Nino Ninidze: "You can only sympathize with a person without a family"


If you want to know whether the water in the spring, look at the source, "says the old proverb. And in our case, talking about her daughter, it is worth plunge into the history of her mom. Iia Ninidze debuted into the cinema when she was nine years old, but with time she was It turned into a charming girl in his eyes in the eyes of a charming girl who had become a star of the Soviet screen. In our time there would be a sex symbol in her time, and in those years, the title of one of the first beauties of the cinema was entrusted. Career developed by seven-world steps, and outside the film Life platforms did not greatly baloba Borisovna. The first marriage with Nikolai Shenghelia, the son of the famous director George Schunglai and the actress Sofiko Chiahooleli ended in the divorce. It did not have a life with the artist Sergey Maksachev, who later became the vice-governor of the Kursk region. True, in this Union The son of Georgy was born. And the third attempt to create a family, with the artist Mikhail Buchchenkov, could be called unsuccessful if it did not appear before whose nino. It is worth noting that Mikhail, who always dreamed of living in the West, when the war began in Georgia, gathered things and went to America, throwing his wife with two young children. But no matter what happens in the life of AI Ninidze, she with a smile answers all the challenges of fate. It was not broken by her illness: during the performance, decoration fell on it, and after the injuries received it took for a long time for treatment and recovery. "Mom is a great woman. Its example is always with my eyes, "the daughter talks about her. "And I want to be the same as she." Undoubtedly, this desire is feasible, because I was able to convey Nino his lightweight, elderly character and raise a solid, strong person, which would not hurry before difficulties. And with them, despite his young age, the young actress has already had to face, and more than once.

Nino Ninidze:

The role of Denza in the painting "Heavenly Swallows" glorified sixteen-year-old Ji to the entire Soviet Union. Her film partner was Andrei Mironov. Photo: Personal archive Nino Ninidze.

What was your childhood?

Nino Ninidze: "Despite the material problems and household inconvenience, I never felt a deprived child. I was born in Tbilisi in 1991, when the war went. There was no light, hot water, and the cold came occasionally. What is batteries, I learned only when we moved to Moscow, and I have already been five years old by that time. In Georgia, we had no heating. And the winter were student, frost penetrated to the bones. We slept dressed on the same bed, clinging to each other, - I, Mom and my older brother George. But even in this, to put it mildly, a difficult situation, Mom created such an atmosphere that we managed to joke and believe in the best. Of course, there was fear, but he never moved to panic, and despair did not feel. I was very small, but then I understood what was happening around, and aware of how hard mom is. At that time, she worked at the Rustaveli Theater, which, despite everything, continued to give performances, although the artists had to go on stage, holding candles in the hands. I always admired my family and profession in my mother, as well as how courageously she opposed to her share of adversities. And then the invitation came to the troupe of the Moscow Theater "Bat", and we moved to the Russian capital. "

How did Moscow meet you?

Nino: "I went to learn to Georgian school. I must say that I spoke poorly in Russian. There is no kind in our language, and therefore I often confused "he" and "she". Thinking, I asked my mother to translate me to Russian school so that I could master the language. "

It was difficult to?

Nino: "No. Children very easily absorb foreign languages. So I got out without any problems. True, at first he experienced small difficulties due to the fact that when we moved from one apartment to another, I had to change and educational institutions, closer to the place of residence. For all these years there were five of them. And every time I re-got used to new teachers and classmates. But I learned from this valuable experience and easily find contact with people and poured into the team. Which is undoubtedly useful for any person, but for the actor, especially. "

Nino Ninidze:

"I believe in real love and know that she will be in my life. And I really want to be a young mother! " Photo: Personal archive Nino Ninidze.

When did the awareness come that your mother is a famous artist?

