Margo Robbie: "I'm not ready to be my mother, my maximum - pets"


When the seductive Margot Robbie appeared in the film "Wolf with Wall Street", critics called her the best finding of Scorsera, the most spectacular blond film industry, the new Queen Hollywood. Participation in the project of the legendary director, in the company with Leonardo di Caprio and John Hill, made anyone who is not a well-known Australian actress by a world celebrity. Glory came to the girl when that was twenty-two years. How did Margo coped with his popular popularity? About this - in a conversation with a nomineer for the Oscar Award.

- Margo, yesterday you lived in Australia, now in America, and there was also the United Kingdom. Such a change of places - due to acting profession?

- Not only because of acting. I would say that I follow the dream and love - and here and the movies, and the family, and the husband.

- Tell me more.

- Well look. I am from the small Australian city of Delby. After school moved to Melbourne to become an actress. When my career began to more or less fold, I risked and left my native Australia in the USA. Immediately after the success of the "Wolf with Wall Street" risked again, I left everything that I had in New York, and moved to London on the shooting of the "French suite." This picture has become a fateful for me - I met my husband. And when we are with Tom (Assistant Director Tom Equile - the spouse Margo Robbie. - Approx. Aut.) We decided that they were ready to live together, I accepted his invitation and moved to Los Angeles. I'm not sure that this is my last stop, - I can assume that someday I will return to my native Delby. In the end, my family is from there, and I drive my mother every month.

- Despite the fact that you are a star of world values, your relatives live ordinary life?

- Oh yeah! My parents are ordinary people. Mom is a doctor, dad - a farmer. He left us when I was very small. We have a big family, and I am the youngest of four. Of course, my mother was very difficult, and we, by virtue of inexperience and youth, did not understand why she sometimes swears or cries. Our wealth was very modest. Now I can say for sure that my strength came out of the family. I wanted to become strong and brave so that we all live well and rich. Hence my ambitions and desires.

Margo Robbie:

When the seductive Margot Robbi appeared in the film "Wolf with Wall Street", critics called her best finding ramp

Photo: Frame from the movie

- In one of the interviews, you told that he worked as a bartender for the sake of earlier. This is true?

- And not just a bartender! (Laughs.) I did everything in the world, I was taken for any work - and the bartender here is not the strangest. Copy money like insane.

- Was there any goal?

- I wanted to be independent and free in choosing a future profession. My teachers and mom insisted that I am a lawyer. I will tell you that I had every chance, because, despite my recalculatory temper, I learned perfectly. Nevertheless, the prospect to engage in jurisprudence did not please me at all. So I made a decently accumulated, I could provide myself - and slowly began to look towards the actors.

- Your family took your choice?

- Well ... not immediately, although there were no classical conflicts of fathers and children. Now relatives support me, love and wish happiness. I am very sorry for those who were deprived of excellent childhood, close relationship with the mother. I think our stable and gentle union with Tom happened because I was taught love.

- I can not not ask if it is planned to be so to speak, the expansion of your tender union?

- How do you feel these questions! Sorry, but everyone is literally everyone - asks them to me under different sauces. And it lasts for three years already, since we have made our relations with Tom. Listen, but after all, what I became my wife does not mean that I will certainly immediately give birth! I can have other plans. To be honest, I'm not ready to become my mother. It is better to realize this and do not rush than strive to justify someone's expectations. My maximum is pets. And that recently it turned out that even puppies to me too early to start. Tom brought home dog from the shelter, and I did not sleep for three nights, after which I asked her husband to carry her back. Of course, he was against, but this story clearly shows that I have not yet grown to motherhood. So far I am completely in work.

Margo Robbie:

"The real story of the figure skater Tony Harding just bribed me"

Photo: Frame from the movie "Tonya against All"

- Margo, besides acting, you started studying and produceing. What prompted you?

- I would like to change attitudes towards actresses in our difficult and sometimes cruel business. You know when I just started my way, I drew attention to: Men are forgiven their unsuccessful roles, difficult periods and other misses. But it is worth a woman to fault the picture, having played not as I would like to fans, write missing. How many quarries of good actresses were ruined because the producers did not give a second chance! I would like to fix it, and my husband and I decided to create our business.

- How do you work with your loved one?

- We have one look at things that we just just with each other in everything - from the bedroom to business.

- I want to return to the question of attribute to actresses in Hollywood. You talked about the fact that fans are unhappy with the game and because of this executors of the main roles literally drive out of the profession. What happened to you?

- It seems to me that I really did not fail the role. I hope at least. But you know, with angry fans, I know not at the break.

- And what character did you play not as the fans wanted?

- Guess. (Laughs.) Of course, we are talking about Harley Queen from the "suicide detachment". With comics, there are general problems in this regard - they have a huge army of experts who know exactly how you should reincarnate in their favorite heroine. I literally started hunting, and both dissatisfied and lovers. (Smiles.) The first of my "star" spent was the hiring of personal security.

- Oh, here is the handwriting of the real star! ..

