Alexandra Vlasova: "We got married, I was twenty-three"


Elegant, with long blond hair and huge eyes, Alexander Vlasova reminds Princess from Disney fairy tale. However, it is felt in it, a hard character. Otherwise, I could not cool to change my life, abandoning the career of a lawyer in favor of acting profession. Forces gave support for his beloved husband, the lead and Showman of Artem Khvorostukhin. And they met with such a mystical coincidence that they would involuntarily believe in fate. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

"Alexandra, you said that in my childhood there were a real kid, while I dreamed of becoming a ballerina. And how such contradictions got along in a person?

- In general, I have always been more interesting with boys. Friendly, could sometimes fight. We had a wonderful company - three boys and me. My girlfriends began to appear much later, in high school. And I dreamed of Ballerina in childhood. Then my Pope Military transferred to serve in Cyprus, where we lived two and a half years. There was one dancer who spent classes with me. Ballerina seemed to me with air, unearthly creatures and ballet itself - a very beautiful view of art. But alas, with dancing I was not enough for a long time. By the way, I also thought about the career of the actress, but it was a kind of dream of something inaccessible. It turned out to be listening to your heart: there are some signs that sends us providence, you need to recognize them on time.

- Still, what is more in you: Zador or Women's Grace?

- I think fifty-fifty. It gets around in us a lot of things, and with different people we can behave absolutely differently. With someone I am right rock-n-roll slaughter, but with my husband "girl girl". (Smiles.) By the way, Quarantine clearly demonstrated what, it turns out, I am a responsible mistress. I have been in the acting profession for four years, it has always worked a lot, passed from the project to the project, trying to combine it with the title of a good wife. And here, forcedly sitting at home, start and flowers to breed, and avocado on the balcony grown. I am preparing just non-stop. I can't imagine that with both my husband and I will not feed it with breakfast. (Smiles.) And I am not from those who are very relaxing in the home setting and allows themselves to walk in stretched workings. In my opinion, the girl should always be attractive. At the same time, I love sports style, there are sneakers and sweatshirts in my wardrobe, and my nose is punctured. (Laughs.) So I am multifaceted, and it's great.

Alexandra Vlasova:

"I am not some of those who relax in the home environment and allows themselves to walk in stretched workouts. The girl should always be attractive"

Photo: Alexandra Filimonova

- When did you first experience your female attractiveness?

- I probably began to realize it not so long ago. (Smiles.) Husband I ask: "And I like and nothing?" And he: "As if you didn't know about it!" And I lived myself, I did not count myself and beauty. I remember, for the first time, I felt attention to the guys, the boys were older than three or four years old, gave some gifts, flowers, but I didn't think about myself that straight beautiful, Princess. And I was always very slender. All told: "Sasha, you need to recover." Now I understand it is very cool that I have such a constitution, the camera adds a few keel. In the frame of anyone you look more fully than in fact. In addition, these comments on my appearance could be caused by banal envy. Girls also wanted to be tights, but did not work.

- How did you get into the model?

- According to the first formation, I am a lawyer, but by the end of the institute realized that this is absolutely not mine. And when she moved from the Queen to Moscow to the then still the future husband, began to be called, looking for. Worked in Event agency, sports marketing. Somehow I found these castings on the Internet, sent a photo. And I remember now that I sit at work in the office and I come an invitation to participate in McDonalds advertising. What to do? I lay down that I urgently need to see a doctor. I arrived - and immediately approved me. Two and a half years, I was tightly filmed in advertising.

- There were no internal limitations, what to advertise? I am sure you do not eat fast food.

- You're wrong. Sometimes I come to McDonalds and eat a huge Bigmak with great pleasure. And at the same time I do not feel any feeling of guilt towards myself. If you really want, you need to make a pleasant one. As for promotional contracts, perhaps, if I were offered to advertise condoms or a cream from hemorrhoids, I would refuse. But at that time, I did not have any questions to the content. There are many people who are satisfied with the work of the model and do not seek anything else. I also liked it, but I felt that my creative potential is much more, this is not the limit. And when Paul Brown arrived in Moscow, I went to two-week courses in the New York Film Academy. Paul I inspired me. He said that I would get to become an actress. Probably, from the outside, people notice something in you what you yourself do not yet see. Well, then already consciously, I entered the school drama Herman Sedakov.

