Yoga for pregnant women: what you need to know before proceeding


Yoga is definitely very useful, but if you are pregnant and only now decided to think about yoga classes, then I want to warn you right away that yoga can not only benefit, but also harm - some types of asan / poses have contraindications when These or other states. It is necessary to approach consciously, to do it best in the group or personally with the instructor. And the most important rule: proceeding to yoga classes only with the permission of your gynecologist.

1. Yoga is one of the most effective ways to prepare for pregnancy. What is this type of preparation for pregnancy?

Yoga is one of the most effective ways to prepare not only for pregnancy, but also to childbirth, and the postpartum restoration of the body of a woman. In addition, Yoga is a set of exercises for stretching and learning proper breathing. With yoga, you can raise immunity, get rid of health problems. In addition, yoga classes make it possible to achieve a certain relaxation and a more positive attitude towards their state during the pregnancy period. Yoga is not charging and not fitness, it is more likely a philosophy that teaches a calm and satisfied look at life, which, in turn, is very important during a period of pregnancy, when a woman is tormented by doubts, fear, her psychological state and mood is susceptible to constant change Due to hormonal background and other physiological features.

Nina Kolomiyceva

Nina Kolomiyceva

2. Does it need special training or a special physical form of a woman, a certain age?

Special physical training of yoga classes do not require it. However, I advise you to start doing yoga with an instructor. This is especially true of pregnant women who have never been fond of yoga. Yoga is a complex of exercises intended for stabilization, prevention of various states, while in yoga there are many exercises that cannot be performed without an instructor. For example, there are poses / asana who have "contraindications": for example, increased pressure, problems with the spine, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you need to perform exercises under the supervision of a specialist so that in no way harm yourself. As for age limitations or physical data, in this respect, yoga is very democratic - it can be engaged in having an overweight, being a woman aged. There are even complexes specially designed for women during menopause.

3. What do you need to know before proceeding to yoga classes? Are there any rules that are pregnant during yoga practicing?

The first rule is the regularity of classes. As in the case of any sport, yoga should be your daily work. Only so you can get the result from classes to her. Rule number 2: Yoga can be practiced from the first weeks of pregnancy almost before delivery. Rule number 3: Remember that yoga can not be engaged in "full" stomach. Eating should be 1.5-2 hours before classes, immediately before the occupation (half an hour) you can eat a banana, an apple or yogurt. Rule number 4: During the class carefully listen to himself and its feelings, if something (some pose) causes discomfort, it is better to postpone it or not to do some time. Yoga is energy and attention to inside yourself, so it is so important to be in harmony with you, performing some exercises. Rule number 5: Do not overvolt, do not get tired! And I repeat: do yoga during pregnancy yourself only if you already have experience, otherwise the help of the yoga instructor is necessary.

Yoga for pregnant women: what you need to know before proceeding 20331_2

"You can only do yoga during pregnancy yourself only if you already have experience"

4. What is categorically impossible to do during pregnancy? And what, on the contrary, recommended?

Exclude poses that have pressure on the belly: all sorts of twists, pose lying on the stomach. At the same time, attention should be paid to the possession, which contribute to the disclosure of the hip joint, "inverted" by the possessions (bridges and sebamism). During the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy, it is possible to perform poses lying on the back, in the 3rd of them it is better to exclude - such postures are putting pressure on large vessels and worsen blood circulation. Therefore, during the 3rd trimester, Shavasan is better to do lying on its side. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters it is worth paying attention to the possession of standing - they will help get rid of edema and maintain the right weight.

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