Alexander Yatsenko: "Apathy Stage is replaced by aggressive bounce"


Alexander Yatsenko today on the crest of success. And critics, and directors, and colleagues enthusiastically respond about the works of the actor and call him a genius. And he really is probably a genius - because there is a little bit from this world. With him and easy and difficult. It is difficult - because it is unpredictable, and easily - because the warm and sincere, not shy even his tears and is not afraid to admit to the vices.

- Happy, you can congratulate you with the "majority" - you are forty years old. Something inside drown?

- A little bit. Sometimes there is a feeling that I am older, Starper. (Laughs.) I think: "Eh, before everything was easier, easier." I don't feel at forty myself, but I can imagine what it is in books. In general, I really miss childhood. I understand that now it's not all I can afford, because I am a father, a husband, I have any obligations. But I still do not think that a good life is over, everything continues, I just no longer a kid. (Smiles.)

- Maybe it's just a middle-aged crisis?

- Probably, it is. At some point everything is so characterized so much that you think: "Why is it all at all?!", And Melancholy comes, I can not do anything to do anything. Moreover, it passes in me in different stages, from apathetic lying to an aggressive ripple with a hard way out. (Smiles.) I am ashamed for my behavior, but it happens.

- How does the wife of Marusya applies to this?

"The wife, of course, is worried, but somehow I" let go, "thinks that I myself will deal with me.

- Does not give you at all?

- Well, how does not prescribe? We quarrel, solve these problems. Most likely, I'm wrong, but when I have such an internal condition, it is difficult for me to cope with him. Marusya is a wise, she can at this time a little bit away, wait. At some point, I still get sad and lonely, and I understand that I'm not looking for an exit. And usually all this happens not triumphantly (smiles), with a droop, I return home. On the other hand, if Marusya sees that I fall into the depressed or too melancholic fortune, where I feel absolutely comfortable, she knows how to extract me, it is agitated for that I am grateful.

Marusya by education advertiser, but understands creative husband with half

Marusya by education advertiser, but understands creative husband with half

Gennady Avramenko

- And who by profession Marusya?

- She is advertised by education. But from the moment we met, Marusya was already not engaged. She is a talented artist.

- And attacks from normal life usually occur in pauses between work?

- Yes, it happens just from the lack of work. When I have a life plan for a period (laughs), it stabilizes. This year I rested, visited India. In total, lived there for two months. But at that time I had an incomprehensible situation with work, I twitched: I need to come to Moscow, that is not. As a result, when he arrived, it turned out that the shooting was canceled, and I returned back.

- Singing alone in India?

"No, there I was with my wife and a child, another mother-in-law arrived and brother. But here I did not know what to do, because I was going to remove, but as a result there was nothing to do. And I could not leave, because the tickets must be ordered in advance. Here I have such a fortune. And at that time tragic events still occurred. The Pope had a third stroke, and I went to him in Volgograd. My sister and I spent two weeks in the hospital. Then the dad was discharged, I went to Moscow, began to shoot, and the fourth of April he died at home. After the death of Mom, he missed himself. At some point in the hospital, I told him, hugging: "Daja, hold on!", And he grabbed me by his hand, moved to the ear and said: "Yes, I don't want" - with an emphasis on the first syllable. For some reason, at the end of life, he began to talk like a grandmother with her grandfather with Kuban Cossack talk.

- despite the fact that you are with my sister, grandchildren, it still did not hold it ...

- Yes, I have two beautiful nephews, and a niece, and gods, but it did not save it. Last summer, Marusin Dad was gone, having time to do Miroslava, and mine was just three days with him when we came to Volgograd. The kid came, and two men left. Strange all this ... It's good that I have a sister, she took a lot on yourself. We were organized together and the funeral and commemoration. You become another other, because you can not say "Dad", "Mom".

Myroslav's son has two and a half years

Myroslav's son has two and a half years

Photo: Personal archive of Alexander Yatsenko

- It is very sad and hard. But you yourself have a father for almost two and a half years. I think it still helps to transfer such scary losses.

