Preparing for Christmas: How European Cities Transformed Transformed


"Yes, quarantine is only two weeks!" We naively thought in the winter. He stole March 8, the Day of Knowledge, the Day of People's Unity and even the birthdays of many people. And now, like Greench, trying to kidnap Christmas - the main holiday in the year for Catholics. However, European cities do not want to give up to him - almost everywhere fairs with a bunch of gingerbread houses were banned, but decorated the city and organized other safe festivities. Watch pictures for now far distant locations?

Vienna, Austria

The magical spectacle with attractions on deer, a giant ferris wheel and a classic Christmas vertex on Rathausplac is one of the oldest and most traditional events. Wiener ChristkindlMarkt last year consisted of 150 kiosks, but this time should be closed due to measures against the spread of the virus. But the famous tree of hearts is a giant maple, decorated with hundreds of sparkling hearts - still in place and is very popular with visitors. Plus, the authorities organize a huge glowing rink at the place of the Fair - the outdoor sports sports in Austria is allowed. So the holiday is!

Budapest, Hungary

In the country next to Austria, mass skating was banned along with fairs. However, the christmas approach is still noticeable: along the capital already runs the garland tram number 2 - a favorite route of tourists in the city center. Parliament and near the Basilica of St. Ishthan put on a huge Christmas tree, as well as a couple of layouts on religious topics. The central streets of Budapest highlighted bright lights, and in front of the parliament, on the other side of the Danube, there is an illumination in the form of a heart with the word "Thank you" in different languages.

Milan, Italy

The country is still a heavy setting. Italy was divided into three zones by degree of danger and banned from one region to travel to another. However, for Christmas will make an exception, as local media writes, and will be allowed even in the Red Zone to come to each other. As for jewelry, famous brands were decorated with Milan's largest shopping center with her Christmas trees, as well as almost all cities have established illuminations.

Vilnius, Lithuania

In Lithuania, the New Year tree was called the most beautiful in Europe. Local is very wrong with this title, and really do it not in vain - instead of cutting out a giant tree, the authorities made a festive illumination at the cathedral area. And let you fail to see this beautiful spectacle this year, we advise you to keep up with technologies - walk through the cities of online, looking at the Instagram or Yutyub - the local residents who spent the tourists take pictures and videos with excursions on the pre-Christmas capitals.

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