Beauty without sacrifices: grow the most unpretentious flowers


We all want to come to their garden plot and observe not weeds, but beautiful flowering. But what to do if you have no idea how to handle seedlings and how to care for them in the future?

Of course, there is no such plant that would absolutely not need from you participation in your life, but even a newcomer in flower growing may choose a plant with which it is easy to cope.

everyone wants to have a beautiful garden

everyone wants to have a beautiful garden



In the period from August to November, the interesting plant will be pleased with blossom, which is not born at all in time when the rest have already been blowing. Looking out a non-lunist need in mid-July or early August is not deeper than 10 cm. While growing, make sure that the soil is too wet, since the plant loves dryness.

After setting up such a guest on its site, you can forget about it for a while, as the flower feels perfectly without your attention, calmly grown in a half.


Flowers of iridodictum appear one of the first in the garden - in early April. Plant to plant is best in mid-August in open areas that are well covered and warmed by the sun. The flower loves dry ground with the addition of sand.

The plant will greatly decorate your landscape, it looks especially good in stony gardens. The unpretentiousness of the flower makes it an ideal plant for disembarking a non-professional. Think!

Watch out for soil moisture

Watch out for soil moisture



Cute blue flowers will fall to taste both to the gardeners and lovers of all sorts of flowering on their plot. So that the flower began to delight you already at the beginning of summer, start to plant already in August.

The plant does not like all sorts of fertilizers, so refuse to use them, just following the soil so much soak, and the plant itself is mostly on the sunny side of the site.

not necessarily be a professional gardening

not necessarily be a professional gardening


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