Letiya Caste: "For a long time I shone my body"


The height of the total meter is sixty-seven, uneven teeth and not at all model weight ... And nevertheless, this was about her somehow said designer Vivien Westwood: "I do not believe in God, but looking at the Letication, ready to revise my beliefs." Letiiya Caste forced to change the views not only stinging Vivien, but also the whole world. The most atypical of the models cannot tolerate diets, has a brown belt on karate, plays the theater and dreams to give birth to five children. Recently, the daughter of Athena appeared on the world, the third in the Family Leticia. It seems that this girl carries out everything that he conceived.

... In 1993, the "Three Colors: Blue" picture was released on the screens, which the Polish director Kshyshto Keslevsky took off. A little later, the second and third parts painted in the colors of the National Flag of France of the Trilogy - "White" and "Red" appeared. There is no political subtext in these films and in risen, they are about love and freedom.

All three pieces of the painting occupy an honorable place in the film in the house of Leticia Caste, and she often revises them.

The most French film, which can only be invented, and in 1999, the face of Marianna - the personification of the republic - the Leticia ... It is very symbolic, right? Casual coincidence? Unlikely. The motto "LIBERTE, EGALITE, FRATERNITE" (translated from the French "freedom, equality, fraternity") in reading Keslevsky means the ability to choose your destiny, the ability to find yourself in the modern world and, of course, the search for love. Is this not a history of letting a caste?

"Three colors: blue"

The most famous French model of Leticia Casta was born in the deaf province in Normandy. Her father, Corsican Dominic, moved to the small town of Pont Odarden, which is thirty kilometers from Rouen. Here he met the mother of the Leticia - Line. It was the most common family. Dominic worked, Line led a household and engaged in three children (the Leticia has an elder brother and younger sister). A secluded lifestyle in the village has turned the future star to the dreamer. She loved to walk alone, could sit under a tree clock, gnawing apples and candy, read and fantasy.

"You know," says this summer, "I grew up in a very simple setting, my circle of communication was a family and neighbors. I was completely without fear wandered alone in the forest and - imagine! - Even played with frogs in the river. I can now take and hug a tree with my hands, touch the cheek to the rough crust, it gives me such energy and freedom. Try yourself and find out! "

Nature has become an intense for the summer. The reason for the closedness of the girl was that the peers often teased her. The Leticia began to grow early, already at twelve she wore a bra.

Letiya Caste:

Caste is not afraid to remove nude. "Nut is so natural," she says

Frame from the movie "Nightmare Behind the Wall"

"I had a chest, while my girlfriends were smooth as washing boards. We needed all the time laughing and cheered at school. In the lessons, those who sat behind, often clapped with the straps of my bra. Imagine, the teacher tells something in the class of silence, and then there is a loud click! It was hurt and ashamed to tears. I was so embarrassed my body! The boys in general went around the party, it seemed to me that I was ugly and never be able to interest them. "

As in an unsvestigative fairy tale, a wonderful swan, of course, considered himself a nasty duckling. Doubts and setting complexes dispelled the case. Together with his family she rested on Corsica in a small village. One day, the Leticia with the younger sister Marie-Endja built a sand castle on the beach. Behind this from afar carefully watched the gentleman who came up and asked if the pretty young lady wants to work the model. The dialogue heard the father of a girl who rushed with his fists on a stranger. Still, some kind of man dreamed of pestering his girl! However, the dust of the watchful chapter of the family graded when he learned that this is the agent of the famous Paris Model Agency Madison.

The Leticia was invited to a trial shooting. Soon after that, her photos had already decorated with one of the famous French magazines. Caste literally shot as a gun. Her takeoff was so rapid that no one would "surpose" for a long time. Already at fifteen years, her name knew on both sides of the ocean.


Anemic colleagues should be accompanied by her hated views on shows. Still would! This girl managed to step over all the beauty adopted in this business. Low growth, with a healthy blush to the whole cheek, the magnifying letting of the caste lost the nose to all snobs and the guales. Just imagine, she declares that he does not carry any diets, it can eat at least a ton of rice pudding with a vanilla cream who prepares her mom, loves puff pastry and can not live without chocolate. And still dares to argue that "if there is every piece with love, then it will not turn into fat and does not fall on your hips"! What is latch?! Caste is proud that she is real from the tips of the hair to the tips of the nails.