Nino: "I was very small. Back in Georgia, reporters often came to us. And I remember my first acquaintance with the camcorder took place at such a moment. Mom raises me in front of the lens on his arms, and I do not go and smile, she tries to kiss me, and I say to her: "Do not kiss me, Zamre-Zamri!" I explain that this is not a camera, but video. I am amazed asking: "What is it?" And on the screen I first saw in the picture "Melodies of the Veriy Quarter". The next memorial film is "repentance", then I was six to seven years. From all the movie I understood only one thing - that these people, smoked for some reason in the ground, very hard. Empty, I returned to this tape more than once, opening something new for myself with each view. "

Did you dream from childhood to go on my mother's footsteps?

Nino: "My desires changed the year from year. I wanted to be an artist, and a ballerina, and a singer, and even by the artist, because from my father inherited the ability and craving for painting. But only for the graduation class, when it was necessary to finally decide on his future, I realized that I dream of becoming only an actress, and it was necessary to comprehend skill somewhere, but in Vgika. "

Mom helped upon admission?

Nino: "No. I immediately told her: "I will do it myself. No one calls for anyone! "For me it was very important to go through this path on our own, to defend my choice. And when I was preparing at home and read what was going to show the admission committee, my mother said how best to do it. But I did not listen to her advice, they annoy me. I was then sixteen years old, the so-called transitional age. At this time, each teenager has a rejection of parental opinion. Perhaps it is due to what you think: you're already adult and everyone knows everything perfectly. So it was, and now everything is different. I carefully treat my mother's words, whatever they concern, personal or work. She has a rich life and professional experience, but it advises not because there are some doubts in my knowledge or abilities, but only to help or protect from the wrong step. We are generally very close, strain relationships, there are no secrets from each other. And I think, that is why I avoided many mistakes that could make due to your young age. By the way, Mom, like most actresses, did not want me to go on her way. She saw me singer. But when I made my choice, she accepted him and tried me to morally support. "

Nino Ninidze:

For the film "And there was no better brother" artist and her partner Evgeny Tsyganov painted her hair into a dark color. Photo: Personal archive Nino Ninidze.

But the name Ninidze is known. Surely in the admission committee guessed, whose daughter you are.

Nino: "Among the applicants there were those who reasoned like this:" You have nothing to worry: considering who your mother can not be doubted - you will definitely accept you. " But nevertheless I came on the general reasons. Just like everything, I went to the audience, I got up before the admission committee and called my name so quiet that the teachers were forced to ask. Since hearing what I say was difficult, Alexander Mikhailov, to whom I went to the course, looking into the paper, read: "Ninidze". And amazed asked: "Nino? How did you grow! "It turns out, he saw me when I was still a little girl. But the fact that Alexander Yakovlevich recognized me and was familiar with our family, did not mean that I would be made some kind of crossings when admitted. He is very honest, decent man. In the evening, Mikhailov called us home, talked with mom. First of all, he was interested in how seriously my desire to become an actress, because I was very young. And secondly, he said directly that I can't take a free place. There was an option of training on a commercial basis, but it did not stop me. I began to film, and almost all the money earned went to study. So three years continued, and then Alexander Yakovlevich translated me to the budget department. And if at first I was a little offended, now I am grateful to fate and my master for what everything happened so, and not otherwise. After all, thanks to this, I began to work early early, learned to survive, defend myself. I truly wanted to become an actress and, despite the circumstances in which it turned out, did everything to achieve the desired one. It hardered me in a professional plan. "

Nino Ninidze:

"We have no secrets from my mother. That is why I avoided many mistakes that could make. " Photo: Personal archive Nino Ninidze.

And in the cinema they got easily or also not everything just evolved?

