How to save your favorite from impotence?


If you want to live with my husband for a long time and happily, pay attention to his habits. Under the larger small harmless drawbacks can be buried. For example, your satellite of life loves to lie down by the TV, click the console. If he is not at all friends with sports, such leisure leads to obesity. And from him one step to impotence. The fact is that visceral fat, enveloping internal organs produces a hormone leptin, which reduces the level of testosterone. And all - goodbye, desire. If the spouse is wearing tight underwear (simply speaking, if it has close cowards), it can lead to overheating of the testicles - the men's sex glands. As a result, a decrease in the production of spermatozoa. Ideally, a man is worth wearing family panties. Finally, the husband categorically refuses to vacuum. Do not be offended: probably he intuitively feels danger. The fact is that men should be contacted as little as possible with sources of electromagnetic radiation, to which the vacuum cleaner belongs. Studies have shown that waves emanating from such devices reduce the mobility of spermatozoa.

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