Dmitry Dyuzhev: "During filming, we lived in the mountains, the wolves were tired at night."


The actor presented at the festival a competitive picture "Ivan Son Amir" - the debut director Maxim Panfilov, the brother of the famous film director Gleb Panfilov. In this film, Duzhev is presented in the role of the Black Sea Fleet Lieutenant. His wife played the Polish actress Carolina Pear - the spouse of the Russian director Ivan Vyrypayev. Her heroine during the Great Patriotic War is sent with two children in evacuation to Tashkent. But it turns out in the village, where the third wife of Uzbek becomes the third wife, gives birth from him. She is sure that her Russian husband died, and then it turns out that he is alive. Passion will be played out as in Indian cinema.

- Dmitry, you have a very small role. Did you immediately agree to her?

- Somehow we met in the studio corridor with Maxim Panfilov, and he told me: "We write a script where you have a role for you." I was delighted. Any actor would be happy, having heard such words. When I read the script, I was very surprised, because Ivan's story turned out to be brief, stacked in a couple of pages. He appeared, took his wife and leaving. Naturally, the question arose: "So what do you write to me? Why do I need you at all? " I even wanted to give up the role. But with Maxim began to meet, talk, and gradually something had fallen. In the end, I was so interested in the material that I began to be filmed in half.

- How did you feel in Uzbekistan during filming?

- We lived in the mountains, the wolves were taken there at night. This was something atmospheric-tense. How terrible was so terrible.

Hearing these stories, Maxim Panfilov was surprised and said to Dmitry: "Well, what are you writing? People lish you and think God knows what. What wolves? ". With cinematographers do not get bored.

Svetlana Khokhryakov

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