Love Stories: Nadezhda Mikhalkov and Rube Hygineisvili


About such as Nadya Mikhalkov, they say: she was born with a silver spoon in the mouth. The youngest of the Mikhalkov clan, she was the favorite of Nikita Sergeevich since childhood. Even her birthday is immortalized in cinema: in one of the scenes of the film "Black" Mikhalkov laid out a twenty-seven-seven flowers on the flower bed twenty-seven - the date of the appearance of his favorite.

Already at eight years, Nadia was starred in one of the main roles in the film "Burnt by the Sun", and a few years later played two heroines - twin sisters in the picture of Tigran Keosayan "President and His granddaughter". In short, it was already clear: her bright acting future was predetermined. However, after graduation, Nadya Mikhalkov entered the Faculty of International Journalism MGIMO. "I thought it was necessary to get a basic education. And in the acting profession everything solves talent: either he is, or there is no it. "

Well, Nadi is exactly there. In the fact that the youngest children of Nikita Sergeevich inherited his talent, perseverance and hard work, there is no doubt. However, only acting profession does not limit himself. Nadia actively tries in various fields. Four years ago, she acted as a producer: At first, together with his sister, Anna was engaged in the film "Say Leo", and then - already for a couple with Mikhail Porechenkov, the picture "Lockers". And from Mom - Tatiana Mikhalkova, who was once a famous mannequin, - Nadia took over the passion for fashion. She even released her own collection under the brand name "Nadin".

Nikita Mikhalkov was categorically against his daughter's novel with a married man. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

Nikita Mikhalkov was categorically against his daughter's novel with a married man. Photo: Gennady Cherkasov.

"Nadia is very similar to me," Nikita Sergeevich does not get tired. - She lives as comfortable. But at the same time he knows how to plan his life. And she can love. "

It was because of the nadine love relationship in Nikita Sergeevich happened a few years ago a serious breakdown with his daughter. Father family learned (one of the latter) that his favorite has a serious relationship with a married man ...

Georgian mark

The director Rube Hygineishvili was born in a very prosperous family. His father was led by Borjomi resort, but when heavy times began in Georgia, the family moved to Moscow. In the Russian capital, the draps went to a very prestigious school, after the end of which was going to act in MGIMO. His final choice was very influenced by the older sister of Tamara. It was she insisted to flow to VGIK: she who worked on the Niva journalism was confident that the profession of the director is much more promising than the career of the diplomat.

In Vgik, Higineshvili came to Marlene Huziyev's course. Of course, ambitions then flew ahead. Like many freshmen, he imagined himself at least Fellini. And today it admits that he was very lucky at that moment of his life to meet a man who became his mentor. The cousin was introduced to Fedor Bondarchuk, which was then intended to shoot his film "9 Rota". The future director was lucky to get to the picture as an assistant.

This picture has changed not only his professional, but also a personal life. After all, it was on the set of "9 companies", he met his first spouse - a young graduate of the "Star Factory" Anastasia Kochetkov.

Their joint story began both in movies, which, however, is not surprising, given the profession of both. Summer, sun, Crimea, he and she ...

... On that day, Anastasia Kochetkov, who took part in the next "stars factory", together with other "manufacturers" performed in Feodosia. The concert compared at full-line film crew "9 company" film. For her participants, it was its own-shaped therapy: they all were so plunged into the "military" weekdays that the exit to the light seemed simply necessary.

They were introduced abroad. And when Nastya went on stage, for some reason immediately found his eyes. Rube Hygineisvili worked as the second director of the "9 company" picture, and literally on the same day they both understood that they fell in love.

When Nastya returned to Moscow and told parents about their novel, they were in horror: because the daughter turned only sixteen, and here - a serious relationship! But something to change was not in their forces. Soon the young began to prepare for the wedding.

Love Stories: Nadezhda Mikhalkov and Rube Hygineisvili 20407_2

To the main role in his film "Heat" Rubo invited her favorite spouse Nastya. For this project, she lost thirty kilograms. .

Celebrations passed in the Arts Gallery of Zurab Tsereteli. Many famous people from the world of cinema and show business came to congratulate them: Vakhtang Kikabidze, Tigran Keosayan, Soso Pavliashvili, Nani Breggvadze and (what then Nastya will remember with tears) Artem and Nadya Mikhalkov.

Parents of Nastya's parents paid, people are wealthy (Mom - Architect and Dad - a famous lawyer). They gave a young family apartment. In the meantime, the new housing was repaired, bought Nastya and a trip to Capri - there are newlyweds and spent their honeymoon.

There Kochetkova recognized the joyful news: Soon she will become mom! Rubber jumped from happiness with her. That child, they were waiting together.

The daughter decided to call Marusi. At night, the young parents got up to the baby in turn, without making concerns to someone who worked more. They almost all did everything together - Rube and Nastya. Therefore, when a sharp picture began to shoot a sensational picture of "Heat", he gave one of the roles, of course, his beloved spouse. For this, Nastya dropped thirty (!) Kilograms, imperceptibly speaking during pregnancy.

