Artem Tkachenko: "When I sit without work, I'm not the most pleasant person"


In films and TV shows, Artem Tkachenko reincarnates the heroes of a variety of eras and genres and, it seems, feels confident in any costume and makeup.

- Artem, you give the impression of a person confident. And as if created for the acting profession. Have you ever had doubts about choosing a life path?

- Yes, such moments occur when a pause occurs in work. It was - and suddenly she was not. And here it is just granting a demon of a doubt. You start to ask yourself a question: maybe it's all that it may not work with me nothing. But, fortunately, these doubts end sooner or later.

- Maybe such doubts need as an actor?

- Surely. Because when these doubts come, another analysis of itself begins in the profession, some roles and images. But still, it is some kind of self-seeding and self-confidence. Perhaps there is a benefit in this, but, of course, there are unpleasant moments. Besides, I am a pledge person. It is important for me that friends, family think about me.

- What are important character traits do you celebrate your partner, partners?

- For me, it is probably paramount to communicate and unbiased, open communication. When I feel in a man myself like. And I don't really like behavioral importance. When people feed themselves a little immediately on the throne. (Laughs.) I do not know how. And I think that I do not need it. But it is fabulously lucky with partners. And what I say is some particular cases.

- You somehow said that negative characters have to play more often. Like now?

- In two new projects, the North Star and "Kazanova", I play positive heroes. But in general, I like to play heroes that have a role amplitude as widely as possible. And I can use my acting palette from A to Z. That's how I was lucky with the role of Casanov. Because the hero is diametrically changing throughout the series. And this, of course, happiness. Therefore, I like to play different.

Artem did not immediately find his family happiness and at the moment is in the third marriage. It so happened that all his wives are actresses. The first spouse Artem was Ravzhana Kurkova

Artem did not immediately find his family happiness and at the moment is in the third marriage. It so happened that all his wives are actresses. The first spouse Artem was Ravzhana Kurkova

Gennady Avramenko

- What role is theater now in your life?

- Now I have two performances. One for the sensational novel Dmitry Glukhovsky "Text" in the theater of Oleg Menshikov. He set him Maxim Didenko. And recently, we had an entrepreneur "Secrets of royal cuisine" on the play "Hamlet in acute sauce". This is a diametrically opposite story. She was about what happened in the royal cuisine when the events of the Shakespeare's work known we are unfolded. What is called for the audience who want to come to the theater as in a movie for some entertainment film.

- What is unacceptable for you?

"Well, since I still don't have a pornakter, then I have no other taboo in the movies." (Laughs.)

- It so happened that the actresses surround you not only at work, but also at home. You were married to the Ravzane Kurkova and Evgenia Katureovitsky, now on Catherine Stem. It is important for you that two creative people live happily and in complete mutual understanding?

- Oh, it seems to me that this is all individually. But the main thing is mutual respect, then everything will come out, probably. Because mutual extension is associated with comfort in relationships and trust. And about the profession - well, of course, it is necessary that people feel in their profession in demand so that there are no behavior of professional jealousy.

- between you such moments arose?

- Probably not. But when I, for example, sit for several months without work (and such events regularly occur in my life), I am not the most pleasant person. I am in some extent a whitewash. And I start talking to my wife: "Oh, how great that you now have a performance that you do. Eh. This sometimes happens, of course. (Laughs.)

In marriage with Evgenia, the actor became a father. And the third wife of Ekaterina Stboard (in the photo) gave Artem of the second son

In marriage with Evgenia, the actor became a father. And the third wife of Ekaterina Stboard (in the photo) gave Artem of the second son

Gennady Avramenko

- Houses work discussed?

- Yes of course. Sometimes I ask Katya: "Read, please me a script. It is important for me to know what you think about this role. Or in general about this scenario. " Also to me and Katya drawn. We are important than each other's opinions. To me, together with it, write samples and disassemble the material.

- You have two sons who were born in different marriages. Are there any differences in their upbringing?

- Different approaches? I can not say that they exist. Just Stepan lives directly with me, and I spend more time. Tikhon, I take on the weekend, I drive into the garden, in general, it is not always with me, so I try to pay attention to him as much as possible at these moments. I love my sons and think this is the main thing that they should understand and feel.

- Do you have free time?

- Now it is not at all, so the children rest in different parts of the earth, on different seas. Stepan with Katya now in Thailand, and Tikhon with a grandmother in Kaliningrad.

- How do you like to relax?

- I'm a cosmopolitan. I am very comfortable in different places. I am constantly moving. But if we are talking about where I feel really one hundred percent calmly and in a day, for two I can reboot, then this is undoubtedly Kaliningrad. Native city.

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