Individual style: What do you want to say others?


Hello, cute Womanhit readers!

This week we started talking to you about what the difference between blind copying image patterns and the construction of your own style. So we figured out what to do should not. Now let's try to understand what you need to pay attention to, working on your image yourself or with the help of a professional. What makes each other image, and then - style and, finally, the image?

The first thing that comes to mind is obvious external manifestations: clothes, hairstyle, makeup, accessories. Of course, without this we can not do. But before picking a palette and wardrobe, you need to ask yourself: "What do I want to tell others around my appearance?", "What changes in life I want to achieve," "Why do I need this look?" The more similar questions, the more honest answers, the easier it will be next.

The next step is to search for the style of the style (or combination of several), which most fully corresponds to your goals and tasks. It also happens that from the mixing of different motifs immediately begins to pose a unique style pattern. However, if this does not happen, it is also not to be upset: it is quite possible to start with an already existing, recognized style, for example, with a luxurious classics, a comfortable natural, playful booho ... Naturally, as soon as the feeling appears that it is necessary to add some kind of highlight , Crazyshit, characteristic of you, you can and need to go about him. This is just a departure from blind copying towards pure creativity.

Moving further: Having drawn a landmark in your head, we begin to give it clear outlines and color. That is, we study the features of cut different clothes, selecting the most successful, learn to see the proportions so that the figure always looked harmonious, even in a relaxed day of the day off. And finally, we select colors. You can contact the theory of color plants or colors. But there is an alternative: to analyze your photos for several years to reveal shades that help look beautiful in any situation.

In principle, it would be possible to finish here: we had a balanced image, correct and complete. But, I will say in practice, it is from now on that the most interesting thing begins: the new image is gradually coming up, slightly modified, adjusting to a specific person, it becomes from "flat" - "volumetric", multifaceted and, most amazing, suitable for various Life situations! For example, it would seem how can I get acquainted for the city and keep the commitment of elegance? It turns out that it is enough to replace jeans for walking trousers, and a T-shirt - on a free blouse from thin cotton. As I said, the world rules the part! ..

I wish you for every detail in your life to continue you and the expression of your inner world!

I will be glad to read your impressions of the post, as well as stories related to the construction of an individual style and image! Write to mail: [email protected].

Katerina Khokhlova, Image Consultant and Life Coach

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