Maria Mettleskaya: "The main thing is a family, and it is not discussed"


Maria, most often called you a female author. How do you feel about dividing literature on male and female?

It seems to me that this division is natural - there is, of course, the books of extrender, but melodramas read mostly women, and militants are men. Although each rule has exceptions. I am writing about women and for women, but I know that men read me too. And how! And then they say that after my books, they are clear to them, they better understand the female soul. It turns out, not in vain read.

Your heroines are smart, strong women, but they find themselves in care for loved ones, in a traditional family. Now in the books are increasingly reflected by the topic of feminism, Child-Free, career and enjoying their own lives. How close to you is the worldview?

I am from the generation of the 50s, when there were traditions, including family. Wife and mother - the main purpose of the woman. I walk all my life, I care, I support my loved ones. Live for yourself? What is it like? To be honest, I do not understand! What is the pleasure there? There are joys, pleasures, a minute of rest, but live in order to enjoy ... Probably, it is possible, but it is definitely not for me.

Now this time is that women make a career, and often much more successful than men. But it should not be "instead." Instead of family and children. My choice is unequivocal.

The new collection is called the "Parking of the train just a minute." Is it just a phrase hinting on the road topic, or is there something important, symbolic for you or your heroin?

I'm here at all. My heroines live on this field. Here for them it is definitely symbolic. One minute could solve your life. Change, turn to the other side. And not by the will of fate, but in your own will. This is called decision making. And the process is usually very difficult.

In your novels, often the open finale - the heroine makes a decision, but we do not know how it will affect her further life. Will you return to the characters who have already written?

It is unlikely that it was still not. I usually come up with new stories and new heroines ... And God forbid that it is longer. In general, this is: I am writing a book, I send it to the publishing house and is leaving for a new swimming. And the heroine of past books leave in the past.

Maria Mettleskaya:

"Wife and mother - the main purpose of the woman"

To identify the author with the heroes in vain work, but maybe someone from the characters you close? Which of them goes as you did in similar situations - at the crossroads, in conflicts, on the threshold of fateful solutions?

Oh, there are many such! Much coincides, much is consonant of me. In each book there is me, my attitude to life, but this does not mean that I identify myself with heroines. And the people are close to me are faithful and devotees who are not able to betray and substitute, ready to divide someone else's pain, come to the rescue. And I think that here I am not original.

Some authors write to change a little a reality around themselves - to bloom it, improving, to achieve at least the victory paper is only good over everything bad. Why does Maria Metlitskaya writes?

What for? An interesting question ... This is my profession, my craft that I am infinitely expensive and which often deprives me of sleep and peace. But nevertheless, I don't want to part with him.

Maria Mettleskaya:

"The main thing is family, and it is not discussed"

It is impossible to achieve victory all the good, as to change the world with the help of books. But if someone someday at least once thinks and does not make meanness, it will not hurt and come to the rescue, it means that the writing craft is not in vain. The writer must, must be a humanist! This is my solid belief.

What place in your life is the family? What in priority is a favorite business or care about loved ones?

Of course, the main thing is a family, and this is not discussed. I am primarily mom, grandmother, wife and daughter. And believe me, worries and problems with me above the roof. I'm not easy, I am responsible for a lot. But, as they say, everything is given bye. So, it was so resolved at the top. And in general, I do not pour.

Family, relationship is this job?

Of course, work, and the work is complex, painstaking, daily and very ungrateful. Control of emotions, patience and patience, the desire to understand another person. Sometimes close to something eyes. And sometimes just forgive.

Woman, if he wants, can unscrew everything in his own way, and a generous man will close his eyes.

In the family, someone should be the main one or are you for parity? Are there any female and men's roles?

There are roles, but in every family everything develops in different ways - such times. Men gladly gave way to a woman, and the woman took them. And where rights, there are responsibilities. In general, they took - dare! I'm for parity, definitely. In my family, everything difficult, global issues are solved together, does not happen that I do not share something important with my husband. But household, minor problems I can solve myself. But, as a rule, we all discuss. Sometimes we argue, and I win. Woman, if he wants, can unscrew everything in his own way, and a generous man will close his eyes.

In Israel, security measures are again strengthened. How did you meet the second period of Lokdanun? Some skills acquired in the past were useful?

Just now we have relaxation: beaches and shops are open, hotels are opened. Cafes and restaurants are closed - only takeaway. But this is not the worst thing. I am a homemade man, I work at home, and in this sense it is not very difficult for me. But the lack of a full vacation, with a shift of the picture, we carry it hard.

From the changes that I had to face during self-insulation, which was the hardest, and what was useful and got involved?

The most difficult was not to see the son and grandson. But the person adapts to everything.

Different from Russia do you adhere to family traditions that appeared in the homeland?

Well, of course! Do we really change our traditions in our elderly years? So you cook the same food, we celebrate the same holidays, I dress up on the New Year. We are late to change the habits, and not exactly necessary.

Another spring one of the most discussed topics was a growing number of divorces - on quarantine, people were forced to be constantly nearby, and the relationship did not endure the tests. How do you feel about this phenomenon - as a writer, as a woman with great experience of family life?

This is a difficult time, very complex. People are accustomed to scatter in the morning, relax from each other. And then everyone turned out to be together, and even in a closed space, and problems appeared. Someone could cope with them, someone thought about her marriage. Heavy test what to say! It would be overwhelmed as soon as they could all be able to relax from each other, at least for a couple of hours. It's necessary. Relax and have fun to miss each other!

In the books you often affect the iconic events of the recent past. Will reflection in future novels and novels saturated with events 2020?

While it is necessary to survive this terrible year and get out with minimal losses. Save relationships and health. Be merciful and patient to each other. Who knows ... It is quite possible, I will write something about this troubled time, I do not exclude. But so far I did not think about it.

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