Ilya Gurov: "Every person is the best on earth"


- Ilya, take congratulations on the release of a new album.

- Thank you so much. The album "The best person on earth" is very important and personal for me. I dedicated him to my family. The work was carried out for two years, during this time the eponymous clip hit the rotation of many TV channels, and this is a very significant achievement for my team. The plate included 18 songs written by me in collaboration with Eli Litvinovich, Dmitry Ryazanov and Artem found. I think everyone who listens my album will find a song for himself. Now I have already started working on new singles for the third album. In plans to record solo songs, shooting and, I hope, participation in a large television project. I do not stop at what happened, I believe in my dreams and I am sure that every person is the best on earth!

- It is known that you write songs not only for yourself. And what is it like to give your creations to other artists?

- I was lucky with the performers, because every artist who performs my songs is with me on the same wave and our hearts are fighting in unison. I do not share my creativity on "for myself" and "for others" - both important for me, I want to be implemented as the author, and as a performer. Now I came down the song "Mom", written for Maria Nemlykova, preparing for the exit of the "writings of love" for Irina Ortman and "I need me" for Lena Semenova. In general, the process goes and is over what to work.

With singer and actress Maria Neshelykova

With singer and actress Maria Neshelykova

Materials press services

- In the time of musical business, you have released two video clips. How did it succeed?

- I have a wonderful duet "Temporarily" with my girlfriend, a talented singer and actress Maria Neshlokova. It is incredibly beautiful girl and outwardly, and internally. Being a sportsman of sports athletics, Masha for me an example of beauty, perseverance and character forces. Many people told us that our tandem was very bright and attractive, so we decided to embody it not only in musical cooperation, but also transfer to video libraries. With the command of the director Rina Kassura, we shot clips on the songs "Stranger" and "You Know, I miss." Rollers will be, as always, filled with sincerity, love and romance. The main thing in successful work is a good and coordinated team. On the set of these clips reigned such an incredible atmosphere, everyone tried to help each other. I am insanely grateful to fate that brought me with these guys.

- In 2014, you entered the list of applicants for a trip to Eurovision, and now follow the competition?

- Of course, my dream is to participate even in selection to this large-scale project. Since childhood, I love and watch for Eurovision, and when I was asked a question about who I sent there, I always called one name - Sergey Lazarev. This artist is an example of hardworking, faith and success for many in our country. In my opinion, this year, Sergey has no special competitors, as many countries have "merged" during the national selection of real hits, and this is our hand, so we believe in victory and support our representative.

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