5 reasons do not work in a large company


For many, work in a large corporation is just a dream. You can walk past the office for years and to imagine yourself in the chair of one of the departments. However, according to experts, powerful organizations do not always justify our expectations. We have compiled a list of the most frequent claims to major corporations that are presenting former employees.

Small income

If you were not lured into the company for several months, and you yourself submitted a summary, you can wait for a lot of disappointment with the wage voiced to you. In a large company, they consider it an honor to simply cross the threshold and call themselves part of the team, according to top managers of this company itself. If you apply for a worthy of labor, you will have to work for several years, only in this case you will leave for a decent position with the same decent salary.

For many work in the corporation - a dream

For many work in the corporation - a dream

Photo: unsplash.com.

Career growth will not be rapid

Just imagine how many employees can work for the good of a large company, especially if it is international. In such places there is a clear hierarchy with chiefs, their deputies and their deputies. To rise to the step above, you will have to wait for several years, and it is not a fact that the post, firstly, will be released, and secondly, no one guarantees that it will get to you, as applicants can be a lot. Yes, and show your abilities before the highest bosses will be extremely difficult, because they may not even know about you.

You do not always understand your duties.

Most likely, in a large company, you will not wait for the "individual approach": if you fulfilled the plan on your own independently, they will praise the whole department, because as not in megakompany, the team spirit flourishes, when all the successes depend on all, but your missions will only be yours.

Think whether you are ready to be "in the shade" most of the time. If not, look for another place.

Career growth will be long

Career growth will be long

Photo: unsplash.com.

About your time no one will take care

In corporations, everyone pass some meetings, meetings and negotiations, sometimes it will be difficult for you to understand what is happening at all. Or you will constantly collect you to explain what everything has long been aware, but "the firm demands" this meeting. As a result, you will lose a decent number of hours a week on such formalities. Do you need it?

meetings rather formality

meetings rather formality

Photo: unsplash.com.

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