Olga Cabo: "So much happiness came to the house with the birth of a son!"


From the young years, the girl had versatile interests: she was engaged in music, and rhythmic gymnastics, and ballroom dancing, and even attended a circle of astronautics. Curiousness led fifteen-year-old Olya to the cinema. And they were approved! At such a gentle age, she played the main roles in two pictures at once: in the youth drama "And everything will repeat" and the musical film "Jokes to the side". It was then that, having worked on the set, she decided that it would be an actress, and with her stubbornishness it became step by step to move towards the target target. By the way, Olga graduated from a specialized school with an in-depth study of English, which was very useful to her in the USA - while working on two Hollywood paintings. And if we talk about courage Cabo and her character, it is worth remembering the story that happened to her on the filming of the film "Crusader": when performing the trick, it fell from a motorcycle. Colleagues on the project were frightened, because her leg suffered greatly. The actress did not cry, did not kinuokil, did not require special attention. When doctors arrived, the injured limb was swollen so that it was no longer possible to remove jeans with Cabo. By cutting the staff, the doctor was examined (fortunately, it cost without a fracture), treated wound and strongly recommended Olga to stay at rest. But barely careta "Help" disappeared behind the turn, the victim announced that it was ready to return to the shooting, which was even surprised by the experienced cascaders. It turns out the appearance of deceptive? And this charming woman is only at first glance, spoiled and buggy, like Lani? So what is she really? I was very interested to find an answer to this question ...

How did you manage to return the form so quickly after childbirth?

Olga Cabo: "I have the least thinking about my figure now. With the birth of the son, accents shifted, changed and attitude towards himself. In my own hierarchy, I am now in second place, and on the first - my children, in particular, my little son. Sometimes I catch myself thinking that I live in his rhythm, I look at the world. Wityush is a very positive boy, more often in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit, and in this he looks like me - we are both optimists! I try to leave any problem or unpleasant experience as soon as possible, after analyzing everything that happened. After all, the main thing is to always move forward! And about unnecessary kilograms ... I am sure that the human body has muscle memory, due to which it quickly restores the previous form. Especially since I have already entered your usual active working schedule. I returned to the scene, in all my performances, I managed to release two premieres - a music-poetic project "I was looking for you ...", dedicated to the memory of Marina Tsvetaeva, and the literary production "You do not become a memorial ...", based on verses and the prose of the Silver Age. In addition, I try to paint the time to go to the pool or just at home do exercises. So in a short time I will find the weight of the weight. "

You have become my mom for the second time. Is there any difference between the first experience and present?

Olga: "Probably, I became more sentimental. I touches me to tears when the hand pulls me to me when he confessedly pressed to me when he could not fall asleep or looking for consolation, if something worried about something. Then, my son is a real peasant! This manifests itself in everything: how it is applied to his chest, as, waking up, is waiting patiently when they are suitable for it. It doesn't cry, not perturbed, but just quietly playing with his toys - from infancy gets used to independence! Besides, Viti Bogatyrsky Sleep (at night he sleeps without waking up eleven or twelve hours) and brutal appetite - just have time to bring a spoon! But daughter, Tanya, was completely different. She demanded more attention, more often cried, climbed, did not sleep at night for up to three years. It's amazing that my children are so different, and it's great that now I have a daughter and son! And the vitone is exactly my favorite man! "

Does your husband take offense for these words?

Olga: "On the contrary, it rejoices. So much happiness came to the house with the birth of the Son! The spouse has three adult children - two sons and daughter, but when they were small, Nikolai was too busy with the construction of their business and, alas, they could not pay much attention to them. But now he can afford to spend more time at home, and each his free moment undoubtedly belongs to the baby. Kohl-Father is able absolutely everything - and put it, and cheer, and the diaper is changed. And I really like to watch this sweet couple. "

Nikolay put every effort to find me and meet. And after a month he made an offer

Nikolay put every effort to find me and meet. And after a month he made an offer. "Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Tatiana is not jealous of Vita?

Olga: "Well, you! The daughter proudly tells everyone that she has a younger brother whom she will raise a real man. Returning from the school, she immediately goes to the nursery, grabs Vitu in his arms, dancing with him, she laughs him in every way entertaining. In general, for the whole of our family, Vitya is vitamin joy. Tanya studies in the first year of the Academy of Choreography at the Bolshoi Theater, and of course, ballet life requires tremendous physical and mental costs. In addition, constant limitations, diet, strict day regime - not everyone will endure! But when the daughter is engaged with a brother, she is distracted by his fatigue, drinks from him positive energy, too, like all of us, begins to smile ... And recently, going to school early in the morning, the Tanya looked at me with sadness, nursing the baby, and says : "That's just two joys in my life - this is a little vityush and you, mom!" Skinny, isn't it? "

Did you manage to find a common language to your husband and daughter?

