Guide to Pyatigorsk from soloist VIA "Flame"


My native, beloved, the amazing city of Pyatigorsk combines many advantages. He is beautiful, Oveyan legends, has a richest cultural history and even healing properties. People who live there are most interesting, kind, charismatic, often with unusual destinies. The one who is born and at least the first years of life grows in Pyatigorsk, it is possible without exaggeration to say, fabulous childhood!

Historical and cultural attractions

In Pyatigorsk there are a lot of architectural monuments and generally memorable places - if you tell about everything, you can write a whole book. Therefore, I will limit the five most loved ones.

1. Fountain "Fairy Tale"

Guide to Pyatigorsk from soloist VIA

Fountain "Fairy Tale"

Photo: Personal archive

Walking in Pyatigorsk is better to start at the main highway of the city - Kirov Avenue. It is there that is very beautiful, especially at night, a fountain "Fairy Tale", which is sometimes also called "gnomes" or "grandfathers". It is believed that this fountain exists from the beginning of the last century, although then he looked somewhat more primitively (drawings were preserved, you can compare). He was called at that time "Giant", because then a huge power of a stream of water beat from it to some incredible height, but then the fountain was more economical. Save steel water, which then in Pyatigorsk was for some reason in a shortage. But in the center of the fountain bowl appeared fabulous grottoes and embossed images of bearded gnomes. Modernity also contributed to the beauty of the fountain: there was a completely magical color backlight. Due to this, if you find time to come to see the fountain at night, it will be truly a fabulous sight.

2. Park "Flower Gold

Guide to Pyatigorsk from soloist VIA

Park "Flower Gold"

Photo: Personal archive

It is believed that the "flower garden", which is also located on Kirov Avenue, is the oldest Pyatigorsk Park, which appeared almost simultaneously with the city, or even earlier. After all, officially the city was founded in 1780, and the first lawns and flowerbeds with different rarest flowers at this place arose with Peter II! Probably now the varieties of flowers, and the shape of lawns with the flower beds somehow changed, but still the beauty is indescribable. And they say that in the center of all these beauties, then there were luxurious sundials. And, of course, they were absolutely accurate, the inhabitants of the city were twisted on them. After all, then everyone had ordinary mechanical clock ... Now it is, of course, no longer such a valuable option. But without clock, the park "Flower Gold" is a beautiful place!

Monument to Kisa Vorobyaninov

Monument to Kisa Vorobyaninov

Photo: Personal archive

At the entrance there is a monument to Kresz Vorobyaninov from the "Twelve Chairs", which asks alms. After all, Ilf and Petrova, he spoke his famous "Monsieur, but the manger Pa Sis Jour" is just somewhere here!

3. Grotto Diana

Grotto Diana

Grotto Diana

Photo: Personal archive

Two-steps from the park "Flower" is located the famous "Diana grotto", directly related to the name Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov, who lived in Pyatigorsk the last months of life and here was killed for duels. It is believed that the poet loved to relax in this stone cave, wounded in the rock on the slope of the mountain hot. Two Italian brothers architect came up with this construction. Arched entrance to this cave decorate two low, but powerful columns. It seems that they hold on themselves the whole clock, as if she rests on all their gigantic weight on these short supports! At first, this grotto was done in honor of the conquest of Elbrus. And the general who led by this expedition loved the ancient Roman mythology and decided to call him in honor of his beloved goddess of the hunt - Diana, who allegedly saved from the heat in such grottoes. It is said that Lermontov just a week before his death made a ball in this grotto for Pyatigorsk aristocracy - and many of his "high" guests saw the poet there last time in life.

4. Lake "Failure"

Guide to Pyatigorsk from soloist VIA

Lake "Fail"

Photo: Personal archive

It is located at the bottom of the cave on the slope of Mashuk Mount. In this lake stunning colors, water is very, very bright blue. It is believed that such a color is obtained from the abundance of hydrogen sulfide water and some special bacteria. It is said that under Tsar Lake called "hellish abyss" - precisely because of the smell of sulfur, which allegedly usually accompanied the appearance of Satan.

