Nike Borzov: "It was rumored that I married Alsu"


"Some of my songs are complicated for most"

- Judging by the frequent appearances in the press and on television, you return. How does this happen?

- At the moment I am very tightly working on my new record, in parallel I still participate in a number of projects, one of which is the third part of the project "odd warrior" of the BI-2 group. I participated in the record of two compositions for this record - the song "far", which we fulfilled together with Linda, and the songs "touching the Earth", which we recorded the three of the threesome - I, the BRAINSTORM and BI-2 group. During recording, we have not met each other. They were recorded separately on their studios, it was all somewhere in England, the tools were recorded on various studios apartments. This is such an interactive work, and it does not distract me from creating a record.

- As far as I know, with "Bi-2" you are cooperating not for the first time. And who else would you like to work?

- There are performers whose voices and attitudes towards the world coincide with mine. For example, I really like the Altai Hong Khurt group. I generally impresses the so-called "musical shamanism". It's great that they use not only traditional folk instruments. For example, a person comes to a construction site, takes some plastic tubes and of them makes very steep shoes. It is very close to musical primary sources. At the concerts of Hong-Khurt, I confess, tears constantly flow. These are tears of joy. From the same series, only a more "pop" warehouse is Inna desired. I really like her voice and music she does. I can still allocate Zemfira and Aguzarov, but they have very similar voices, they have somewhere in one voice substance are in the same voice substance. Of the modern performers, these two singers, in my opinion, the most interesting. The performers like "Arab stallions" come to mind, but this is complete underground, experimental music, non-commercial. Therefore, she is unlikely to be interested in someone from your journal readers. (Laughs.)

- Is there anything like that in creativity, what would you not do?

- Well, if I don't like something, I just do not do it. I do not try to please everyone. Therefore, perhaps, I am not visible everywhere. I like to be something exclusive, something that you need to run, search. (Laughs.) And when you find it, you get pleasure even more than when it is on a sowing with a blue burder bring. In high-quality music, there are some submarine stones. For example, to listen to my songs (well, 90% of my songs), they need to listen more than once. Some of my songs, probably, are complicated for most ... They are difficult to accept when nothing happens in your life. It is difficult to understand when you go on a latter path, and you have such as a horse, shores - neither left or right. I described such (or almost such) characters in the songs "Three words", "Little horse", "Day like a day." But most of my songs are not about it.

Nike Borzov:

"Some of my songs are complicated for the majority." Photo: Vladimir Vasilchikov.

"The new album sometimes wrote in an alcoholic ugar"

- One of the most popular songs is a "lilac boy". They say you, wrote it, putting a speed record?

- I remember, I had a great mood that day. I lived then in Tsaritsyno, it was summer. We arrived from the rehearsal home with the guys, there was nothing to eat, someone went to the store ... And now I walked someone to the store, I wrote a song. (Laughs)

- Do you write all the songs until someone runs to the store?

- Not always, but basically I try to quickly write a song so that interest does not disappear. If I delay, the song can get a "table" very, very long. There was a song "Little Jesus" (well, and now there is, she came out on the "offense"), I wrote her first couple in 1991, and the second - in 2001. It happens.

- There is an opinion that such bright texts as, for example, a "lilac boy", it is difficult to write being not "at something" ..

- If people need to take something to write something, these are their personal opinion, they have such a concept. In fact, I love to write songs "on cleaners". And play concerts, and recorded in the studio. I "rushing" is not childish and "takes" a church than any synthetic psychedelic or something else ... and I "bathe" in this state, I can control it, change the direction, strictly speaking, I am the owner This situation. I really like it, I learned this to seek. I understand that this is a very difficult practice, but it is possible. I present that type of musicians who create music that works in itself as a drug.

But, honestly, in the new album there will be a few things that I wrote in an alcoholic fill. History is this: I needed urgently to dump somewhere, and I first went to "all inclusive" to Egypt. It was my first and last experiment with "all inclusive", I did not like wildly. I constantly gone there. And wrote a few songs that entered my new record. I will not talk about which one of them. When the album comes out, we will arrange a contest "Which of these songs are written in alcoholic intoxication?" (Laughs.)

