Beauty and Health Industry: Who is who in the "beautiful" business


Sexologist Anna Yasnitskaya

Sexologist, psychologist Anna Yasnitskaya - a marriage consultant, coach and coach of personal growth, author of 30 own programs and trainings, author of the popular blog about sex and relationships. Anna The author of the book on sexual education and many articles in the media, a certified instructor of exceptional world-class programs. Sexologist Anna Yasnitskaya is a frequent guest of popular US media programs. She lives in California and advises people online worldwide. Therefore, for help to Anna, you can contact, despite the distance and state borders - it actively uses online trainings, builds your second business in the United States, covering the whole world.


For more than 11 years, Anna works in this area, helping people to become happy and harmonize their relationship, receive a maximum of pleasure from intimate life, revealing all their life potential. He is an expert in the field of women's sexology. It has impressive practitioners in five countries of the world.

More than 10 thousand couples as a result of the help of Anna were able to establish their intimate life, learned to listen to each other, including in intimate issues. Anna helps its customers to reveal their sexual potential, learn how to receive an orgasm, because its deficit is a problem about 63% of women and 35% of men who may affect the psyche of a person, for the whole of his life, including in aspects, at first glance absolutely not related to sex. Anna Yasnitskaya is regularly published in the media, gives recommendations, seeking to increase the culture and quality of sexual and family relationships and actively leads its own channel in instagram.

NLP coach Polina Sukhova

Polina Sukhova -trener NLP, psychologist-teacher, hypnotherapist and an astropsychologist, as well as an entrepreneur and writer. The history of the life path of Polina Sukhova is a wonderful example of the fact that self-development and the existence of a goal can lead to success at any age. Up to 40, Polina was a housewife, and then received psychological education and opened its own project - online school "Psychology in every home!".


In 2015, Polina founded the "Higher School of Parapsychology of Polyna Sukhova", in which more than 5 thousand people have been trained, 10 thousand people were provided with high-quality psychological assistance. Polina has more than 100 educational techniques, copyright trainings, training courses, a large number of grateful students and customers. Polina believes that the main key of success is a dedication, constant thrust for self-improvement, and the strength of the person will give, of course, his spiritual, mental and physical health.

Psychologist Julia Olkhovskaya

Russian psychologist and writer, Julia Olkhovskaya, works at the junction of such areas of human knowledge as psychology and medicine. The use of current psychotherapeutic methods and technologies allows Julia to assist people in a wide variety of matters - (here you can write about work with married couples in the crisis period; about working with clients who have alarming disorders, panic attacks; about working with clients who are in search self and self-realization, as well as working with adult customers who have children's psychotrams).


In addition to professional activity as a psychotherapist, Julia regularly acts as an expert in the media, publishes articles on psychology topics, is the author of books and benefits. Help to its customers and permanent work on themselves, Julia considers two pillars, which holds her success as a professional.

Astrologer Svetlana Chekalkin

Svetlana Chekalkin is a professional astrologer, psychologist and business consultant.

Svetlana has 3 higher education (technical, legal and psychological), as well as academic astrological education (Western classical astrology).

It is a certified member of the International Astrological Research Society "ISAR" and the International Association of Generative Changes "IAGC".


The focus of Svetlana is a study from the position of astrology and psychology of the possibilities and abilities of a person, and if necessary, assistance in deliverance from psychological restrictions and in the disclosure of unrealized potential. In this, it is helped by not only deep theoretical knowledge, but also a large personal and client practical experience.

Find a satellite of life, to determine the professional implementation, choose the most appropriate time for important events, change the unfavorable "life scenario" is a small part of the questions, to deal with Svetlana Chekalkin helps in their consultations.

Svetlana believes that an important condition for the success of a business person is a harmonious achievement of the goal. This is possible when an understanding of its characteristics and improving their abilities, the knowledge of individual successful and complex time periods and the use of psychological and astrological techniques for favorable changes in their lives.

Designer Elena Berdnikova

Elena Berdnikova - Designer and decorator, owner of the design studio Viterica Home and the interior salon "Organza" and just a beautiful and talented woman. Elena received the formation of an interior designer at the International Design School, then organized his own business. The interior salon "Organza" specializes in the decoration and design of residential and public interiors.


All products of the cabin have a unique design and are distinguished by high quality, which greatly contribute to the high qualifications of employees and an individual approach to each order from the head - Elena Berdnikova. To carry the comfort and comfort in the house of their customers, Elena considers his vocation and tries to maximize their knowledge and skills in this area. At the same time, Elena does not forget his own family - a loved husband and daughter always in the first place.

