Armenia: What will surprise you in this country


Travels - this is perhaps the best way to know the culture of the native country. It is in contrast that we see the true thing - that when you don't even pay attention to everyday glance. A recent trip to Armenia - the former member of the Soviet Union - brought me a lot more than expected. About everything that was pleasantly surprised and upset - in this material.

Friendship with other countries

It is a pity that we know the history of other states only selectively - we study the main events in the course of the World History, but do not touch in private. So I first learned about the long-time friendship of Armenia and France - Armenians live in this country since the beginning of the Middle Ages and influenced history and culture no less than the indigenous population. During the times of the genocide, people migrated massively to France, saving their lives - since then the friendship of these countries has strongly strengthened. Some French words entered Armenian language. For example, instead of the original Armenian "Schnraclutun", the local people say "Mercy", which means "thank you." In the school language course, children are learn by Armenian, Russian, English and French / German for choosing - so I told the teacher of the Armenian language with which I met while traveling.

International Friendship - Armenian Dam

International Friendship - Armenian Dam

Photo: Ksenia Parfenova

Surprisingly low prices

For the average Russian to hold a vacation here, it will be rapidly cheaper than in domestic resorts. The cost of dishes in public catering will probably turn into shock: the price is 4-5 times lower than in Moscow restaurants. For example, for lunch in a restaurant in the city center - Botanical Garden - we gave no more than 2 thousand rubles. The portion of dollars cost 800 drams (approximately 110 rubles), lully 1000 dram, kebab, salads, soups and other dishes cost about the same price. To surprise, all the food was 5 with a plus - there was not a single dish, whose taste would not arise me or family members. Standard for account in a restaurant 10-15% of the tip waiters are rejoiced with surprised eyes. A trip to a taxi of any class - from econom to business - no more than 200-300 rubles goes - there will definitely not see such prices in our capital.

Double portion of dollars in just 200 rubles

Double portion of dollars in just 200 rubles

Photo: Ksenia Parfenova

Special attitude to tourists

Unfortunately, all the delights of tourism are substantiated by low salaries of local residents - many people cannot find work in the specialty. Some are leaving, others go outside to ask for money, the third refuses their sphere and begin to trade on tourist routes or build guest houses. I was sad when in the city of Sevan opposite our hotel, I saw a huge size abandoned building. The hosts said that earlier there was a plant for the production of glass details for cars. On the way to Yerevan, we stopped at the fish merchant - a man with sadness said that he was ashamed to sell fish instead of work as an engineer - to get a specialty in his small town is impossible. It's amazing that, even being in a distressed position, people do not despair: they are friendly and kind, rejoice in the opportunity to talk to foreigners and take them to visit. And it's not a pity to give it to give more laid when you sincerely try to help - spend, call at the desired number or tell you what you need.

I advise you to ride more often to countries where tourism is developed less. Here you will get much more experience and expand consciousness, seeing the opposite side of life. After each trip, I thank the life for what I have - in a series of everyday life, you quickly forget about simple things, which are actually much significant and seriously performed objectives.

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