Guide to Pyatigorsk from soloist VIA

Lake "Fail"

Photo: Personal archive

People believed that in the depths of this lake, he lives the monster, which at night gets out of the water and starts to fly over the city ... And at the entrance to the cave there is a monument to Osta Bender, who has already mentioned the "Twelve Chairs" novel, was admirrected to take money for visiting the failure .

Monument to Osta Bender.

Monument to Osta Bender.

Photo: Personal archive

Here in the same place where he had about it was to deal with Ilf and Petrov, Ostap Ibrahimovich is now worth it.

5. Arbor "Ealar Harp"

This wonderful Rotonka with eight slender columns and harp on the dome is located at the highest point of Mikhailovsky Masha Mashuk. They say that at first in the center of the arbor wanted to put the statue of the ancient Greek god of the winds - Eol. But then one local read the doctor invented instead of the statue of God inside the gazebos to establish on her dome Eoluva Arpha - a specific musical instrument starting to make magic sounds at the slightest blow of the wind. True, such a tool is a rather fragile thing, and now there is already an electronic harp on the roof of the arbor. But she looks, as they say, in fact, the sounds in the same way and the sounds are the same beautiful as the previous Eaola of the harp.

Guide to Pyatigorsk from soloist VIA

Gazebo "Ealar Harp"

Photo: Personal archive

Arbor from the mountain opens the breathtaking beauty of the landscape, and in combination with the charming sounds, the harp sensations are obtained simply fantastic. One of the most beautiful places on our planet!


Pyatigorsk is not a sea resort, but there are beaches there.

1. In Pyatigorsk there is a private small sea - in fact, it is artificial Lake Novopyatigorskoe . It is located in the southwestern part of the city, in Novopyatigorsk district. Batting officially allowed only there. You can rent catamarans, play beach volleyball. The opposite side of the lake is quiet, it is a special zone for fishermen. After all, Sazans, Karasi and even pikes dwell in the lake. But they do not attack people, they do not need to be afraid.

Novopyatigorskoe lake

Novopyatigorskoe lake

Photo: Personal archive

2. If you go from Pyatigorsk to the south-east, then a little more than ten kilometers from the city will be the famous Salted lake Tambukan . It is generally as they say, the oldest Russian spa resort. There, they are considered to be wonderful healing dirt, one of the best in Russia - for example, on the content of sulfur iron beats all records. And the water there is also an unusual color: if he is bright blue in failure, then here is actually black. But not from dirt, but due to the high content of minerals. So in this black water, despite the color, you can boldly dive: it is very clean and useful.

What to carry a gift and buy yourself

1. Of course, famous Mineral water . In special galleries and buvets, carbon dioxide carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, salt-alkaline and many other healing water are sold. For example, in the academic gallery, all on the same Kirov Avenue is released popular, tasty and incredibly useful hydrogen sulfide water from a well No. 16.

2. Sleep pads with herbs . The favorite thing, very useful for health, tasty smelling. Pyatigorsky herbal fees are chosen so that their smell relaxes, relieves fatigue, soothes the nerves. If you put the head of such an herbal bag before going to the bedside table, you can breathe useful smells all night, and sleep will be strong and continuous.

3. Knitten things - in Pyatigorsk very love to knit. At every step you can stumble upon some kind of cute woman selling women's knitted products: dresses, mittens, socks ... You can bring them to Pyatigorsk, so to speak, excellent raw materials for mating: Caucasian yarn motok. It is cheap, warm and not ours. And exceeds in virtually any analogues in quality. I advise you to bring several such metals at once and order a mating at the master - it turns out excellent products, guaranteeing.

4. Caucasian national delicacy - Urbek . This sweet paste is made of cannabis, flax, pumpkins, almonds or sesame. Types of Urbek are different, everyone has their own advantages. If someone wants to eat the most delicious urbek, I can advise the one that is from apricot bones or almonds. In the Caucasus, local residents often use Urback for breakfast, happing it instead of oil to Lavash - it turns out many times more useful and tastier.

How to get to Pyatigorsk

The nearest airport is located in mineral waters at a distance of 25 kilometers. Many tourists arrive there, and then by train travel to the resort. You can reach the train: Frames from Moscow are departed from Kazan and Kursk railway stations. Long-distance buses from Moscow travel from Orekhovo Metro Station. In general, you have to go, you will not regret.

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