What did Kurkov and Yuri Kolokolnikov engaged in Omsk?


For the fourth time, the Festival of Cinematic Debuts "Movement" is held in Omsk. Tickets, distributed by the Organizing Committee, ended instantly, during the first day. There were no free places on the shows even on the steps. Sometimes members of the jury and actors gave way to the audience, and they themselves disappeared on the steps. The young and energetic festival, which has long ceased to compare with the Khanty-Mansiysk "Spirit of Fire", was torn forward that even his creators - Polina Zueva, Artem Mikhalkov and Stas Tyrkin - were in an enthusiastic amazement.

During the morning mosquito on the embankment, Irtysh was noticed Ravshan Kurkov and Yuri Kolokolnikov. The latter suddenly granted Omski from Los Angeles. Unaware that they observe them, the actors nevertheless behaved like on the stage of the theater.

Maxim Vitorgan with Polyna's daughter

Maxim Vitorgan with Polyna's daughter

Gennady Avramenko

Maxim Vitorgan was on the "movement" with the daughter of Polina. Father and daughter were held demonstratively apart and in different companies. Only once, at the concert of Peter Nalich, relatives came together in a stormy dance, at the same time, photographed.

Alexander Vartanov

Alexander Vartanov

Gennady Avramenko

The fact that the main prize of the film festival will receive the wildest film of the program, no one doubted, with the exception, maybe Alexander Vartanova, the director of the "Dachniki" paintings. Also, the Dachniks took the "best male role" and the prize for the work of the operator.

Natalia Meschaninova

Natalia Meschaninova

Gennady Avramenko

Directed by Natalia Meschaninova, this year the meeting in the jury of the main contest of the film festival, was a friendly attack on the side of Andrei Stembkovsky colleagues. But to transfer to the prestigious row along with the jury of Andrei still did not work out, as he tried.

Ravshana Kurkov

Ravshana Kurkov

Gennady Avramenko

Ravzhana Kurkova, having walked something rhythmic from the columns, began to pretend to be a drummer with invisible chopsticks. It turned out so convincingly that the intrigued clarified and found out: Raveban really began to play the play on the drums for the new role.

Andrei Golushko and Arkady Abramovich

Andrei Golushko and Arkady Abramovich

Gennady Avramenko

The Senator of the Omsk Region Andrei Golushko was seen in the society of an elegant young man, in which the experts with amazement learned the businessman Arkady Abramovich - the eldest son of Roman Abramovich. What did Arkady Romanovich do in Omsk, we are unknown, but we hope that his stay in the city has benefited by the famous Omsk roads.

Andrei Rudensky

Andrei Rudensky

Gennady Avramenko

Andrei Rudensky unfortunately discovered that the shooting gallery, colorfully looked around nearby, is not what is not yet open, and it is unlikely to ever open. And the only thing that establish the establishment is now like a background for a photo.

Polina Zueva and Valery Todorovsky

Polina Zueva and Valery Todorovsky

Gennady Avramenko

The Motion Moderator of Polina Zueva and Chairman of the Jury Valery Todorovsky was so extended at the festival that the closing banner embraced, and so they were silently, until they woke up from a sudden photo flash.

Winners of the Festival "Movement":

Grand Prix: "Dachnings", dir. Alexander Vartanov.

The best director's work: Julia Belaya, "City birds".

The best female role: Evgenia Athos, Evgenia Gromova, Anna Vorkuev, "City birds".

The best male role: Alexey Maslodudov, Dachniki.

Best Scenario: Vano Burduli, David Chubikishvili, Summer Frozen Fountains.

The best operator work: Seva Captures, Denis Klebleyev, Ivan Baranowsec, Ivan Fingeyev, Dachniki.

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