Rodion Gazmanov: "I'm not against the criticism of my father"


- Rodion, you can congratulate you that the first album finally appeared in your musical career ...

"A very important step for me, because this is my first album for 25 years, since the song" Lucy ". It is recorded in different directions - from pop-style to aggressive rock. With such a program, we also performed on the rock festival, where we were very well accepted. In the album, three songs were written by the Father: "Fact", "Last Snow" and "Lucy". The rest are all mine. I am insanely glad, and when I picked up the very first copy of the record, I kept him as Mufas my Simba in the cartoon "King Lion". I was worn with an album and he had shown it. Very proud and joyful.

- What prompted you in the end with musical affairs and even write an album? Genes affected?

- Perhaps genes or some other predisposition. Probably, without an example, the father did not cost. But I really believe that I have a good material, good songs. And I really want to show them, execute and develop in this direction in every way. Why music? Because it pulls there. I remember, we made half of the material, then I threw it for half a year, because I went on a business trip, I was an armored at work. And when he returned and tried to continue, it was faced with the fact that my glances were already changed because of this long break. Then I realized that if I continue to serve two gods, then the one that I like more, it turns away from me. Therefore, I decided to leave the business projects that was engaged. And, you know, for the first time felt herself a holistic person. And for me it is very important. At the moment I am only engaged in music.

- So it does not have to talk about any hobbies?

- I am a lot of fond of. But since September last year I had no free time. I did not resist, did not go anywhere. If you calculate the hobby the opportunity to sit with the book by the fireplace, when the head is already quite square, then yes, I have it. But the longer there is no time. Maybe in the summer I will be a little more comfortable and I'll do the sport. I have been loaded all day. I get up in the morning, I feed the cat. And then I can sit at home and engage in organizational activities at concerts or go to the studio, at meetings, deploy your mobile Studio at home.

- You also have a cat?

- His name is Sheldon, he is a year and a half, the Maine-kun breed. Weigh more than 8 kilograms. Inquisitive, active and with a very good character, like me. (Smiles.)

- And who feeds him when you are on tour?

- Sometimes mom, sometimes a woman who comes to clean the house. In addition, I'm not at such a long period I'm leaving so that it was impossible to pour a lot of food and leave a cat for a couple of days. We leave for 4-5 times a month on tour with my group. After the album exit, I think it will be more.

Family for gasmans always stood in the first place. In the picture: Oleg Gazmanov, the eldest son Rodion, the younger son of Philip and the daughter of Marianna.

Family for gasmans always stood in the first place. In the picture: Oleg Gazmanov, the eldest son Rodion, the younger son of Philip and the daughter of Marianna.

- Curishes during the tour already happened?

"It came to me somehow to meet a beautiful girl after a concert in Moscow. We communicate, smile cute, I'm ready to record her phone number. Here the little girl runs up to me, the daughter of our sound engineer, hugs me by the hand and shouts: "Dad!" The girl is reclined and hides somewhere in the crowd. I turn around and see my musicians who are sorely smiling. It was they asked the baby. It was funny, we then laughed on this.

- What is written in your tour of the rider?

- Nothing strange and unexpected. I wanted no cockroaches in the rooms, but at the same time there was water and a balanced feed. Plus - Technical Standard Rider. Although even to the absence of a rack for a guitar on stage, I can get calmly.

- Judging by rumors, you have not only a musical life of boil. Recently, you have already married you on the Internet several times ...

- At the moment, my wedding is not planned. So congratulates not yet with what, but sympathize early. I am not in any permanent relationship now.

- Did the harmful habit time remain?

- I spend the cigar periodically, although I do not consider it a habit. In addition, harmful. Because a lot of cigars in one day do not even twist. Alcohol - moderately. Doing sports. Mat swear rarely.

- That is, like numerous representatives of "golden youth", drunk behind the wheel will not sit down?

- The phrases "Golden Youth" I in principle do not understand. And I do not understand why they periodically try to attribute me to it. I am 32 years old this year, therefore, for the term "youth", I do not fall a little bit. With "Golden" even more difficult. Those who drive on expensive cars in a state of narcotic or alcohol intoxication, I do not consider the "golden youth". And the one that quotes Shakespeare and knows all the works of Tchaikovsky, "Golden" does not consider the rest of the public. I am a very rational man. The "Sober Driver" service is much cheaper than then from 6 to 24 months to order a taxi. Why climb a bottle and risk?

"Rodion, for you, probably, it's no secret that with your last name, of course, not to avoid comparisons with Oleg Gazmanov. What is your father look like, and what are different?

- We both are very sensitive to the opinions of loved ones. Although thoroughly hide it. Both are very responsible in relation to those who believe their friend, close man. In all the rest we are absolutely different. He constantly gives me an example in terms of a sports form, which I try to obey. But I'm far away. I feel very good to handle various techniques. And with my deep childhood, my father addressed me for advice on this: to configure something, explain and so on. Of course, we write different songs, different poems. But the fact that we write, we are united.

- How did your father responded when you said that leaving the business to music?

- I can't say that he liked this decision. But in any case, we have a Soviet relationship rather than imperative. And I very much appreciate that I have the opportunity to receive free consultations from one of the most successful show business figures in our country. Father, definitely, heard songs from my album. In something, this music is close to him, but something is not very. But in general, he said that he liked the album.

- And the critic from him happens?

We have criticism, I would say bilateral. We are each other and for it are also very appreciated. Who, like a close person, will say that you can't get somewhere. I do not argue with him, just hear the opinion of another person, then inside him all digest and make a decision. Ultimately, everything solves the audience. And this public that goes to your concerts, and you need to convince that you are doing your job well. You can all your friends, close and even critics to sing diffilams. But no one can come to your concert. I absolutely disagrees to scold me. The main thing is to go to concerts!

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