Olga: "Tanya and Nicholas are smooth friendly relations. Sometimes each of them (because of its own character) can flare. And daughter, and her husband, of course, personality, with her eyes on life. Kohl is a strict stepfather, quite emotionally reacting teenage moods to Tanyoshina. "

How did you meet Nikolai?

Olga: "Accidentally having met me on the street, Nikolai found out the actress Olga Cabo in me and put every effort to find me and meet me. With our common friends, he organized a meeting at the restaurant. And then everything developed very quickly. After a month, Kolya made me a sentence, after two we got married, and six months later married. And three years later, Victor appeared on the world. "

Why did you decide to get married? Was it a spiritual need or tribute to tradition?

Olga: "Spiritual relationship is fundamental in family relationships. Families that honor God live in peace, harmony, understanding and respecting each other. In the marriages enclosed in heaven, there is an internal energy that helps spouses to deal with adversities, difficulties and crisis moments of life. And I, and Kolya in this sincerely believe. "

Not so long ago, rumors appeared that you are pregnant again ...

Olga: "I confess to honestly, I now have completely different plans. In the spring, shooting a new series for the first channel begins. A very interesting story written for four actresses, and in the genre it is both melodrama, and a lyrical comedy, there is a criminal line in it. Shooting will be held in Minsk, so I, Evelina Blinds and Anna Nosathov - three young mommies, the performer of the main roles - we will go to the cinema-expenditure with children. So while we work, our "kindergarten" will breathe clean Belarusian air and feed on fresh dairy products that this beautiful country is so famous. And in the evenings we will have the opportunity to spend time with kids. "

Olga Cabo:

"Recently, the daughter looked at me and said with sadness:" Only two joys are in my life - this is Wityush and you, mom. " Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

And if you are serious, are you ready for a little baby after some time in the family?


"It seems to me that I don't even really ask such questions. This is the case of two people and God ... "

Being in the position, you continued to work almost to the birth. It was not hard?

Olga: "Yes, I played performances in the theater and even went to tour on a very late period. Once there happened a curious case. In our poetic performance with Valery Barinov, I read the poem Anna Akhmatova, in which there are such lines: "I put a narrow skirt to seem still slightly ..." And at that time I was already in the seventh month of pregnancy, with a clearly rounded tummy! I said the text and only then thought how funny in my position he could sound. But surprisingly, they did not laugh in the hall, the audience carefully listened to the poems. Exhaling, I looked victious to Valeria Alexandrovich and continued! And reading high poetry, I believed that the baby inside me was too glad and enjoyed. "

Daughter and son look like you?

Olga: "Probably, both are more like their fathers. From me, Tatyana received "as a gift" artistry and craving for creativity. And externally, it seems to be a negative of my photo: I am a dark-eyed brunette, Tanya is a blonde with blue eyes. So those who want to find visual similarities will have to really try! And in character, she is stronger than me. I am much softer, it's easier to agree with me. The daughter somehow mentioned: "Mom, it is impossible to be so good in our aggressive time." But Wityui my brown eyes and my light elderly temper! "

By the way, you are busy in many musical performances, perfectly dancing, and your daughter is studying at the Academy of Choreography. How does she estimate their mother's speeches?

Olga: "My daughter is part of me. She often comes to performances, loves to sit at rehearsals. Tanya knows all my roles. And of course, it is not indifferent to my choreographic experiments. When the Tanechka was eight years old, I rehearsed in the St. Petersburg project "Bath of rose petals". And the daughter often came to visit me in St. Petersburg. Already then she felt music and danced with pleasure. And in the performance, all heroes performed flamenco. One day, shortly before the premiere, she went to the director Andrei Linkkin and offered to watch the Spanish dance with a fan, which she herself came up with. Andrei did not resist, and Tanya went to dance. Fan fluttered in her hands like a butterfly, and she herself moved so passionately and with such a feeling as if she was not eight years old, but much more. And you imagine, Zhitytkin approved her dance and inserted into the performance by a separate episode! But to my party in Casting / Casting, Tanya treats very pickyly, makes me comments - like a real professional: Knee Trani, I hold my back ... and I listen to her! "

Why did you decide to move out of the center of the capital?

Olga: "It was the wish of my husband, he likes to live in the suburbs. I have long got used to the place removed from Moscow. Of course, I am a metropolitan thing, my work is mainly in the center: Mosseta Theater, film actor theater, Mosfilm's film studio. My parents, girlfriends live immediately. And I initially very nervous due to the fact that daily trips to the city are connected with many hours of traffic jams, I'm not used to spending so much time on the road. But he soon met this inconvenience, even learned to benefit from it - I read in the car, I am writing, I will teach, talking on the phone, I even sleep, good I drive a driver. So in my car there is everything - from packing tights to pillows and plaid. The main thing I understand that with a newborn baby is much more convenient to live in the country: fresh air, dazzling and white snow, century-old pines, the forest nearby ... We have a very cozy house, I am here resting from the Moscow bustle, I am gaining strength, breathing with full breasts. And with dogs, and we have three of them, more pleasant to walk in the forest, and not in the city. "

Olga Cabo:

"Today's rapid rhythm of life does not allow to relax, stop, and I really like it." Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

I did not hear, do you have three dogs?