Dentist Natela Lomakina

Natela Lomakina is one of the most famous Russian dentists, director of the Dental Center "Hynes". The doctor with a huge experience, in the distant 1992 she graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. Semashko is a specialty "dentist" and since then helps people gain healthy teeth and a radiant smile. Natel is a beautiful and successful woman who understands the relationship between beauty and success in our modern world. After all, for a businessman, politics, the managerial, his smile is the key to the location of other people to him, an integral part of the image.


Of course, helping other people, Natels do not forget to improve and develop both themselves - as in the plan of professional and intellectual and in terms of lifestyle. Therefore, it can be made of the most beautiful and healthy Russian entrepreneurs with full right.

Hypnotherapist Evgenia Protasova

Evgenia Protasova is one of the most famous hypnotherapeuts of Russia. Clinical psychologist, Eugene received a higher vocational education in Jurgi, NII. Bekhtereva and Institute of Modern NLP in St. Petersburg. She is the founder of the Rehabilitation Center on the dependence and hypnos International Academy in absolute health.


Is the authors of online programs 'Healthy Weight in Your Head' "Life Map"

Through hypnotherapy, Eugene cooperates with well-known athletes.

Reveals the potential abilities of people, gives its customers to understand that there is nothing impossible in self-development, success and health.

In addition, hypnotic sessions help to establish relationships in families - between spouses, parents and children, make it possible to overcome numerous complexes and phobias.

The expert itself passed a huge path in his life. For scientists in the Clinical Space Institute, Moscow.

The main advantage of Eugene,

As a specialist is not only the highest qualifications, but also a constant desire for self-development, allowing all the time to "hold a hand on the pulse" of the latest developments and achievements in the field of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. And most importantly in absolute health physical and psychological

Dietitist Andrei Voronin

Andrei Voronin is a nutritionist, a writer, traveler. A real professional of his business, Andrei has a very large experience of legal activity, but besides jurisprudence, Andrei and other life interests have a healthy lifestyle. Andrei - a nutritionist, and in this capacity he advises people how to eat right to stay healthy, vigorous, beautiful, and therefore successful.

Slimming system Andrei Voronina received the name of the diet. Unlike already known programs, it is based on the study of thinking and return to intuitive nutrition, and not at the counting of calories, restrictions and physical exertion. Personal experience of the creator gives the system a special value. Andrei dropped 30 kg of excess weight and now helps other people part with hateful fat and feel better.


Slimming with a dietology does not bring stress. Many are surprised that you can eat your favorite food and lose weight, but it really works.

The Voronina system puts in order not only the figure, but also the head, because the thoughts are the root of all our takeoffs and falls. The nutritionist teaches to live in a new way, without going on about advertising, bad habits and the needs of taste receptors. Freedom from food dependence is the key to the new life, which Andrei gives everyone.

After all, the key to success in modern society, as Andrey emphasizes, is physical health, without which we will not be able to grow intellectually, to implement our intellectual and professional potential.

Plastic Surgeon Alexey Artemyev

Alexey Artemyev Russian plastic surgeon specializes in various fields of aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery. Alexey was recognized as the best surgeon on breast plastic. And this is not surprising - by the shoulders of Alexei Artemyev almost 20 years of experience in the profession, more than 12 thousand operations performed. A graduate of the prestigious Military Medical Academy, Alexey Artemyev, was in the best clinics in the world, including Germany, Finland, Spain, Argentina, worked in Vietnam, participating in the creation of the Department of Oncology and the reconstruction of the breast. For many years, Artemyev earned a lot of gratitude from patients and respect for colleagues.


The most important key to success in work Aleksei, in addition to the permanent self-development and deepening of his knowledge, considers a healthy lifestyle - physical health allows less to be tired, withstand operating loads. The doctor should be an example of health for an ordinary person, Alexey Artemyev believes and always seeks to comply with this principle.

Jeweler Oleg Morgun

Oleg Morgun-famous Russian jeweler, the highest specialist in his case, long and professionally engaged in the manufacture of jewelry made of gold, silver, other precious metals. Golden and silver chains that are manufactured by Oleg are in high demand. And it is not surprising - these are "piece" products.


In addition to jewelry, Oleg is actively published in the media, leads his blog, acting as an expert in jewelry. Thanks to the valuable advice of Oleg, the buyers of jewelry are able to assess the quality of the goods offered by them, check their real cost, they will learn better understand the rich and diverse market of gold and silver. The highest qualifications and deep human decency of Oleg are confirmed by numerous positive feedback from all who came across him and ordered or acquired jewelry.

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