Evelina Bledans took the Son from Moscow


In the capital of Belarus, Evelyn lives from April. Moreover, the actress has moved thoroughly, grabcing a small son of seeds, grandmother and everything necessary for a full-fledged life. On such a desperate step, the young mother pushed the work. It turns out, Bledans is now busy in a large-scale television film, which plays one of the main roles. For two months of filming Minsk for the Bledans family became a hometown.

Director Alexander Semin was very worried when he was released his beloved wife and son in a long business trip to Minsk. .

Director Alexander Semin was very worried when he was released his beloved wife and son in a long business trip to Minsk. .

"I don't even imagine how we will return to Moscow," shared their experiences with the actress. - We were very loved by Minsk. Here calmly. I feel confident in full security. If my eldest son Kolya would be shaking, then I would calmly let him go to school on a tram or subway. In Moscow, he traveled with the driver, but he returned home to his move a couple of times, so I had enough for heart while he was driving. And here - not scary. I am still pleased that in 20 minutes you can get to any point of the city. And I spend in breaks between the filming to go with a seed to walk somewhere. For us, a three-storey house was removed. We have a wonderful mistress. She spreads a huge number of colors in its garden, and she also grow two cherrywood trees, and soon we will argue with delicious berries. "

Evelina and seeds already have favorite places in Minsk and their fans. Walking around the city, they made friends with future Belarusian graduates. .

Evelina and seeds already have favorite places in Minsk and their fans. Walking around the city, they made friends with future Belarusian graduates. .

While Evelyn works on the set, the great-grandmother Alla Mikhailovna seeds is watching his son. The departures are the dad kid, Alexander, who also has a tense shooting. Despite the holidays, a teacher-defectologist and a massage therapist go to the boy. In general, the life of the seeds is not much different from Moscow. "Sasha came to our crossing several times in Minsk and all arranged," the actress told. "You need to swim, and there is a swimming pool in the house, but with a steep staircase, therefore railing was specially built. Since the house is three-storey, then the steps of stairs were sticking the carpet strips so that it was not slippery and comfortably climb. In fact, I have about many things that Sasha made in the house, do not even guess. In this regard, our dad is caring and prudent. When we arrived, I discovered a new stroller, a bunch of toys, diapers, a new crib - everything you need in everyday life. And we very quickly joined the Minsk life from which we get pleasure. "

Evelina and Sema try to buy products on the Komarovsky market. .

Evelina and Sema try to buy products on the Komarovsky market. .

Of course, the actress was very worried about the departure to Minsk, as it was the first departure of seeds from the Moscow region. Spouses thought for a long time, how to get - by plane or train. "On the one hand, the aircraft: an hour - and we are in place," recalls Bledans. - On the other hand - stress from takeoff and landing, pressure on the ears, children always cry. Although the business class, but there are someone else's people, someone sneezes ... In general, after a long random, they decided to go by train. Worried. An hour before the landing came, they disinfected everything in the car - handles, walls, - thoroughly prepared. But everything passed calmly, and the journey was liked. At first they thought that the son would sleep in his cradle. And then I put him on the shelf of the shelf, the blanket fell so that he did not fall. And the seven slept perfectly, did not even wake up, since the train dashed him all the time. We can say that all our amenities we moved from Moscow to Minsk, even the car was overtaken there. We love all homemade, so in the suburbs, keep the chicken, at the neighbor we buy a goat milk. And in Minsk, immediately from the first day had on the table and homemade cottage cheese, and milk, and sour cream, because they agreed about it in advance. "

Evelina and Sema try to buy products in the Komarovsky market, which is located in the heart of Minsk. To the surprise of the artist, the prices there are much lower than on the trade ranks somewhere on the outskirts of the city. Now the actress pools his family strawberry and sweet cherries, the first apricots and peaches, and also can not resist the aroma and taste of home sausages of local farmers, and in front of linen products. "There are a lot of linen things in Belarus," Evelina admires. "We are happy to buy a slider, socks, tights, diapers, bed linen and hats - I adore them after the bath. Everything is very bright, beautiful and good quality. Our grandmother is so Len loves. Semyon has a full cabinet of expensive, branded. Dad from Paris brought three months ago a whole suitcase. And grandmother only in the Belarusian grandson dresses, says that it is the best, the most murderer, the most convenient. " (Laughs.)

One-year-old Semyon traveled the train for the first time in his life. Baby really liked. .

One-year-old Semyon traveled the train for the first time in his life. Baby really liked. .

The actresses already have their favorite places in Minsk. Together with his son, she often walks to walk to the botanical garden, in the Park of Chelyuskintsev and the Gorky Park, where there are carousels for kids. In the coming weekend, the family is going to go to the water park and the Dudund Park - one of the most interesting ethnographic museums of the country. "Of course, in Belarus Magnical," Ovelina argues. "Everything is clean, a huge number of green parks with ponds, you can not quit even a faint from the chewing, because the hand will not rise it, so everything is licked around."

In Belarus, Bledans will stay for another two months, and at the end of the summer dreams to go with the whole family to the sea. Together with her husband and son, they plan to spend a three-week vacation, however, until it is not yet decided on which resort.

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