"Yes, three dachshunds! Two standard smooth-haired - Khryun and Bonya - and Rabbit Long-haired - Carrie. We have never been dog lovers with Kolya, but everything decided the case. A few years ago, Alexander Inshakov, the President of the Russian Cynological Organization and a big friend of our family, invited us with her husband and daughter to the dog exhibition. We decided to have fun, and at the same time just look at Peskov. And suddenly they saw small spotted lumps - the puppies of coffee and marble dachshund looked like a puppy. I will tell you for sure: it was love at first sight. From the exhibition, we returned home with two charming taishenes ... And after a while we settled another four-legged friend, small and mischievous. We prepared it as a gift to the daughter of our buddies, but they suddenly refused. And I, alas, has already seen a photo of this miracle ... Now he is also a member of our funny family. And of course, this irrepressible Trinity does not allow us to miss! But at the same time they give the sea of ​​positive energy, we rejoice and sincerely love that it consistently raises the mood. "

Surprise learned that you, Olga, also a member of the Cascaders Association. What could make a beautiful woman choose such a dangerous profession?

Olga: "I never performed tricks for the sake of tricks. And never considered herself a professional cascadener. But by the will of fate, the early my paintings were associated with equestrian sports, with fencing battles and battles on swords: "Adventures of Quentin Dorvarda", "Knight's castle", "Crusader" ... I am very curious, so terribly wanted to learn how to sit in the saddle and keep In hand weapons. I really liked to discover new talents. Cascaders' guys supported my desire, began to patiently train me, and as a result, on the set, I performed all the tricks without doubles. And cascaders called me with their combat girlfriend! And in the film "Crusader" with Inshakov, a jump from a fifteen-meter height of cardboard boxes, after which I was solemnly accepted in the Caskaders Association. And until today I am the only actress that consists in it. And the riding ride is still my favorite hobby. "

In addition to dogs, maybe it's time and the horse's own start?

Olga: "I already have a horse - the stallion of the tragedry rock named the patron, he stands in the equestrian club. This is a gift of her husband. We chose it for a long time. I wanted to be sure to be a rose horse with a white star on the forehead and with snow-white "cuffs" at the hoof. And the patron saint appeared from my dream! Stunning handsome man with expressive eyes and golden character. Whatever happens around, my Vitek, so we are affectionate of him, calm as a tank. Just when I'm in the saddle, he understands what kind of valuable cargo on his ridge. And I feel comfortable and in full security, I can enjoy going to dress up. In addition, it is very beautiful, such a dance is top. In addition, in training, I feel how all muscle groups work, it is very useful and allows you to always stay in a tone. "

Olga Cabo:

"I least think about my figure." Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Judging by the gift, the husband shares your hobby ...

Olga: "In general, we have a lot of common interests with Kake. Including equestrian sports. Just the spouse is interested in viscous. When I see how the famously he overcomes the high obstacles, it becomes not in itself. But I am impressed by his excitement, fearlessness and self-confidence! By the way, in addition to this hobby, we are bare and we love the bath. He harvested firewood for winter, we collect herbs together, buy different oils. So the bath ceremony in our family is a favorite pastime. Most of all the pleasure I get in the winter when, after the hot steam, you can get into the ice snowdrift! "

Unlike most women, you do not hide your age. Why?

Olga: "Anniversary, and in January, it turned forty five years old," this is just a reason to think about personal and professional purposes. Every year you start more and more to appreciate the time and rummage hereby, because it is not known how much is released in the future ... Therefore, I try to live with the feeling of joy and thanks for the fact that I think I breathe. For the fact that next to me is a beloved man, that I gave life to my children, which played the roles that found their viewer ... Therefore, it was simply no time about the mathematical component of your age, and to hide the summer, in my opinion, meaningless! "

You have been able to play movies and in the theater of representatives of different eras. And in what role do you feel most organically?

Olga: "I really like costume roles. When artists climb me in long dresses with crinolines, tighten the corset on the waist, immediately feel outside of modern reality. I want to jump in the saddle and take towards the adventure! I am happy that my profession gives me the opportunity to travel in time and by country. For example, in the film Alla Surikova "Two arrows" I played a primitive heroine, and in the pictures of Sergei Tarasov "Adventures of Quentin Dorvard" and "Knight's castle" plunged into the Middle Ages. You can list for a very long time: "demons" of Igor Talakina, "1812. Ulan Ballad "Oleg Fesenko," Warsaw Battle. 1920 "Hoffman's hedgehog ... And in theatrical performances, my favorite topic is a silver age. Such a high syllable, there was never such a stunning poetry before. But still at the end of the performance or at the end of the shooting day, I turn into an ordinary modern woman. The twenty-first century gives a person energy and strength to achieve in the life of everything he has conceived. Today's rapid rhythm of life does not allow relaxing, stop, and I really like it! "

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