What dreams of nursing mothers?


A paradoxically, I will start the article not from dreams, but with what is interesting to most nursing mothers. Breastfeeding is a biological process that exists as much as humanity lives. Many works have been written and billions of women passed this process on their experience. There are different doctrines about when finishing the child's feeding, when it causes less psychological damage to him. But ultimately, each mother solves this question on their own, using accumulated advice or their own intuition. About the example of such an intuitive tip will tell the dream of our heroine.

"They are trying to invite me to court or the prosecutor's office for giving testimony about my work. Everyone is serious, rumors go, which can be sent to prison, although in fact the court is just a study with two aunts that ask something. Before the cottage of my testimony, we constantly think about what I need to say that there was no speech to have, for what to catch and investigate on. On the day of the trial, I apologize to me the chief judge, who says that I have no mistakes that she apologizes for even thinking about me unfairly. With me removed all suspicions and no longer resume. I thank them, sobbing, I say that I don't know how I could handle with it, but also feed my child with breasts, because I would have to learned dramatically. And even in a dream, I understand that he will not remain hungry, rather, it will be a shock event. "

The dream of our heroine illustrates her how connected with her child. In other words, the attachment to the feeding process is not only and not so much in the baby, but our dreams have. The dream shows her various catastrophes and extreme options that one day this contact will have to stop. And for her it may be no less shock and disorder than for a child.

At the same time, even in a dream, she understands that feeding is the process not necessary for life. Now the baby can do without him, which means it is time to get ready to go with him to a new level of contact.

Young mothers, nursing, knowing this moment: the child can always be distracted, switch, calm or sleep with a chest, but not up to 18 years old use this trick? It's just for mom, but in the future, when a child no longer needs milk both in food and water, you will have to master new contact methods and inhibit the existing attachment in a new way. Or it turns out as in the joke: "The child is considered to be dodged when the institute ends."

In the case of our dreams, she will have to build a new contact with the baby to teach him and calm himself, switch in other ways. We wish good luck to her!

And what dreams of you? Send your dreams and questions by mail [email protected].

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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