How to learn to talk about your desires


Of course, in some sense you need to stay for a partner in a mystery, however, to build harmonious sexual relations it is necessary to be ready to discuss a lot. Just stop shy your desires.

Not always, partner temperaments coincide that it creates certain difficulties for mutual understanding, let's say you want to fill the evening with tenderness, and your partner will write like armored train. Or vice versa. Naturally, any mutual pleasure can go and speech.

Always say obscure moments

Always say obscure moments


You are afraid to voice your preferences

We will be honest, not every man agrees to the use of condoms, and some play the real scenes if the girl begins to insist. A rather dangerous situation, because no one has canceled pregnancy and all sorts of STD. But I insist on your not all women grabs the Spirit.

If the partner still opposes, you do not need to go ahead, be Paula: Let him want to wear "Product No. 2".

You do not get pleasure

Men are large experimenters, especially in bed. Suppose your partner has mastered the new-fashioned technique for a superpopular textbook on erotic practices. There is nothing bad about it, but not always such experiments are successful and bring pleasure to all participating.

If the "affected" party, that is, that you have not enjoyed, you are usually to avoid condemnation by a partner, women begin to imitate pleasure, but this is a vicious circle - a man will think that you are delighted and will continue to look Fascinating book.

Men - Large Experimentors

Men - Large Experimentors


How to do?

Show the partner what you want: if you dream about a neat sex, arrange a prelude, full tenderness. Or you want the man to make you a massage. What are you waiting for? Show him an example.

You just do not want sex

This also happens, and there is nothing strange in this: the female excitement depends on the hormonal background and the general mood, and it is simply impossible to stay in a wonderful mood. Male should consider it.

Since sex - the occupation, to which the consent of the two sides, do not agree to finish the evening in his bed, if you feel bad or stay in the depressed mood - neither you nor your partner get pleasure.

There is no mood, spending time in bed

There is no mood, spending time in bed


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