- In general, Rock musician can create a sober head?

- Not that it is impossible to write "without it", rather there is a chart of life. When you play a concert every day, you move from the city to the city, you constantly interview, ethers, entries, meetings with people, parties ... Affect business, alcohol and drugs in excess, and most, in general, breaks. People are weak. Drugs - for weak. And the musicians are the same people absolutely. And they are subject to this topic, because they interact with subtle matter, they perceive everything much brighter, harder and closer to the heart, let's say. And drown yourself in fault or forget in drugs - the easiest way. I am sniffed - and flew, you have ten breaths, or something else ... a day is moved to an unreal number of hours. But for everything you need to pay, and sooner or later strict problems begin. And if you do not die up to thirty, then with these problems you need to somehow exist. I have always had a desire for the disclosure of the internal potential, and now it is naturally happening for me. I constantly open new faces in myself, I turn to new levels. From this I now enjoy.

"I often offer to play in a talk show with sorcerents"

- You had experience in the theater, in the play "Nirvana". How did you get there?

- Yura Grymov offered to play Kurt Kobein. I can play very well, and it was always interesting for me. But if I understand the concept of cinema, in the clips I am a little bit in it, then in the theater already more primitive aesthetics, here you have to stay from the beginning and to the end of the action. No doubles, rewrite, re-renovate. It looks like a concert, but also different from the concert absolutely. It's not a fact that I will continue to play the theater at a professional level, but maybe I will take part in some kind of performance, but not in one. But while I want to write music.

- I noticed, you love mystic theme very much. Is there something mystical in your life?

- Yes, constantly! I often offer to play in some talk shows with all sorts of magicians, sorcerers. But I, honestly, refuse, because it is still very thin matter, it is easy to "break." If you do not know what you deal with, it is very easy to "run away." And so seriously that no maniac compares with it. This is very personal, and if you are engaged in mysticism, you will never be advertising or experimenting in humans. And all the more subjected to the introduction of people in your space that you do not know. There are people who I trust, who are serious specialists in this area. But to communicate with a "recognized" professional, whom I do not know and whose energy is not familiar to me, I will not.

- Would you like to play in a mystical movie?

- I removed such a video for a song from a new plate - "Panic Attack". This is such a mini film quite mystical. I play there several roles there, and some roles are a bit ... Infernal. (Laughs)

- In one of the interviews, you said that you love to talk about difficult things with a relatively simple language. What are these things?

- Love, for example. It is very paradoxical - maybe constructive and destructive. Good intentions can be both positive and negative - in the event that a person takes too much custody over someone. Fathers and children, death and life are all sophisticated things, they are not one-sided. And I like such things, I love to "swim" in them. Cosmos, other measurements, black holes, meditations are all funny stories about which it is interesting to speak. Music, again ... In general, any energetically capacious thing attracts me. If it is interesting, I want to try it and look further what lies on the surface. And if I do not understand something, I want to figure it out.

- Nike, and what is the most insane rumor you heard about yourself?

- That I died of heroin. People even came to the concert, saw my poster: "Oh, still alive still?! Cool, you need to go! " Another thing that I married Alsu.

- Nike, your daughter Victoria is already 9 years old. How does she look at the fact that her dad is a famous musician?

Great looks. Already writes your songs. She recently wrote a song with twars and chorus, rightly as it should. And indeed, everything is very competent - with rhymes, with all the affairs. I just corrected one line, a couple of phrases and that - just changed the words in places. She sings not bad, draws cool. Wants to become a singer, I understand. It has a new story - before you wanted to be an artist. I drove it to the studio to sign up, she liked it. Recently, she was asked to sing on the day of the teacher at school. I wrote to her the song "First teacher." Made an arrangement, and they sang with mom. In general, we are considering the possibility of writing a cycle of children's songs, or a whole plate with children's songs to do. Hippopotamus from the group "HZ" writes children's songs, his daughter sings them sometimes, I wrote a few things, and the dolphin is thinking about this topic. This is a funny story. Children are great, and children's songs are now very small, everything is mostly old. Of course, they are good, but children are already different.

Irina Levkovich

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