- Yes, Miroslav has been two and a half years. He is amazing. I see that every day he discovers something new. And for me, an incredible pleasure to observe how he is busy, as he reacts to some simple things. By the way, I am "Lark", and before, when I woke up at five to six in the morning, I did not know how to take myself. Sometimes just looked at the ceiling. And now it all happened. Miroslav also wakes up at this time, and we, while mom sleeps, spend time spending time - we play, we communicate. He likes to check: whether everything is at home. In general, we immediately begin very active life. And I like it, I'm not tired of this, but on the contrary, thanks to my son I feel a tide. We did not immediately contact the contact. When he was quite small, I could not calm it, he cried in my arms and asked for mom. And I confess, worried about it. (Smiles.)

- Miroslav is already talking?

- Almost not. He says "Mom", but "dad" rarely. Moreover, when he is very asked to say "dad", they put pressure on him, he will not say anything.

- All in dad, it means ...

- Maybe yes. But this, I think well.

- You often go along with him, even at long journey. Risky people ...

- Yes, and it's great! What is afraid? Now we all went to Sakhalin, at the film festival. And it was beautiful!

- By the way, "arrhythmia" and there received prizes, and you were named the best actor. It is a pity that dad did not see this. But it's good that parents still managed to catch your progress ...

- Yes, Mom was very happy for me. She was present at each premiere. Bori Khlebnikov, we celebrated or "hat", whether it was a banquet after the end of the filming of the picture, and Mom was present there, and was just happy. She all spoke to good toasts about me: and Boria, and Prikun, and Zhenya Smirnov, and Pasha Derevko. She then told me that he felt just like in a dream.

Popularity came to the actor after the picture "I don't hurt"

Popularity came to the actor after the picture "I don't hurt"

- And who of the parents are more like more and who was closer with whom?

- My dad, I somehow did not speak almost, he was very silent all his life. As a son, I have extended more with my mother. She opened poems to me and poems. She had a lot of poems in his notebook, a beautiful handwriting. At home, it seems to me, I read only with her. Collected waste paper and then bought books on the coupons. True, at first I got to the suitcases, where the magazines "around the world" were lying for many years. Then I was discharged to me "Young Technique", "Young Naturalist", "Pioneer Truth". And dad read only newspapers, more often sports. And we had the hardest struggle when the dad on TV was football. At this time it was impossible to watch anything else. I look like my mother even by the fact that I don't really know how to save. Funny, but I, like she, everywhere turn on the light. Mom - Economist by education, loved to burn light throughout the apartment, and dad went after her rooms, turned off and sentenced: "What don't you save, economist!" (Laughs.) I have an analytical mind and intuition, and from Pope - some kind of foolishness, recklessness, pretty trouble, he is so ... Pirate. Pope was captain, walked on different tractors, the last ten years on passenger ships. I remember how the whole family swam from Volgograd to Astrakhan, it was a happy time. I wanted to meet someone on the ship, but was in a slightly incomprehensible age category, the elders have already separated a little, and I was not interested in the trifle. I remember that even suffered (laughs), contemplating everything alone. I am shy, although this will not say, probably. So come and say: "Hello, I'm Sasha, let's be friends!" The Spirit was missing for me. When you already charm something, then it's easier to do it.

- And when did you feel the first success that could charm someone?

- In the school theater studio, or rather, in the club of high school students. I played a major role - Pinocchio and then realized that half of schoolchildren looks at me differently. Then I felt something similar when I played in the center of drama and director, Mikhail Pokrasi in the play "Not about the said". He went seven years old. There was a wonderful atmosphere - light and serious at the same time. Then I met Mindaugas Carbauskis. And he also conquered me. It seemed to me that these two people look like their energy and approach to business. I learned a lot about the profession and learned from Mindaugas. He played in his play "Tabakerki" "Story about happy Moscow". But then, it happened, left the theater. Theater is a completely separate story. Probably, it must be earned.

- Did you relate to the movies?

- I loved the movie and tried to spend time from the TV. Thank God, my parents did not jurille. Many films watched a thousand times. And in the tenth grade, I immediately dragged me at a club of high school students who were led by Larisa Anatolyevna, Larisa, who then became the wife of my classmate Sasha Fedotov. We had a very interesting class. We were going after school, they prepared holidays and cabbagers, and later the performances were put. And I unexpectedly got involved in this, I was interested ... the twist. And then I tried to enter the studio at the experimental theater and did not pass, because then was not ready at all.