"I often ask me, and not artificially with me chest. Yes, she is from Norman cream and oil, that's what I will tell you! I remember, my agent persuaded me to put me crowns from porcelain for a long time, but I like my teeth curves, and I flatly refused. Beauty, in my opinion, can only be natural. "

The famous Couturier Yves Saint-Laurent fell in love as a boys in a lute's breathless health when he saw her. No one showing Yves Saint Laurent has been held without a caste. What is only its appearance in the wedding dress at the end of the show at the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the fashion house in 1998! At the sunset of life, Iwa Leticia became his beloved muse. For each of her public output, the designer came up with toilets. Such an honor was honored only by Catherine Denev and Jeanne Moro. Actresses - yes, but the model is for the first time. However, the Leticia has long been dreaming about cinema. Can the podium uncover all its abilities? Of course, no, she strongly told his caste and began to regularly attend acting castings.

Letiya Caste:

His first, albeit a small role Letition played in the painting "Asterix and Obelix"

Frame from the film

His first, albeit a small role of Leticia played in the painting "Asterix and Obelix". The debut in the very road in the history of French cinema film (fifty million dollars), and even in the company Gerard Depardieu, Christian Klava and Roberto Beninho, is a good start to actor career. The directions finally drew attention to the custa. The next job was not an example more seriously and deeper. Critics favorably accepted the television film "Blue Bicycle", in which the caste played in the occupation during World War II Frenchwoman. Further more. In 2002, the Leticia starred in the melodrama of Patrice Lekonta "Street of pleasures", and in 2003, Damien Odul offered her a major role in his picture "Mailing." Benoita Mizhamel, famous for the cult film Pianist, became a partner of the Leticia. The caste will be afraid to go out on the theater scene, agreeing to play Undin in the play of the same name on the play of Jean Fuel. Success was deafening.

Today, once frons around the Word's Footage that it will soon cease to be compared with Berdo Bardo, only for the external similarity, no longer seem so frivolous. Casta in our eyes becomes really deep dramatic actress.


But with love, the Leticia was no rushing. Pupil in the Puritan traditions, the girl did not want to be exchanged for frivolous novels.

"How can you join a relationship with a man if you understand that they have no future?! - admitted letting in an interview. - I dream of a big family, in which herself herself. And I want to give birth to five children, not less! "

Leticia lucky on partners. With Richard Girome in the film

Leticia lucky on partners. With Richard Girome in the film "Vicious Passion"

For the first time, Caste fell in love when she was twenty. The chosen character was not a multimillionaire or a famous actor at all, but the French photographer Stefan Sedan. Actually, they got acquainted on the set. Roman was crazy. Satin daughter was born soon. The circumstances of its appearance on the light are very noteworthy. Like a few days before the birth of the caste settled on the New York-Paris plane and went to give birth to homeland.

"So that my daughter is a US citizen?! It can only be born by a Frenchwoman! " - said Casta to journalists, barely sitting down from the ladder.

Stefan had to be abolished from home because of work and even for a while to move to England. True letonia went after her beloved in London. The public did not appreciate this act, and the caste's head literally collapsed the flow of criticism. One of the country's ministers even noticed that now the caste will pay taxes not by their native French, but to "give to the treasury of these British." But what she was the case to all the robs, if it was about the preservation of the family. However, it is infinite to ride her husband with two children (a couple after satin was born the son of Orlando) was problematic, and the Leticia returned to France. Stephen worked in the States and several times a month flew to the family to Paris. Whether the "Sunday Pope" version stopped laying the letonia, or the fire of love went out, it's hard to say, because the caste does not like to spread about it. Anyway, the relationship of the couple gave a crack. And soon on the horizon, Stefano Ackrsi, an Italian actor appeared on the horizon. In August 2009, the Leticia and Stefano was born daughter. The baby called Athena in honor of the ancient Greek Goddess of War and Victory. Now the Leticia continues to be filmed in the cinema, but the main victory is still the same as his children.

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