Postpartum depression: how to help young mom cope with her


Aggressiveness, lack of energy, feeling that you do not need anyone - about such feelings provokes in young mothers to restructure the hormonal background after childbirth. During this period, it is important that close people do not disappear from an objectively existing problem, and helped to solve it joint efforts. More information about effective methods of deliverance - in this material.

Do not write off

It's a shame when the girlfriends do not name you or in the movies, because you recently gave birth to a child. Do not decide for a loved one, whether it is convenient for him to join the company or he wants to spend time with his family. Just suggest to visit or themselves more often go to tea - there will always be to discuss with my girlfriend. Young mother I never need your attention and friendly shoulder - to support the support that she, believe, will never forget.

Do not leave mom one

Do not leave mom one

Give the radio nanny

It is clear that you can not often sit with the baby and help this close man. But it is quite possible to make a useful gift - buy a radio nanny, which will allow young parents to sleep peacefully. Sleep is important to maintain the stock of energy, stable psyche and hormonal background. Remind a recent girlfriend that she needs to rest more and do not forget about himself in hobbies by maternity.

Decide to the psychologist

Sometimes it is difficult to determine how deep in man "sits" the problem. Specialists just come to the rescue in such situations - a psychologist during the primary session will understand, in what state is the mental health of your loved one. Classes with a psychologist will help the young mother to understand what exactly bothers it. Realizing the problem and understanding its scale, it will be easier to choose the method of "treatment" - painting, music or spiritual conversations will cure better antidepressants.

Friends will help to survive depression

Friends will help to survive depression

Ask for others

Not always close people understand that motherhood is the same job as 8 to 5 in the office. Help your girlfriend as far as possible - play with a child at a party, offer to ride a carriage in the nearest park or take it into the water park. Explain to relatives of young parents, that even 15 minutes of classes with a child generally will make up hours of free time. Their itself can spend on rest with girlfriends, hike to a beautician or self-development - reading books, passage of courses or leaving driving.

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