But soon in the family began scandals. Once together, the spouses instantly began to quarrel, sometimes literally because of some little things. And forgotten, immediately understood how they miss each other. They tried to start again and again again, but the next scandal left less chances for a further joint life. Their baby was only six months ...

And soon Nastya found out that the resistant, who decided to live separately, appeared another. She even became aware of her name. It was at that moment that Nastya understood: this is the end of their relationship, together they will never be. After all, the empty Mikhalkov became the choser. It was not easy to compete with such a rival.

Although the marriage caused Anastasia's suffering, the main thing is that the daughter of Marusya appeared. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

Although the marriage caused Anastasia's suffering, the main thing is that the daughter of Marusya appeared. Photo: Sergey Kozlovsky.

... At the twenty-one, she stayed alone, with a small child in her arms. But this misfortune did not end. Somehow Nastya arrived home and in his quiet cozy apartment found a plow raid. The police outfit stated that nine robbers visited the house. Apparently, they knew exactly that where the mistress was stored and the loss of what it was that it would cause a real panic. So, the expensive chopard earrings lay intact at the same place. But the most beloved T-shirts, sometimes a penny cost, disappeared. The most appreciated was that the door was not hacked, but neatly opened the key. Nastya is still lost in guessing, who was the initiator of the robbery, chasing the absurd idea that the second set of keys was at the only person ...

That divorce turned to Nastya the hardest depression. She was sitting at home by day, without noticing the surrounding world, and cried-crying crumbled. So far, in one really beautiful day, I finally did not realize: life continues. This marriage, although she brought suffering, gave her the main thing - the beauty of the daughter Marus. Greater, it becomes very similar to her mother. And how could she get upset with such a daughter? "We love and understand each other, as no one else can understand us! - Says Nastya. - We are with her like twins. After all, she had to be born in my birthday, when I was eighteen years old. But it was born for six days later. She is my happiness! She is my second half! She is me! My daughter! My life! My girlfriend! My conscience! My truth! My love!"

So why get upset? Nastya was even able to rejoice at his ex-husband. And when he was born another daughter - already in marriage with Nadi Mikhalkova, personally congratulated the dram.

The Wedding Planner

For the development of the novel, the hope of Mikhalkova and Rube Hygineishvili followed not only Nastya Kochetkov, but also the entire cinematic world. Still would! After all, when the young only began to meet, the information immediately appeared: Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov oh-oh very negatively reacted to this connection. According to rumors, he was especially indignant due to the fact that his chosen was married.

They say that young received a blessing after Nikita Sergeevich looked at the future son-in-law "in action". Routed the filming of the film "Without Men", the main role in which he entrusted, of course, Nad Mikhalkova. Nikita Sergeevich personally visited the film crew and there, seeing how correctly all the work was organized, finally melted: if a person belongs to his profession, it means that it can be rejected!

Incompleteners predicted a new family to the fast disintegration, but nevertheless, spouses are just fine. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Incompleteners predicted a new family to the fast disintegration, but nevertheless, spouses are just fine. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Mikhalkov even gave a resume a few professional advice. "Nikita Sergeevich suggested, where possible errors can slip," recalls the cut. - It was important for me to be his opinion as a professional. I think that many young directors dream to have worked with them Mikhalkov himself. "

After Nikita Sergeyevich gave a blessing with young, hope and ramp officially registered his marriage. It happened three years ago, in April 2009. True, lush celebrations did not suit. Just painted in the registry office. Many in cinematographic circles about the fact of marriage learned postfactum - when young people appeared at the premiere of the film "Burnt by the Sun-2: the upcoming" with the wedding rings on the fingers. The news of pregnancy Nadi was the same surprise: it became known about her interesting situation only after her holidays from the theater.

And when two years ago, in May 2011, they had a daughter Nina, the heart of Nikita Sergeevich and melted at all. True, the granddaughter for some reason, seeing the Terrible mustache of his grandfather, begins to cry.

If the wedding from Nadi and the rubber was modest, then the wedding was then talked for a long time. In the fall of 2011, the whole bomb was invited to Georgia. There, in the monastery of Bodbe, located near the city of alarm, young and married.

This place was chosen not by chance. The women's monastery is the name of Georgia's enlightened by Holy Nina. But this is the name of the daughter of hope and cut. Georgian signs itself are considered the city of lovers.

Nadia during the wedding was in the Georgian national costume, even shoes were specially sewn to this solemn event. In the wedding, there was a Mikhalkov family in full, Fedor Bondarchuk and his wife, Philip Yankovsky, Vladimir Presnyakov and even Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili. They say that Nikita Sergeevich, touched by the celebration and descended after Kakhetian wine, sang his main hit - "Shaggy Shmel". And all guests immediately went into the dance. And only Mikhail Saakashvili with an understanding smile watched what was happening.

Non-promoters, of course, predicted a new family to the fast disintegration (they say, if the sharp as quickly with the first family broke up, it would not last long and in the second one), but nevertheless the spouses are just fine. And they met the current new year with joyful news: they will have replenishment in the family. Their child is the son of Ivan - appeared on May 21.

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