How to experience a vaginal orgasm?


"Good day! I am very worried about my problem. To its 28 years I have never experienced a vaginal orgasm with a single partner ... pleasant sensations - yes. Sometimes it seems that this is about, just a little bit and it turns out, but the proximity ends with nothing ... At the same time, I myself bring myself without any problems to orgasm when I stimulate the clitoris. Maybe I am in principle not able to experience an orgasm from vaginal sex? Advise, please, what should I do?

Elena, 28 years old.

Dear Elena! It is known that more than half of all women suffer from a similar problem. The main reason why girls cannot experience a vaginal orgasm are not awakened erogenous zones in the vagina. Many have long been in the "sleeping" condition for a long time, because the girls subconsciously do not perceive their vagina as a satisfaction authority. I will explain. In the case of men, everything is easier - they are accustomed to see and realize the excitement through their penis. In women, starting with adolescence, the stimulation is mainly only the clitoris, since it is more accessible. And our body goes along the path of the smallest resistance - the zone that is most often stimulated, and becomes a starting mechanism to achieve pleasure, i.e., the orgasm "enshrines" by the clitoris.

To awaken a dormant potential, you need to develop intimate erogenous zones, for example, the point G. Girls who come to me for trainings, often complain that they cannot find it. The error is that you should not search for zone G, not being excited. Try to cause clitoral orgasm, which is given to you without problems, and then enter two fingers into the vagina into two phalanges, supervised them with the "pads" in its front wall. In the excited state, the point G "swelling", and you will feel a small and very gentle tubercle, which differs from the rest of the surface.

Then make the "Come Here" movement inside with your fingers, as if you are trying to encourage someone, stimulate the clitoris with the other hand. It is advisable to initiate such sensations as often as possible. Perhaps first with unaccustomed you will experience a small discomfort, but over time (from week to several months) you will begin to have fun.

What you during sex are feeling "is about, just a little bit to orgasm," suggests that you are on the right path, especially if you feel false urination to urination - this is a characteristic feeling when exposed to the cherished G-zone.

Ekaterina Lyubimova, leading Russian sex coach

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