Elena Sparrow paints eggs to lilac, and Margarita Sukhankina makes raw easter


Very soon our country will celebrate a bright Easter holiday. And although many stars during this period of long weekends are busy touring roads, they have not forgotten to Easter.

The singer Margarita Sulanchin shared with Womanhit.ru recipe for making Easter. She makes her curd and raw.

"Preparation of cottage cheese Easter for the holiday is the same important ritual, as well as baking kulchi. It implies the use of a special form for cottage cheese Easter - an assistant, which can be purchased in stores. Of course, the correct Easter should be prepared from homemade cottage cheese. However, you can also use the store, which should be pre-put under the gilt so that excess moisture is released from it. Cottage cheese for Easter Choose fat and fresh, not sour.

There are two main types of Easter - raw and boiled. Let us dwell on a simpler recipe - raw Easter. Please note that such Easter is stored for a long time, therefore prepare her small size.

Margarita Sukhankina shared Easter recipe

Margarita Sukhankina shared Easter recipe

Easter recipe from Domankina Margarita:

You will need: 1.5 kg. Fresh cottage cheese, 150 g. Sour cream, 100 g. Butter, ½ cup of sugar, salt, raisins. Tsukata, nuts for decoration.

Cottage cheese twice wipe through a sieve. Oil rubbing to Bela with sugar, add sour cream, continue to rub to completely dissolve sugar. We connect the mixture with cottage cheese, we put up, add washed and dry raisins, mix again.

We lay out the mixture at the Passover (in the wooden wall you can make gauze, so that Easter does not stick to them), we turn over it with a sharp ending down, we put the opposition on top of the way and remove in a cold place for 12 hours.

Ready Easter can be decorated with cessies and nuts.

It loves to bake Easter cake singer Varvara Commissioner.

"Kulich is a traditional Easter treat and the most time-consuming and complex type of baking. Zakawska for kulukhai put in "Clean Thursday" in the evening, after cleansing the house and body. The test of the dough and baking kulchi falls on Good Friday, into which it is impossible to make noise, listen to loud music. It is in such an atmosphere that the dough will rise well and will be tasty. On Saturday, culisms are sanctified in the church, and in the bright Sunday, Sundays are talking after the Great Post.

I suggest you bake the simplest cake, but approximate to ancient recipes. In cooking, it is important to comply with technological techniques: the dough is suitable in several techniques, between which it is carefully and is carefully laid. So that Culich rose, you need to surround it with warmth and protect from drafts. Bake cakes can be baked in saucepans, having paved their bottom and walls with wipe paper. And do not disturb the cakes during baking - do not open the oven the oven times.

Varvara Comissarova shared the recipe for Easter slices

Varvara Comissarova shared the recipe for Easter slices

Recipe cut from Barbara Commissioner:

You will need: 1.2 kg of flour, 50 g of yeast (not dry!), 3 cups of cream, 200 g of butter, 15 yolks, 200 g of sugar, 10 grains of cardamom or 1 nutmeg, 50 g almond, 100 g of raisin, 100 g of Tsukatov, 1 tbsp. Crumbled sugar, chopping salt.

Preparation: Run yeast in a glass of indoor temperature cream until complete dissolution. Add a half of the flour and put the pioneer to climb in a warm place. In the finished layer, add the yolk sugar and cream butter, the residue of cream and flour, the crushed cardamom or nutmeg, washed and dried raisins, finely chopped candies and almonds. Move the dough thoroughly and choose, leave to climb. Remember the dough again, place the shapes up to half of the volume in lubricated oil and sprayed with crushes. Give the test again to rise, put in the preheated oven and bake until readiness.

But the artist Elena Sparrow has long mastered the secrets of staining of Easter eggs. She shared with WomanHit.ru with their knowledge in this matter.

"For legend, after the resurrection of Christ, Maria Magdalene came running to the Palace of Emperor Tiberius and brought him an egg as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. The emperor, doubting, said that both the white egg does not become red, and the dead do not resurrect. The egg was red in the same moment, "said Sparrow. - Each family has their own ways to paint eggs. Most often, natural dyes are used: onion husks, strong tea, beet juice. Before staining the eggs, it is necessary to rinse thoroughly and degreased with soda or conventional dishwashing fluid. Before cooking, remove the eggs from the refrigerator and let them take room temperature.

Elena Sparrow told how the Easter eggs colors

Elena Sparrow told how the Easter eggs colors

The most common method of staining - Long husk . The more husks you put in a saucepan, the darker the shade will be able to get on the eggshell. The decoction of the onion husks is better to prepare in advance and insist 5-6 hours. Then bring it to a boil and omit the eggs there, pre-boiled in the salt solution. In the "Luke" water, the eggs are quite enough to slaughter for ten minutes.

If stocking Luce husk You will have a lilac coloring decoction.

To paint eggs in yellow, you can use turmeric . You need to slaughter a spice for about 5 minutes, let it brew for several hours, after which in the resulting water cook eggs until readiness. Two or three tablespoons of powder on a liter of water - approximately such a proportion is needed to paint the eggs turmeric. By changing the concentration of the solution, you can get shades from gentle yellow to a saturated golden.

Buckle nettle and spinach Gives a gentle herbal tint and deep gray-green.

Beck juice gives pink color Blue cabbage Coloring eggs in a blue shade. For the durability of staining to juice add vinegar.

Well, another unexpected way - staining Chernika . To obtain a blue-violet color, the shells of berries need to be splashing, pour boiling water and let it stand for a couple of hours. At the resulting mass already welded eggs, "the parodist concluded.

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