Stas Kostyushkin: "My son is going to become president"


- Stas, you change in front of your eyes. And you have a new group. Tell me how the A-Dessa project appeared?

- It all started with the fact that I made a project with music of the 30-40s and showed it to one fairly well-known producer in Germany. He at one time unwinded Lu run from his Mambo Number Five. I went to Munich to pierce my idea, but the producer said that I lack the club song. And I wrote shortly before that I wrote "Fair, no Waifa." Just fish. Showed him. And I was told: this is what you need! They say, just lacking such a club celentano - and you would be it. And so I started working with "Faya, no Waifa", which today, it seems to me, has become a big hit.

"Do you think that the popularity of Stas Kostyushkin has influenced the success of the song?"

- Not! I immediately covered the story of "Tea together", did not say anyone who sings it. People just began to fall in love with this group. There were those who said: "I was so upset when I learned that it was a costworn from" Tea together "... but I already like that!" So I was able to fool everything easily.

- It turns out that you no longer have any connections with the group "Tea together"?

- I work in the Tea Tea team, when I receive interesting financial proposals. As for the interest of creative, for me a-dessa is much more important. Just every product has its own shelf life. Not only in raw, but also in musical groups and directions. In my opinion, the music that "tea together" was doing today, there is a little more outdated. Therefore, Denis and I ran through our projects. But it seems to be everyone feels good.

Stas Kostyushkin:

About the duet "Tea together" Denis Klyaver and Stas Kostyushkin now remember, only when they do advantageous offers. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

- For a long time, you had another group - "Stanley Shulman Band" in which you perform serious classical music. Her you also closed?

- It is, because I do not cease to engage in academic vocals. I recorded two track and posted them in Twitter. He said to everyone that it's just like that, my blazing - to sing. But I climbed the tape - and the person 500 was already asked to record the album to the end. This is not such music, like A-Dess, a completely different format, and listeners are smaller here. But they are, and therefore the album needs to be done. It is necessary, as for the dancer, the machine: you need to do all the time to be in the form.

- They say you played in the cinema. Is the cost of Kostyushkin also become an actor?

- Yes, in Ukraine we shot the movie "Z-Joke". And in English. This is my first job as an actor. The film was shooting Alexey Zalevsky, Ukrainian Kuturier, who suddenly decided to remove the art hassa picture. In my opinion. And in his opinion, this is a blockbuster. I can not say how I played: Good or bad. I'm not going to evaluate yourself. It does not matter, even if others are appreciated by two with a plus. It is like the first visit to the gym. We first do not work, but then we grow.

- Who did you play in this picture?

- According to the plot, one chemist created a vaccine to treat people. But then I realized that if the Lord God decided to reduce the number of inhabitants on the planet, he should not interfere. Moreover, he creates a vaccine that, on the contrary, destroys people. I play a friend of the director of the main character. When my buddy says, he is going to destroy the world and hunting begins behind him, I hide him in my theater.

- Have you ever dreamed of becoming an actor?

"I may have dreamed of playing a movie, but I wanted my first experience to be different." It is like the first sex: I wanted to be more pleasant. (Laughs.) I knew English very well before the start of the shooting. I was told that there will be three pages of the text, but turned out to be three hundred. But it was too late to refuse, could not let down.

In the STANLEY SHULMAN BAND group, Stas performs serious classical music. Photo:

In the STANLEY SHULMAN BAND group, Stas performs serious classical music. Photo:

- Why are you? Approached the type or connection affected?

- I would now, of course, replied that the director called Robert de Niro, he was busy, alone, alone, could not, and then he understood: and who else, how not to me? (Smiles.) I have no idea why I am. Zavalsky was the director of the "Two Stars" project in Ukraine, where I and Zhenya Nikishina took the first place. We showed a large number of different images there, and maybe he took me a note.

- After such a quantity, it is probably possible to relax. Summer plans have already decided?

- I still can not go anywhere, because I have a lot of worries now: I add the album, we put the show - so not to rest. For the first time I send a family to rest in Greece, and I myself stay to work.

- You said that put a new show. What to get ready to fans?

- The fact is that the A-Dessa team changes the stereotypes of the standard music perception. Therefore, we have a saxophonist, drummer, back vocalist, I. Still on the stage there are stripters. Very bright. We are developing to be anyone like.

- And what are your worries and children now?

"The spouse is engaged in vocals, she passes castings on musicals. Bogdan finished with honors of the kindergarten and is preparing for September 1. Martyushka - in St. Petersburg. Also finished with honors the next school class. He is going to become president, so he is smarter than dad and mom ten times. Some kinderkind. She took another second place in the All-Russian Ski Championship. In general, he is well done.

The younger son of Stas Bogdan is already pleased with his parents with his artistic abilities. Photo:

The younger son of Stas Bogdan is already pleased with his parents with his artistic abilities. Photo:

- Perhaps such that someone will go to your footsteps?

- At the graduation in kindergarten Bogdan played the wovel crow. Mom shot him on video. I was delighted, there is a charisma in this child. Now the boy, in order to defend his opinion, of course, it is better to deal with boxing than in the theatrical circle. But this boy seems to be engaged in the theatrical circle, and not in a boxing school.

- Stas Kostyushkin - strict dad?

- I probably, the same dad, like everyone else. If the news is good - I'm kind, bad - angry. (Laughs.) They are very stringent. Moms are well raising their children, and I'm insanely glad to it.

- Did you have a good manner and success in school?

"I could approach the teacher and say:" ... But I do not drink and do not smoke, but everyone else is drunk in the fountain. " To which the teacher somehow said to me: "They will be sober, and you will stay a two-way." But I do not drink now, I do not smoke and do sports every day.

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