Too hot: cool the car without air conditioning


Let the temperature on the street practically do not rise above the zero, the problem with the superheated car can catch you on vacation if you decide to rent a car. In addition, even at home should be prepared for the warm season and to know the ways in advance, which will make a trip not so "hot."

Moisturize salon

If the air conditioner for one or another reasons is in a disconnected state, ordinary towels will come to help, which must be pre-mixed and decomposed on the dashboard and steering wheel. In addition to the fact that you are cooling the heated car elements, you make the air more movable due to the evaporation of water. However, this method works only at short distances, as the evaporation of water is too fast. And yet try to take a few towels and frozen water bottles, if there are no other options at the moment.

Cool in traffic

Again, the lack of a good conditioner does not mean that you have to "frift" in traffic. Try to run blowing the car by outer air, after hanging thin wet towels for deflectors. If you understand that the engine is almost melting, turn on the stove for a few minutes - yes, the stove in the activated state is capable of picking the heat of the engine.

Observe drinking regime in hot countries

Observe drinking regime in hot countries


How to prepare for a trip to the hot salon

Forewarned is forearmed. If you understand that during the trip, the salon is likely heats up, and your air conditioner will not steal with cooling, try to follow the following tips:

- Fuely drinking water, which store in the cooled glove. With a long stay in a closed hot room, it is important to comply with drinking mode to avoid dizziness, which is especially dangerous for drivers.

- Curtains. If we are talking about your own car, purchase special curtains on the windows that will not fully solve the problem, but will greatly make your stay in the hot salon.

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