How do star children earn?


Ariadna Volochkova

- Anastasia, your daughter is seven years old, and she already performs at large and serious concerts ...

- Arisha is already seven and a half. (Laughs.) I can say that she is a busy person from early childhood. A daughter from three and a half years, that is, for 4 years, is the soloist of the Children's Music Theater "Domisolka". She was still engaged in Alla Dukhova, was the pupil of my children's creative center. Now Arisha goes to the studio of the producer center Yana Rudkovskaya - in general, she has an extensive creative life. In all my concerts that pass in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Moscow region, it is always involved. And I, naturally, is very glad to this. And on my charitable concert in Moscow, dedicated to the Day of Protection of Children, Arisha sang a song "Dear Good". And the final song "Quakvafonia", which Lubash wrote, Arisha performed with me and choir from a hundred children.

- Daughter is worried about the performance?

- It seems to me that she does not worry at all. Or - a little bit. When she goes on stage or podium, then forgets everything; she comes to life and very rejoices what is happening

- Arisha like a scene or podium more?

- She likes to speak more about the stage, because she loves to sing. But she is very versatile man - all in me. I also like completely different directions: both dances, and singing, and horses, and sports.

- My daughter did not say who wants to become when he grows?

- said he wants to be an artist. (Laughs.)

- This year Ariadna graduated from the first class. What are the success of a schoolgirl?

- There are no marks from first-graders, but as a teacher said to me, he graduated from Arisha to "excellent" - they have called "with red".

- Where is your daughter resting?

First, they and Mom are leaving for Cyprus, then into the chic hotel in Turkey. And in August there has not yet decided - invent.

Michael Zavorotnyuk

Age: 12 years.

Parents: Actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and businessman Dmitry Trekov.

Work: In the spring of last year, the premiere of the film "Moms" took place, in one of the novel of which was played by the Ten-year-old son Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. To get a role, Michael had to be the rest of the guys, to pass the casting. During the competition, the boy read the poem. And he did it so inspiration that he was immediately approved for the role of a schoolboy who lives with his father and dreams of finding a good mother. His grandmother drove to Michael's playground, although Zavorotnyuk herself also starred in this picture.

Actress Tatyana Abramova with Son Ivan Kulishenko. Photo: Boris Kremer.

Actress Tatyana Abramova with Son Ivan Kulishenko. Photo: Boris Kremer.

Ivan Kulishenko

Age: 9 years.

Parents: Actress Tatyana Abramova, Operator Sergey Kulishenko.

Work: on the set Vanya appeared when he was only 25 days from the genus. Just started shooting the second part of the series "Always say" always ", with whom his mother, actress Tatyana Abramova, became famous for the whole country. Up to three months, the newborn spent on the set almost 12 hours a day. All this time, he slept under the supervision of a nanny, or "kouching" mom, or appeared for several minutes in the frame. For a year and a half, he went to the expedition to Thailand, where the continuation of the series was shot. To his 9 years, the boy managed to work in several pictures. According to his mother, the Son has long earned the amount they paid for childbirth.

Nikita Polikamimo

Age: 11 years.

Parents: Actress Olga Lysak and actor Mikhail Polikamaco.

Work: Nikita has been engaged in the Center for Aesthetic Education from three years. And in two years, played in the TV series "desired." He became the most young theater director, putting a play "Spider and Firefly" at nine years, which was held in the special program of the Gavros festival. For half of two years, the boy played in the Broadway Musical Musicle "Beauty and the Beast." He played in the play of the ram and theater. Doc, he managed to play in Valeria Gai Germanic in the series "School" and "Short course of happy life."

Maria Mikhalkov-Konchalovskaya

Age: 13 years.

Parents: Actress Julia Vysotskaya and director Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky.

Work: Masha turned 8 years old when she first came to the shooting platform. She trusted a big role - to play the main character of the sensational film "Glyanets" in childhood. Marus had to portray his own mother, and even obey the team of the Father. But the girl coped with the role, which her parents were very happy.

Catherine and Alexander Strizhenov and Sasha's daughter. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Catherine and Alexander Strizhenov and Sasha's daughter. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Alexandra Strizhenova

Age: 12 years.

Parents: TV presenter Ekaterina Strizhenova and director Alexander Strizhenov.

Work: At seven years, Sasha Dad took with him to the set, and so her film was held in the comedy "Love-Carrot". Then there were "Yulia" and "Everyone's War". But the present recognition of the girl's talent came after she was invited to one medical show to tell about contact lenses. An eleven-year-old Sasha fascinated the authors of the program that they decided to engage her as a leading in the animal show. And then she was still invited to the musical "sounds of music". Interestingly, at the premiere of Sasha's play, I liked the performance that she firmly promised to parents: when he grows up - it will definitely play in this musical. And after a while, a miracle happened: the girl was invited to distribting, and she passed it.

Renata Litvinova with a daughter Ulyana. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Renata Litvinova with a daughter Ulyana. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Ulyana Dobrovskaya

Age: 12 years.

Parents: Actress Renat Litvinova and businessman Leonid Dobrovsky.

Work: In 2009, the premiere of the tragicomedy "Merchant" took place, the episodic role in which Ulyana Dobrovskaya was played. In the plot she played the daughter of the heroine Ingeborgi Dapkunay. And a year later, a nine-year-old girl first came to the podium in the show of the debut fur collection of her mother. All models were dressed as a movie heroines of the 30-40s. According to Ulyana, she rehearsed a lot with her mother, but still before the exit was very worried. Adult models helped her with the forces.

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