Elena Probleova: "Is it not happiness - to be necessary"


- One of your new works is the role in the play "Out of Love" on the work of the Kuhrin "Yama". What attracted you in this formulation?

- First, this is a classic. One of the favorite authors of Russian literature. I love Kuprin very much. Read it in his youth. Even then, the work of "pit" made a very strong impression on me. And I am very glad that in the modern world they turn to the classics. Especially such an unusual theater and an unusual statement in which several genres are combined. And choreography, and folk vocals, and dramatic art. It seems to me that it is a very interesting format, because, on the one hand, a huge action: there is for what to follow, what to admire what to see, on the other - there is an opportunity to plunge into the material that beats the feelings, real emotions, thoughts ... and then , I never played the roles of such a plan. Forever heroin beauties. And here I play a wretched, unhappy, painful woman who, I hope, by the end will still cause sympathy. This is a big deal - awaken in the auditor the opportunity to sympathize with even such people. In this and enclosed, probably the most huge love. Because good love easily. But to love and sympathize not very good people - this is the test. If the viewer will be able to experience these feelings in relation to my heroine, I will fulfill my supercount.

- What at the moment do you like more - theater or cinema?

- Of course, theater. This is a long-standing passion, love. Starting from seventeen years I have been working in the theater: in Moscow, twenty years old, then - in Anhydrous, now - in the theater Babkina. I love the theater very much, because this is a process. Cinema is still the work on the result. And you still have nothing to do with it. Especially now I do not have interesting offers in the cinema. Probably, my age female does not cause interest from directors. But, I think life does not erect. All ahead. (Laughs.)

Elena Probleova:

Elena Probleova in the movie "Mimino"

Frame from the movie "Mimino"

- Probably, the directors have not seen you for a long time. You look wonderful ...

- My age is not very interesting for research. More interested in, of course, young fates, passions, love, and everything else is more in demand. And thank God. This is a life-affirming moment that all young. I welcome it. Simply, like any actress, there is hope that once in the future will flash the role that will be meaningful for me and for the viewer, and for the director. So let's see. (Smiles.)

- Twenty years you served in Mkate. Why did you leave it in the early 90s?

- And I already do not remember what year. When Oleg Nikolaevich moved away from business. He was engaged in health. And I just became uninteresting in the theater.

- Maybe all the case in any backstage squabbles?

- It was untimely. And I am from those people who love to move forward, do not sit to wait for something quietly exist. Not. I spent the time perfectly. I built a country house, gave birth to another daughter, began to work in Antenpuriz. So I can not complain. (Laughs.) I think everything did everything right.

Elena Probleova:

Participation in the show "The Last Hero" was for Elena (ninth left) the test with which she perfectly coped

Photo: press service of OJSC "Channel One"

- At eleven years you have become a sports master in sports gymnastics. Never spare about the selected path? Did not reflect on the topic of what could happen in your life, go along the sports track?

- I treat those people who do not regret anything at all. I believe that any experience, even negative, is always a plus. If, of course, you know how to draw conclusions from this. And why regret it? I am a sufficiently successful actress. I have a lot of work, I am in demand, I love this profession, the audience loves me. Moreover, the fate of the athlete is most often tragic and healthy, and in demand. Therefore, everything is there as it is, and therefore perfectly.

- Sport helped you in life?

- Yes of course. I am now 64 years old, and I absolutely do not feel any problems with age or with health, nor with flexibility or endurance. Ugh-pah-pah, so as not to smooth. I think this is a very serious hardening, the habit of work. And she was very useful. We had round-the-clock rehearsals before the release of the performance "Out of Love", but I didn't get tired at all. This, of course, hardening sports.

- You are openly talking about your age, although many hide him.

- It all depends on the nature of the person. I know a lot of people who hide anything. Probably need to be proud of what you have. And I have something to be proud of. The most important thing is the shore of my health, I care about him.

- And how care?

- Healthy lifestyle, physical exertion. Swimming, charging, proper nutrition, life in the fresh air ... And the most important thing is a good mood. When every day you perceive like happiness. As a gift. All simple recipes. Well, the Lord God gave health good, thanks to my mother and dad. Creators ...

- Are you a believer?

- It depends on what you mean. If religious - no. And if the believer is yes, and very.

- Do not go to the temple?

- It happens sometimes I go. But I respect any temple, any faith.

- Once you were not afraid to participate in the show "The Last Hero". Many then wondered: why did you do it? ..

- It's not about the love of extreme - I am very shore my life. But this is love for knowledge of yourself. And the project gave me a chance (and I was then forty-five or fifty) to understand that I was in a beautiful form that I could compete with young. And most often - to defeat in competitions. It was not easy. But I love when hard. I like overcoming, knowing my strength and opportunities. They turn out to be practically limitless.

Elena Podlova was married three times. The most continuing turned out to be her third marriage. Andrei Trishin Elena married in 1985. Spouses lived together thirty years, but in 2015 Elena and Andrei diverged

Elena Podlova was married three times. The most continuing turned out to be her third marriage. Andrei Trishin Elena married in 1985. Spouses lived together thirty years, but in 2015 Elena and Andrei diverged

Photo: Personal Archive Elena Proclona

- At one time went to television. As decided, this is a completely different world.

"I've never been a TV host - and I was suggested to try." It began to get. Caused interest. Plus a good financial help, which is important. Therefore, for almost five years I worked with Gennady Petrovich Malakhov. Until now, I am asked why this program ended. So she was loved by the people. We helped ordinary people who had lack money on expensive doctors. I am proud of this. Is it not happiness - to be necessary? ..

- You touched the topic of money. Many are now confident that they decide everything ...

- They decide much. I do not think that all. Because if you are interested, you can work for free. But if you have a family, a house and responsibility, you must earn, keep everything. This is a serious moment in life. I love comfort. I love to update my house, deal with construction ... it inspires me.

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