Secrets of home pedicure


In winter, we carry warm shoes for a long time, dense socks and tights, are in heated rooms - all this can lead to the development of fungal diseases (a comfortable environment is created for their development), the appearance of corns, hopes and cracks.

Leather legs should be clean and dry. Socks, tights, stockings and shoes itself should not interfere with the breath of the skin. Legs should not sweat and "boiling" all day in boots. You need to wear replaceable comfortable shoes. Using home recipes, mitigating flaky skin, you can make an impeccable pedicure.

Option 1. Aloe leaves turn into a cleaner, apply on the skin of the feet, fix the food film. Top to wear socks.

Option 2. Obtain an apple (better sour), make a compress for the night (package, woolen socks).

Option 3. 3 tbsp. l. Salts for every 2 liter of warm water for 30 minutes, daily before bedtime. After: rinse and wipe the legs, lubricate with vegetable oil.

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash

Natalia Gaidash, k. M. N., Dermatologist, cosmetologist

It is recommended to remove the coarse skin dry. This reduces the risk of injury and significantly increases efficiency. You will see and feel what kind of skin becomes. Faster way - processing after breaking. To do this, you can make a bath for softening the skin of the legs: 2 tbsp. Spoons of food soda mix with the same amount of grated toilet or children's soap and dissolve in 2 liters of moderately hot water. Spar legs for 30 minutes. You can use patches and keratolithic creams (dissolving the burdered layer). There are creams for legs and socks, impregnated with means for mitigation and skin regeneration. They are recommended to use if there are cracks. Cut the dry corn razor forbidden! The razor cuts off the damage uneven: somewhere removed too much - and the skin will start rich in response even stronger, and somewhere not enough. For dry corn and so-called corn with a rod, you can take plantar warts, the removal of which can only be carried out by a specialist doctor in the clinic. It is strictly forbidden to burn out rod corns and warts at home by pharmaceutical agents. This leads in most cases to the formation of coarse scars and scars. The use of sets for home removal of warts with the help of "freezing", as well as patches inefficient.

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