We speak with a sex partner: how not to offend your beloved person


Statistics of the English-language media "VerywellHealth.com", according to the survey of 2017, clearly says: women 70+ get more satisfaction from sex than women of age 40+. Agree, these data are not happy? Most often, the problems arise at all because of health problems - their people strive to cure more. Non-understanding almost one hundred percent of cases speaks of the inability to talk in words through the mouth. Hints, attempts to seduce, visiting sexual courses - all this is useless if you do not need a partner at the same time. In this material it is divided by advice - how not to hurt the pride of the partner, speaking with him about sex.

I am the first letter of the alphabet

Since childhood, we are learning to think about others and sacrificed yourself. That's just in conversations with a partner without a basic "I" can not do. Start with the description of your feelings and desires, and not complaints about the partner. The accusations are accompanied by the emotions of aggression, contempt or neglect - any of them will be offended by a loved one, which will inspire him to try to experiment. Any request can be expressed through the love and desire of general happiness: according to your positive confusion it will be read at an unconscious level. Instead of "you're a worn and do not almost don't kiss me during the prelude," tell me "I love you, so I want to get more tenderness - kisses will give me me, let's kiss more often?".

Focus on your feelings

Focus on your feelings

Speak specific

Even the most experienced in questions about the proximity to a person is awkward when he talks about sex not with a temporary partner, but those whom he really loves. In order for the conversation to have a result, gather with the forces and explain what exactly you are not satisfied. For example, "After the birth of a child, my intimate muscles did not come to the tone - I want to penetrate a deeper penetration than usual ... Let's experiment with toys?" It is better than to say that you do not feel anything during sex - here the reason can be wound in a variety of factors. Having a specific problem, you and the partner becomes more easier to solve it with joint efforts.

Do not compare anyone

Imagine that your favorite person is the first in your life. This reception is useful to those who like to remember the former partners at each other case. Compare this partner only with him past and present. Check after the end of the act that you liked: say it out loud, so that your loved one understands which "chips" cost to apply again, and from what it is worth refuse. Such a light flirt can translate your conversation to more serious themes.

Leave intimate conversations for personal communication

Leave intimate conversations for personal communication

Keep your teeth language

And the girls and guys sin are talking about sex with close friends. It's one thing, if you constantly change partners - in conversation they become "faceless" and are excellent stories for the company's discussion. A completely different question is when you are permanent relationships: It is unlikely that your man will be pleased to know that your girlfriends are aware of what poses he prefers and what lingerie attracts it. If you are open to the discussion of intimate topics, please, however, practice shows: people like to leave such conversations behind the doors of their own apartment.

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