- were afraid?

- Highly! I remember that I drank a few pills Valerian, thought I would help me. I went to the theater Sasha Fedotov, he waited for me, I trembled, Valerian did not help at all. I read, probably terrible, and I immediately dropped me. And then I entered Tambov.

Alexander Yatsenko:

The film "Arrhythmia" has already collected several awards

- Pedified Tambov? In Moscow or Peter did not take risks?

- There was a good. I didn't call everything, but I didn't even think about Moscow and St. Petersburg, I could not imagine what was possible. Or was afraid. In general, I was looking for something closer to Volgograd. Tambov was five hundred kilometers, half of the distance from Volgograd to Moscow. Mom with dad supported me, said: "Of course, try!" Mom helped leave, her girlfriends worked on the Volgograd bus station. For some reason, she cried when I was already sitting on the bus, and I was so uncomfortable! She tried to hide it, but as a result, I cried even stronger. I felt all this through the glass ... I then knew very little about the theater. I remember how the first time was played by Diogen, and Natalia Vitalevna, my teacher, said: "Oh, you, well, who kisses so much?!", Then I went to the stage and continued: "What are you looking at the scene? Kiss Me!" I stood in complete stupor. In general, the first course was filled with emotionally. In general, then the mass of personal events was happening, I was expressed. I remember how once we returned to the hostel and discovered our friend, who decided to reduce the scores with life and cut themselves. And we saved him. In the first year, battles with local were constantly happening. This is also a serious school.

- But as a result, you entered the directorial faculty, and released a teacher ...

- Yes, first it was the Institute of Culture, for the second year he was united with the Peden Institute, and he became Tambov State University named after Derzhavin, which was not very good for creative universities. At some point, I felt that it seemed to study, and in the end my diploma was nic. I was not released by the director, but a teacher, the head of the artistic team. And it was plunged into a depressive state. What to do? Go to the Lunacharsky Theater in Tambov or return to Volgograd and get it there? And then people appeared who said: "Sanya, you need to act in Moscow."

- What kind of people?

- For the fifth year of study in Tambov, Mark Zakharov, where Olesya Zheleznyak, Frolov, Dima Dyuzhev studied, came there. Dima was then an unknown, but already a very cool actor. I saw their performance "Morning Bride", where he experienced a shock. It was an oxygen splash, and our course decided to organize a meeting with them. We brought pickles, boiled potatoes, the moonshine got somewhere. And when the guys came to us, they were staggered from our illness, and we began to show them the cabbage. And here they asked me: "What are you going to do next?" I replied: "I do not know." They said: "Come, we are issued this year, Zakharov is gaining a course." Probably then they threw this grain into me. Then my friend returned from Moscow, a very interesting actor Igor Mozities. We drank in our kitchen, and he also said that you need to try.

Alexander Yatsenko:

In the series "Catherine", Peter III is playing Yatsenko

- You passed all the tours in Gitis at Zakharov, and then at the competition you suddenly throw off ...

- Yes, and it was also a good push. At first I threw me into some reason, and then pushed like a lifebuoy. And I was offered to go with the solo luster. All the first month I felt such a charge of electricity that, it seemed to me, everything is possible. I also had two beautiful girlfriends, I read them poems and was in love with one of them, in Maya ... and September was sluggish and ill, so I drank out on the street. Romantic time!

- And the hostels did not give you then?

- No, I was a free listener. The hostel was given to me only in December. At the end of September, Viktor Shamirov approached me and, without any emotion, said: "Yatsenko, go to the dean." But I felt that it was good. And at first I could not have done anything, I felt the chute, but I could not understand what to do. Thank God that at some point I began to move in the right direction, Zakharov began to celebrate me, and I exhaled.

- I know that Zakharov liked your etudes, but he advised you to contact psychoanalyst ...

- Yes! He always spoke with a very significant face And once asked me: "Alexander, how are you in the father?", I replied: "Viktorovich". "Alexander Viktorovich, you need to refer to psychoanalyst." - "Yes?!" And he said so seriously: "Yes. Ask him pills, and then in all respects it will go crazy soon. " And he is right, because the small demon is always near.

