I'm with you: 4 major male fear in sex


Sex theme, probably one of the thinnests for any man. One careless word from a woman can settle the complexes with which a man will fight for a long time. That is why it is so important to understand your partner, and not affect those moments that can upset your man and spoil a romantic evening. We decided to find out what fears of an intimate nature most often overwhelm the heavy floor.

"What if it does not work!"

Any man should know that for his woman there is no one better, and therefore thoughts about failure in bed can grow into a real phobia. It is important to make a woman to understand how important a man is important for her, do not bother to tender words and touch to bother the partner. If you understand that your man has sexual problems, do not focus on this attention, it is not necessary to indignant about failures in bed. Instead, help him cope with the problem - a man will be grateful to you.

"What if she doesn't like it!"

A popular myth says that a man is interested only in their own pleasure. However, judging by surveys, men in most cases concerns the pleasure of partners, because the admiration of the woman can incredibly lift the male self-esteem. In addition, as well as women, many men are experiencing because of the appearance - insufficiently developed muscles, a tummy, progressing hair loss and other external manifestations can seriously cut the male self-confidence, which in this case can offer to make love in the dark. As in the previous case, it is not necessary to specify the partner for its shortcomings too rude, because your task is to help your man to overcome the complexes, and not "grow up" new.

man is important to understand that you are crazy about him

man is important to understand that you are crazy about him

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

"But what if…"

Of course, to argue that any man is afraid of responsibility, stupid, because it's not at all. And yet many men attend the idea that a woman can be honest with him and, perhaps, looking for a way to tie him to himself. As a rule, such a relationship is characterized by men who survived an unpleasant experience with a former woman. It is important to give to understand the man that you are a self-sufficient woman for which sex is not a way to improve your position, you just spend time well together and do not expect anything instead of each other.

"What if she rises me!"

And another popular male fear - a woman will catch him in the most awkward moment. For many people, the little things like funny socks in bed or other interesting features of a partner have no meaning, but we all love to turn yourself from time to time, and here the woman coming up again, which, again, should not comment even very funny things - a man is just Can not afford to become an object of mockery from a woman.

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