- Not at all, believe me. I have not changed any drop, everything was the same, when I lived with my family in Australia. But, of course, I would be a complete fool if I had not recognized how my reality and my position changed. Now I live in the world, full possibilities. This world gave me Martin Scorsese.

"By the way, he still responds to you very warm and gently." It believes you are a rare woman and a magnificent actress. I do not doubt this in this, and yet, what did you hurt the maestro?

- courage, probably. Although in fact, on samples, I was shaking as an aspen leaf. But did not show this to anyone, gathered with the forces and charged Leonardo di Caprio slap. In the text it was not, I so smitched. (Smiles.) In shock were Leo, and Martin, and me.

Margo Robbie with her husband Tom Equile

Margo Robbie with her husband Tom Equile


- Why did you hit Leo?

- Probably entered the role ... in a word, I was completely definitely not going to do this. For me, my behavior became the same surprise as for those surrounding.

- Obviously, are you unpredictable personality?

- Why? (Laughs.) Very predictable: decisive, explosive and stubborn. If you choose from all the heroines, which I performed, then most of all I look like Harley Queen. Naturally, I am not so insane, but something for me is for sure. Sometimes I really like to fly and live a character. Even if it's crazy.

- Someone would call your choice of your choice of dramatic history "sinking against all" after the movie Scorsese and commercially successful "detachment ...". They say, you bought the script of the picture and herself sorted it.

- That's right. My success, let it sound immodally, gave me the opportunity to choose where I will play. And I just didn't want to get stuck in the memory of the audience a typical blonde. And the real story of the figure skater Tony Harding just bribed me.

- The nomination for Oscar surprised you?

- Sure! You know, some artists share that, choosing a role, trying to "Oscar". Like, this game will definitely provide me with a nomination. So, I speak frankly: I did not expect such confessions when I read the script, never when I played tony. It was important for me to tell about her, about a woman who was offended by all his life and humiliated his husband, but she passed through violence and was able to become an outstanding athlete. Alas, but I was remembered as a scandalist, and this is a very big mistake. In short, I was in love with my heroine. Without this, as I think, no role is seen.

- Apparently, you are in love with every heroine.

- This is true. True, I was very difficult to play Naomi Laplag. Despite the fact that our Father left the family, I got used to a decent relationship of men. No one ever changed me at least I do not know about it. And how Leo's hero comes with my heroine, wounded me. I could not understand that forced her to stay next to such a person. You know that the "Wolf Street Wolf" is the screening of real history? In short, I found Nadine, the one with which the image of Naomi Laplah was written. We talked a lot, I tried to comprehend her motifs. But still, I would not allow anyone to contact them.

"Margo, it happened that you starred in the film, which has already become a legend. Speech, of course, about the tenth film Quentin Tarantino "Once in Hollywood" ...

- Yes, Quentin promised that the tenth would become the last ... And yet I hope that these are only words. We cannot lose such a director.

- This film is already a huge number of complaints. Tarantino is accused of sexism, and this is a small amount of your replica. Tell the secret, would you like to tell your heroine more?

- The character of the character can be revealed and without unnecessary words. Is everything in real life and always solve the phrases spoken out loud? There are Mimica and gestures, postures, sighs, looks, there is a relationship to you of your partners in the scene - the image can be fine and accurately pass through a huge number of details and trifles.

- What is most memorized to you on the set?

- Oh, of course, the team. Again to be in a pair with Leo (Leonardo di Caprio), get experience with Brad Pitt ... This is indescribable. This is what the young actress can dream of.

- Well, the sake of justice is called the new Queen Hollywood. So the status of the beginning is no longer about you.

- I think that such men are surrounded by such men - Leo, Brad, Quentin, - you will feel your inexperience constantly.

- Listen, for a long time there were ambiguous rumors with DiCaprio. And now you are on one set with a live sex symbol. How does your husband react to this?

- Oh, did you see Tom? I went out for him, because it was (and yes) the most important hand of London. (Laughs.) Just kidding, of course, but my spouse is still the ideal. There is no sense in jealousy. We either together or something like a little similar to a normal family. And I will not endure this.

- You could not forgive betray, right?

- Treason treason Maintain. We have already discussed Naomi Lapilla and her husband from Wolf with Wall Street. Yes, he was physically changed, but the soul was with his wife. True, I will not smash - I and physical treason premature. But I love Tom so that I can not promise that I would not forgive him. Now it seems that I could let him go anything. I hope he will not read it. (Laughs.)

- What do you most like most about your star life?

- persistent detractors who know exactly how I need to live, what to dress and what to say. True, in the usual life of such full.

- What do you like most?

- Frequent flights. I even love the side meal! You can sleep, turning off the phone, and not be afraid that you miss something important. Relax is better than SPA!

- What principles help you live?

- Work honestly and stubbornly. I understand, it sounds trite and simply, but I do not pretend to universal wisdom. There are no secrets of success. You either workaholic, or phenomenal lucky.

- And who are you?

- Oh, I'm completely accurate lucky workaholic!

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