- Almost at the very end of study you were expelled from the Institute. How did you experience it?

- Again, thanks to Zakharov for the fact that he is so decisive, took and expelled without conversations. I could not resist and came up with the teacher. I really respect Zakharov for this act. It seems to me that he helped me so much. Periodically I flirt. Once on the shooting shot in the temple by idle cartridge. I saved me that some kind of miracle costumes put on me a stupid helmet, which I did not really like it, but I came up with him. And now this helmet is lying. It is stored as a reminder. Everything was very serious, the more I got into the temple area. It seems to me that I slowed down. For this second I saw, as all, especially the instructor-gunsmith, whom I thought. If I shot my head, he would be in prison.

- Yeah! You need to try on the edge of the knife less, while remaining a boy.

- Yes, it is necessary to keep it all in the cord. I have something happens on each project. I come across directors who require some dedication from me.

- And Boris Khlebnikov, your friend, is also not afraid of you?

- Boria too. He, of course, will not throw me into the fire. But for him, I myself am ready for everything. To me often fit and say: "Sanya, and what is your agent not? The same Caskaster should do. For example, Sergey Ursulaka at the "quiet don" pyrotechnic gave instructing: "San, you will ride a horse. You throw a torch - stay away from it. As soon as he flies into the window, we are a bang. Your task is not to fall from the horse. " And you think: "Or maybe, however, call the agent?" (Smiles.) But at some point you do a double, everything turns out and say: "God, thank you." If there was a cascade, I would have to cut the frame. And it turned out very beautiful. But in "Quiet Done", we all periodically jumped into the water, then in the turn two-meter in winter. Seryozha is beautiful, but he loves selfless actors.

Alexander Yatsenko:

And in the psychological drama "insight" he has the role of a blind

- It is also necessary, and I have a feeling that you are an actor psychological plan, and that your roles, though they require a heavy nervous return, but not so risky for life.

- Such psychological roles, like Sasha Kotta in "Insay", is also joy. We are facets (Agrip Pina Steklov. - approx. Auth.) Worked almost in the genre of the pantomime, were a little clowns. They praised me on the samples, I said that I don't know how to play blind, and Sasha told me: "Calm down, you have a blind look." But the hero in the "arrhythmia" a lot from me, it was easy to play.

- And what's in the hero from you?

- It seems to me that it is not worth opening it. When we were already sitting, pleased with themselves and the process, they talked, then I said: "Boris, as well, that you took me, I'm so glad that you are not so old." The fact is that according to the scenario, the hero is twenty-six years old. And Borya looked at me so much and said: "San, I'm sorry for me, in fact, it's all under you and wrote. But for some reason then there was another age, and we tried everyone. "

- Are you so intuitive in the choice of work or is it luck, what do you have all the projects very interesting and successful?

- Honestly I can say that everything itself chooses, it is so folds. It happened, of course, that I myself chose, but most often it was unsuccessful. I was waiting for three years, and then refused me. So swim through the flow of the river, sometimes somewhere approaching.

- Yes, and in general, you saved something in my life all the time, I came across good and interesting people ...

- Yes, I guess I have some strong guardian angels, because otherwise I would never get out of many situations. My wife calls me lucky. It is believed that everything is easily given to me that I do not admit strength. But in fact, the path that is already behind, passed with tremendous efforts, right up to the battles for friends, for whom only me was imputed.

- After all, Boris Khlebnikov also arose by chance?

- Boria is a completely separate story. He appeared and became not something else, but a kind of reference for me. I am equal to him. It seems to me that he is surprisingly consistent with my idea of ​​a person. I have such people a little. But they are: Zhenya Tkachuk, Sasha Pal, Rinal Mughametov. These are my friends. And the wife used, so I saw him the other day and understood, so in love with him. I look at him and see that he is an amazing actor, inconspicuous, but from him such joy goes as if an extra lamp turned on. You feel - this is a fool came. Yes, and Rinal, and Sasha Pal, and Zhenya Tkachuk - also with lanterns. Maybe I did not mention someone, but sometimes there are such. It is a pity that it does not always have enough time to communicate. And in general, I believe in people who believe in a fairy tale.

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