What is she, woman 21 century?


The rapid 21st century and the triumphal march of post-modern - the time in which we were lucky to live, - gave a woman new roles, opportunities, ways of expression.

The woman of the last century fought a lot for his rights and defended the rights to sexuality through frank fitting outfits and heels, played on the male field and on male rules, competed and argued, was needed to make a choice of a family or a triumphal career. Strategy for the female strength of the past years - to leave with proudly raised head and "all herself". Outfits are armor, sexually all that is sexy. Revenge - a dish supplied by cold. This is the past Mantra of the past.

The woman of the new millennium plays for other rules. The strong woman of our time has learned the strength of female weakness, she learned to ask, be vulnerable, trust, open. It creates the results of cooperating, and not competing. She learned to be beautiful remaining natural. The woman of the new millennium can forgive, she cares about internal ecology, she knows how to cherish her uniqueness. The world of the Blue Ocean Business Strategies has opened incredible gateways for creative unions and the Callorations, for results without bloody competitive wars. All this has become an incredible gift for the actual implementation of its potential. Now in order to be successful in his business, a woman needs the same strategies as in building relationships in the family. To be able to involve, inspire, be flexible in a changing medium, feel the heart - these are key competences of the success of today. Emotional intelligence rules the world by marking the era of the matriarchate. The woman of the new time has access to an incredible opportunity to create results without the game "in a man" and on male rules. "Fleezing with Hemeder" on the podium and in street fashion is not the exchange of roles and functions, as it was before. This is the broadcast of the ability to be friends, be sexy, while maintaining convenience and comfort.

We went to the past coarse stimuli, in the crop and rhythm of the costume, simple rhymes in a street fashion. Today's Street Fashion is the world of complex combinations, mix, prints and norms.

The woman of the 21st century learned to enjoy and enjoy life in simple things, here and now. Podium, as a great mirror macro processes occurring in society, always demonstrates who today's woman. Non-standard beauty, taking off the "golden section" from the inviolability, gives the right to be unique, to be himself.

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