- Has husband supported you in these searches yourself?

- Yes, thanks to Artyom. I remember when I was approved into advertising, he said: "You all just begins!" He believed in me and treated with understanding, even when I went to work with my head. And I did in the same way towards him when he left for long-range business trips. Fine when about his companion of life we ​​can say that this is also your closest friend. I really appreciate it in our relationship.

Alexandra Vlasova:

"We organized a party for friends, and I had my own hands decorated a wedding arch. Now I think: God, twenty-three years old, I was a completely child!"

Photo: Alexandra Filimonova

- Have you been together for a long time?

- We met nine years ago, and married seven. But they flew like an instant. Maybe we would not feel that in fact so long ago, if not quarantine. Still, our ability to create the dynamics of life, and here we were at home for almost five months. But we liked it. (Laughs.)

- Nine years - a long time, people change greatly, especially in young age.

"When we got married, I knew twenty-three, Artyom thirty one." Of course, we changed during this time, matured, but our relationship was only better, stronger. We are both well done! I read that the relationship is work, as if boring for someone it sounded. This work is to hear another person and be heard. In something to infringe on your ego, make a compromise. We have become more sensitive to each other. I am pleased when Artem admits that, coming to another city, notes some new things and thinks: how would Sasha responded? It is curious to look at the world with my eyes. And I, on the contrary, at some moments I take to armared his male look, more dry and unlimited. We bail each other.

- According to the current standards, you married very early ...

- Agree.

- It was a big love?

- Absolutely. We started to meet, and after a year and a half Artem made me an offer. I did not expect it, I thought: "What, all already?" (Laughs.) We have played a wedding, and since Artem often leads all kinds of events, we did not have a toasthe. (Laughs.) We simply organized a big party for friends, and I had my own hands with my hands a wedding arch. Now I think: God, twenty-three years old, I was a completely child! But it's great. Many after all, and surviving up to thirty, they cannot find their own person. I think this is fate.

- How did you meet?

- Oh, it was a wonderful story. There is one large company that conducts sporting events, one of them is Flugtag - Competition of amateur aircraft. From all over Russia, people send applications for the contest, build their cars, come up with rooms. I also participated, we had a team, and Artem led this event. If I were then told that this charming man would be my husband, I would have laughed. And soon after this contest, we got into an accident with each other. We were abruptly listed on the turn, two bumps were ours. Before the strike, I straightly felt the time slowed down. Fortunately, everyone remained alive, I finished my hand with a fracture. I arrived "ambulance", and the first thing I saw inside the car - the table "Today is the first day of your new life." I ask: "Why is such an inscription?" - "Well, did you survive? Consider today you have a new birthday. " And a few days after that, I sit with my hand in the cast, I read posts in social networks. And I bump into the photos from this flugtaga and the post of Artem, they say, well done girls! I decided to write your comment. He immediately reacted: "Well, finally, let's meet!" On October 18, we went to the first date - and everything was immediately clear, chemistry. (Laughs.) And the friends of Artem then they told me that two days before the fleece, he celebrated his birthday and guess the desire: to find true love. I laughed: I rode like that!

Alexandra Vlasova:

"Artem loved to work at night, wrote music. We bought the rack, blocked the room, and I fell asleep. The wipes were, but everything was solved"

Photo: Alexandra Filimonova

- Artem loves extreme. Worried for your beloved, try to restrain him somehow?

- We have something common: we both believe that if something very much I want, you need to try it. Artem adores motorcycles, surfing, I also got on the board, and it turned out well. But it is actually dangerous. Maybe the board will tip over, hit the face - and farewell then my shooting. So I became more careful. But he is a man, and loves Drive. I, of course, worry, do fine hints, but I do not forbid anything - I think it is wrong. The main thing is that he was happy.

- Have you had household wipes?

- When we started living together, Artem loved to work at night, wrote music. We bought the Ikeaevsky rack, blocked the room, and I fell asleep normally. Some wilts were, but everything was solved. Again, you can put in the course of female cunning. "Come on, you will fold your belongings in place, and I will stop leaving a dirty mug on the table." It is like an example. But to feel the life fully we were able only to quarantine. I think we perfectly spent this time. But many couples broke up, the actors including. Now I have a new project, there were shooting in Kaliningrad, Artem flew to Vladivostok to conduct an event, so we managed to miss each other.

