What happens to people under the influence of the lunar eclipse


This week, 31 January at 1:29 pm in Moscow will occur a lunar eclipse. It is closely connected with the new moon preceding it. 17.01.18 and the last sunny eclipse, which occurred on 21.08.2017. I know that many have already felt his influence. Let's deal with together what can happen to people under the influence of the January eclipse.

1. The main topics of events will be associated with the manifestation of individuals and individuality, with children, with husbands, fathers and other men. And someone is waiting for changes in the sphere of career and personal relationships. The reasons for what is happening can be found by analyzing everything that happened at the end of August 2017.

2. Events will occur completely suddenly and even unexpectedly for all participants in the process. It will be unpredictable predestination.

3. In addition to everything that happens may be excessively active or even militant-aggressive character.

4. The good news is that with diplomatic behavior you can achieve a positive result.

5. If we consider it symbolically, any eclipse occurs not only in the sky, but also in the head. Because of this, it is easy to encounter with the completely unusual behavior of the people who surround you. The number of accidents on the roads is increasing - just intensified.

From Thursday, these trends will begin to weaken, but do not lose vigilance, at the end of the week, fate can again throw something extraordinary.

Anna Pierzheva, professional astrologer, https://www.facebook.com/an.pronicheva,


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