Smoked Summer Soup


And although we have a lental for some reason, it is unknown, it is very useful and very environmentally friendly: it does not accumulate any toxic or radioactive elements, it is considered useful in nervous disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems with digestion, normalizes blood sugar levels, It is a source of vegetable protein, contains a large amount of fiber, vitamins, A and B and high potassium percentage, as well as Isoflavon - a microelement that does not destroy with culinary processing, helps strengthen immunity and raise vitality.

So, take a little smoked pork ribs ... I took the bone with the remnants of smoked steering wheel. In general, the composition of smoked at your discretion. A good taste will give a little roasted smoked sausage or hunting sausages. Not very dietary, but tasty, still sometimes you can afford.

We will need:

smoked - 200 g.,

Onion - 1 pcs,

carrots - 2 small or one big,

Lentils - Glakana,

Potatoes - 2 pcs,

Bay leaf - 1-2 pieces,

Salt, pepper to taste.

On the dice from the steering wheel, cook meat broth. Bone fill with cold water, add half the bulbs and one small carrot, salt, when the broth will boil. Cook for an hour, then add ¾ glasses of lentils, cook for another 25 minutes, add vegetables (for example, finely chopped potatoes or zucchini, again at your discretion). While the chowder is brewed, we will make a fry from the second half of the bulb with carrots on the vegetable oil and in 5 minutes add it to the soup along with the laurel sheet, black peas. Serve with fresh greens.

And one more secret: Pour her soup on plates at once, as soon as he is ready, give any hot soup to last 10 minutes, it will be fragrant and rich.

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