How much will it be in dollars?


And why did I come here? What am I forgotable here? "This bewilder is constantly visiting me at the exit of an unfamiliar city from the airport. Of course, the life of a travel or resting man of middle-aged years acquires their order and even color. So it was during my first foreign trip to France. What I remember In this adventure of almost twenty years ago? Of course, the seafront of the croisette, the aromas of the streets of the Grass, the noble gray facades of Paris and, of course, a woman from Krasnoyarsk, who organized something in the dior boutique something like the Borodino battle. "No, you count up, her dress is one thing! - With indignation screamed the Siberian lady of his horses on a shopping. - For whom does this Smara hold me? She will show me a snack! " It is possible that from the same time in boutiques, as a rule, spare dresses are found. Even if they are made in one instance.

When we are going on a journey, then most of all are afraid of unscheduled situations. Suddenly something goes wrong? In a foreign country! Even the name of their language in Russian is barely avoid! And I confess, once I wanted to become like participants of the Bourgeois Realistic Show and shout: "I am a celebrity, take me from here!" It was in the Arab Emirates. I misunderstood a visa, took a passport to eliminate the incident, and the day before the departure it turned out that the document could not return, because some important person died, in the country three-day mourning, all the offices are closed. "What The Fuck?!" - I tried to kindly with the local travel agent, but in response with even greater politeness I was advised to accept all this oriental flavor. As a result - three extra day on the bank of the Persian Gulf due to the tour operator. Lucky? Of course, if I did not let down a bunch of people who waited for me in Moscow for three days earlier.

One of my familiar fell asleep in the late Riga train. To commanders on a business trip and police officers who have already written protocols on the occasion of the missing citizen of another country, he returned only in the evening of the next day. Prettyly mad and tick in the column "Sex in the Tambour train on the territory of the European Union." "Strook!" - concluded colleagues, and the police supported them. Although in the eyes everyone had an envy. Perhaps this is the most serene the final of the situation from the category "something goes wrong." Everybody we had much worse. Disgusting breakfasts, humiliatingly small numbers, where two people can only be in the event that there is an intimate connection between them, damned street vendors who not only hit some kind of bullshit, but also deceived with prices ... and so on, right up to Losses of the passport, wedding ring, honor and dignity.

However, more interesting. Returning home, you are unlikely to keep the attention of relatives and colleagues with a story about the British Museum or Venetian Palaces. Who needs your inept photos of the Eiffel Tower or Niagara Falls, when for the sake of this good you only need to click on the mouse? And do not try to impress us the fact that you visited Cape Gorn. This is just a rock. Better tell you how you got there. How the connecting flight canceled how you blocked your credit card and how you flew on the "corn by" local airlines. For some reason, all that seemed terrible to us in the most trip, then I remember with the greatest pleasure.

But I probably not a very interesting person and therefore I love travel more, the stories about which there are much better than any sleeping bag. I can, for example, remember the three weeks of Nontelia on the beaches of Cyprus. Or give the charms of the Turkish all inclusive. The case in the Emirates and late for the plane in Spain, of course, a little spoil my lazy summary, but I was played when I rejected the offer to fly to the freebie in Argentina. It will be very offended if one day I will fly there for my blood. I wonder how much it will be in dollars ...

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