As tarot cards allow you to know your future


Even in our time, the age of global scientific and technological progress, interest in esoteric and magic does not disappear from the widest categories of the population. And this is understandable - so far neither scientists nor doctors nor psychologists predict the fate of a particular person, especially if we are not a physical condition, but about events, acquisitions and losses that are waiting for him in the life path.

One of the most effective and authoritative ways to predict the future is deservedly considered to be fortune-law on Tarot maps. Ancient art, leaving their roots in the occult of the Middle Ages, fortune telling on the Tarot cards is a tested way to learn its destiny, and therefore outline life strategies.

But is it easy to guess Tarot's maps?

First of all, before the beginning of the procedure of divination, you need to properly configure yourself on a difficult session. It is necessary to choose the type of scenario, to focus all your thoughts on one particular topic, to submit a situation that will need to be seen during a session. The deck of cards must be taken in the hands and hold it for a few minutes, concentrating on the deck a maximum of their attention.

Prophoving in his thoughts the question you want to know with the help of cards, at the same time you need to mix a deck, pull out the card from it one by one from above, or lay out the maps by the method of a fan. Maps need to be dragged without thinking about what map you want to pull out. Divination requires the use of intuition in the first place. The correct psychological attitude is very important, since it is from him that the effectiveness of the fortune telling himself will depend.

Tatiana Khol

Tatiana Khol


Classical fortune telling on Tarot maps uses the alignment of three cards - the easiest, but no less informative, the more complex layouts. In the classic scenario of three cards, one card shows the situation, and the second and third are possible positive and negative consequences of the situation.

Another reading of three cards is implied that one card symbolizes the past, the other is the present, and the third is the future.

The layout of five cards makes it possible to even more globally analyze situations that can happen to us in the future. Here, the alignment is valid according to the scheme: the situation of the past is the impact of the real on the life of the extinguishing - what the gigging missed in its present, and could use - practical actions that can lead to an improvement in the position of the expectant, the result that can be achieved in due Compliance with recommendations.

It is worth understanding that the fortune telling on the maps of Taro allows us to only see the possible ways to develop events, it is not an unambiguous panacea from some negative incidents or, on the contrary, the way to succeed in some kind of area. Just a man, guessing Tarot's maps, finds out what situations can wait for him in front, in the future, and on the basis of this knowledge, he can already take or make some actions aimed at eliminating and preventing these situations or, on the contrary, on their approximation.

If you do not want to know about any bad event for you, do not ask a tarologist such a question and do not ask him yourself. And remember that any gadel forecast can always be changed. Actually, for this we guess on the maps to find out all possible scenarios for developing events and be ready for them, predict situations and look for ways out of them.

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