As a woman to build a career in the world, where men's laws reign


In the modern world, no one is surprised by women politicians, women, women, women scientists. Business lady is not so little, and many of them are much more successful than the majority of men. But still the state, and business live more on male laws, and women are not so easy to integrate and, even more so, to succeed. First of all, speaking of a female career, it is worth paying attention to energy - business, money, power. A woman has special, unique energy, the correct use of which will allow to achieve career victories. But you need to comply with some important principles.

Maternal style - company as a family

To succeed in the manual, a collective woman does not need to turn into a "man in a skirt", "Iron Lady". For the construction of an effective business requires coordinated team actions. A woman can be very good to turn the team in a real family acting in the name of common goals. As a business leader, a woman can competently, to build a relationship in the company, turning it into a very effective organism. And in this - a huge plus of women leader.

Flexibility wins rigidity

So said the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, and this principle works very effectively if we are talking about the women's role in business. The modern market is very dynamic, and women's qualities, such as flexibility, the ability to adapt to a changing situation is very helpful to capture trends in time, promptly respond to them, transform the structure and activities of the company. The energy of women is the energy of water. It can be active and flowing, somewhere a stream, and somewhere - a powerful ocean wave. The female flexibility in doing business negotiations is particularly helped. Therefore, even man-leaders often invite women to participate in negotiations with partners.

Women's emotionality - this is what you need to raise a business for an unprecedented height

Women's emotionality - this is what you need to raise a business for an unprecedented height


Business intuition and security

The woman has very developed intuitive qualities. To succeed in business, the ability to predict the course of events, choose tactics and strategy of action by intuition is very important. The head of the head using his intuitive potential, the soul feels where one actions should be taken, and where to work on another scheme. Go ahead with a "neck of naked", guided by a male aggressive model, often even harmful to business is high costs, low efficiency and numerous risks.

Emotionality and love - what you need

Women are more emotional in comparison with men. This quality is called one of the signs of weak floor, but in fact in business it can help a lot. If the business turns really in a favorite case, he can achieve incredible success. The female passion, ecstasy when he is conducted - this is what is needed to raise the business for an unprecedented height. Managed female emotions are able to give odds to male cold rationalism. Well, no need to forget about the charm and charm of a businessman - they can become an excellent tool and achieve goals in the foreign policy and strengthening of the organization, its internal unity.

All female weaknesses can play on hand when doing business

All female weaknesses can play on hand when doing business


Ability to count - the key to a successful business

Women consider money better. This is a well-known fact, because a woman, by virtue of its nature, seeks to provide maximum income and minimum costs. No wonder Elvira Nabiullina headed the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in the most crisis period of the development of the domestic economy.

We see that a woman manager who has flexibility and intuition, managed by emotions and the ability to consider money, can achieve a lot. Before such a business woman is open all the roads in the world of modern business, it can make a dizzying career, and at the same time help reach a new level and all colleagues working with her and under her leadership.

As a man's head, I always developed in myself and these qualities. In confirmation of this, three enterprises of the holding under my leadership were included in the Top 200 of Russia. Retail. And all my first deputies were women!

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