there are two excuses, it is quite another matter. It seems you will buy them, but also yourself too. I don't hesitate to imagine that soon we will play together in such games.

- The first son was born when you were on the set. And with the second ... Have you been at that moment?

- Peter was born when we were filmed with Konstantinov "Sinner". And Paul - when I was already at home, after the project. But I was not present at his birth and did not even think about it. I know that many now do this, but before men were not allowed to the process. And in this sense, I have traditional upbringing.

- For you acting profession - men's?

- One of my girlfriend says she is not men. As a person reflecting me insults me. I think the acting profession is incredibly male, if only because it was originally only a man's. And it is physically severe, especially if these are militants, fantasy. I need this profession, because it needs and you can give the energy that I have a lot. If you do not give it, you begin to "eat" around others, first of all loved ones. Of course, with age, learn yourself to restrain, but when there is no work for a long time, I can not relax, I become irritable and nervous, unfortunately. I like the powerfulness of this profession: for one of my life you can live a lot of different lives. It is important for me to understand that you first a man, and then an artist. And if in the frame you need to move the table, you can not wait for the workers who come and do it.

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