Nino: "I was called for various castings, but then they said:" Sorry, you do not fit us, you need someone easier or older. " For this reason, when I was invited to samples to the film "And there was no better brother" director Murad Ibrahimbekov, I doubted my strength and was ready for the fact that I would again get a refusal. Therefore, after an unexpected call from the director, who said: "Well, Nino, we will work?" - I was extremely happy. By the way, Mom has been involved in this picture, she played my heroine in adulthood. Shooting did not have time, as Sergey Makhovikov approved me to the role of another project - "quiet outpost." And it turned out fun: Sergey, seeing me, prescribed an image specifically for my appearance - Yulia blond hair and green eyes. And for the tape "and there was no better brother" Me, on the contrary, repainted in dark red color. And now I come to shoot a "quiet outpost", and the flywheels loses the gift of speech: only green eyes remained from the image invented by him. They began to think what to do with my hair - whether to repaint, or to wear a wig, but then decided that I would be filmed in the scarf. So my heroine throughout the film is a golk and does not shoot. "

In the title of your debut film sounds beautiful words about the brother. Could you repeat them to George?

Nino: "I would say otherwise: the brother was not better and no. I love him very much. And since childhood she tried to imitate him in everything. What he did, I certainly wanted to repeat and me. When the brother entered the Suvorov school, he joked: "Well, what will you go to learn after me?" I thought and answered that I still do not place the girls there. It is noteworthy that before I say, I thought: it's true, do not go? We have a difference at the age of six, he will soon turn twenty-eight. And he is the head of our family. I trust him and never hide anything from him. But if with my mother, as with a woman, I am very easy to share whatever it, then with my brother I try to talk neatly and delicately. Since he is a man, not because he will not understand me or will not support. In general, we have a very strong, reliable family. We are always for each other Mountain - and in joy, and in the sorrow. I believe that this connection is the main thing in life. If it is, together you can survive any times and collisions of fate. A person can realize himself in the profession, to gain wealth, but if he has no family, he is unhappy and he can only sympathize. "

Nino tried to imitate his older brother George. And even he thought, did not go to the Suvorian school with him. Photo: Personal archive Nino Ninidze.

Nino tried to imitate his older brother George. And even he thought, did not go to the Suvorian school with him. Photo: Personal archive Nino Ninidze.

You tried to imitate my brother. So maybe you have become similar to it?

Nino: "In fact, I am a copy of my grandmother Lily, my mother's mother. Unfortunately, I did not happen to catch her. But they say that I am very similar to her. Not only externally - we have even a blood group. When I look at the grandmother's photos, I literally feel it. I remember, in Vgika, I read the poem of Marina with Tsvetaeva "grandmother", and my thoughts were about her. I think, many talents switched to me from her. She studied at the conservatory, sang very beautifully. So I owe the vocal to her. But when Grandma Lily got pregnant with her mother, she threw the singer's career and became a teacher of Russian and literature. By the way, she (and therefore I have) Princely roots, in our family there were Trubetsky-Ganskie. Perhaps the ability to culinary art also got from Lily. In any case, so claims my mother. I, without looking into some cookbooks and Talmuda with recipes, I am preparing on a particular, subconsciously feeling which ingredients it is better to use how they are combined with each other. Not trying, I put salt, spices - and always guess the measure. Mommy also skilled culinary. But since the process of cooking dishes gives me pleasure, I do it more often. "

When two mistresses are standing at one plate, disputes are invariably ...

Nino: "I can't stand if my mother sits next to and trying to me to recommend something when I prepare. "Make a smaller light ..." I'll just look at it - she immediately says: "I understood everything, I'm leaving." But I don't give her advice, because I know that it annoys it. "

Beautiful, talented, economic - just an exemplary wife. Are you married randomly not going?

Nino: "Everything is your time. I have only twenty-one for me. But I believe in real love and know that she will be in my life. And I really want to be a young mom. In my opinion, this does not hurt the profession. Every time I am striking when I hear from the girls: "Oh, married early go out. I still want to live! "And what if you get married, then you no longer live, or what?! On the contrary, it seems to me that life acquires new paints, more joyful and bright. "

Many children of famous artists do not like when they remind them who their parents ...

Nino: "Why?! I like when they talk about my mom. I am proud of her. Therefore, the words "This is a daughter of Ninidze!" For me, pleasant. True, I understand that since I need her daughter, I need to try to make me so that my mother can be proud of too, rejoice at me and my actions. This concerns not only a career, but also lives. Because first of all she wanted to raise me with a good man. "

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