- The husband is not jealous of you? Such a spectacular girl.

- It seems to me, jealousy is about self-confidence and confidence in the partner. My husband has no problem with no other. And here I am jealous, and periodically "covered" at the beginning of the relationship. I'm not used to the man for a week leaving for a business trip. But nothing, work on yourself helped - and now nine years as we are together.

"And he with a light heart let you go to shoot for a male magazine?"

- I was very pleased with his reaction. "Cool, while young, daring!" They looked at the time together, he admired: "What are you beautiful with me!" Artem Well done. Surely he has some kind of men's troubles, but he does not show it. I think it was hard for him when I went to Minsk for four months on the shooting of the series "Strong weak woman." But I tried to compensate for the separation and the first weekend flew to Moscow. A woman should be able to balance: find time and to work, and on her husband, and on friends. Then there was a breakdown in the direction of work, and it was not the easiest period in life, although Artem and here showed his best qualities, reacted with understanding. But since then I try not to abuse and most likely I do not agree to the role if there is a long cinexpedition. I think if your work is not going to leave you, and she will wait. There was now a similar story. And Artyom with the long-awaited vacation with Artem. And then I was approved into a good multi-metering project, to which casting was going for a long time. The condition was that shooting start immediately, and I should cancel the trip. And I refused, answered: the work comes and leaves, and the husband remains. I even had a shadow of doubt that did not arise in the correctness of the choice. And, apparently, I did the way, because literally in two days the producers called back: we will wait for you, rest.

- Soon you have a premiere of the series "Pythagore's theorem" on the channel "Russia" - you play a provincial girl. What do you think, why do you, Muscovite, not the first time offer the roles of provincial?

- Probably this is a question like. Still now the type movie. And I have a big eye, and the princess profile, and the voice is high. (Laughs.) I am still grateful to the director Stas Nazirov, who took the main role in his series "Nurse" - me, a girl who at the time behind the shoulders did not have big roles. But my nurse turned out to be character. (Smiles.)

- What do you think girls from the province differ from the metropolitan peers?

- I think, yes, - the ines of his own. They look at the world with other eyes, know how to admire, surprise. But I was born in the Moscow hospital, I do not think Muscovite. I grew up in the queen. Only this year began to notice Moscow, some beautiful buildings, parks. Before that, I perceived the capital as a place where I work. Maybe, after ten years I can call himself a Muscovite, just as I could not immediately say to myself: the actress, although the filmography was rather big. Recently, by the way, they spoke on this topic with friends, and someone said that the visitors just the career is better. They are asserted, persistent, understand, for which they arrived in this city, and achieve success.

Alexandra Vlasova:

"Forgive betray, because you love, and live together really. Another thing, whether you will be able to let go of the insult. I could not"

Photo: Alexandra Filimonova

- What was inspired in the work on the way of Alena?

- I understand that this story is associated with the mentality of the provincial, but for me it is, first of all, about love. This is more Mama Alena eats apartments, secured life. The girl herself was sincerely fell in love. And, probably, if her pregnancy had not happened, she would have completed these relationships. But in this triangle, when she waited for a child from his beloved man, of course, she dreamed that the man was with her. I think will never appear the third, if everything is fine in the relationship. It is necessary to be sensitive to each other, talk to no insincerity and false.

- Could you forgive betray?

- Such a difficult question ... I think it depends on the circumstances. Forgive, because you love, and live together really. Another thing is whether you can dismiss your insult inside. I guess I could not. Treason is a betrayal.

- What are the goals in work?

- I want me to have full meters, and red tracks. And everything will happen, I'm sure. While grateful to suggestions that come. Soon another interesting project will be launched - and I play there at all a pretty girl, which is very glad. I change the roles are changing, and it is very cool. Someday I will have everything I dream of. The main thing is to work, do not stop.

- How do you feel about secular events? You mentioned the red tracks.

- I have never walked. (Smiles.) In general, I have nothing against such events, it is always interesting to chat with colleagues. I am pleased to be on filmmakers. But there is no particular time for secular life. I had such a tight schedule to quarantine that I did not have time to celebrate the birthdays of friends and to the parents to go. My conscience was not calm about this.

- Since you have become an actress, the environment has changed?

- It expanded, more people from my sphere began to appear. But old friends, tested by time, remained with me. And it is valuable and important.

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