If in a dream you drink poison ...


Transparent and understandable dreams will take off, as a rule, children. If during the day they dreamed about something and did not get if they promised something, and then they forgot, then at night they dream of dreaming. And adult dreams are complex, since many of their desires and feelings are socially absent. The subconscious has to transmit its messages through metaphors and images that the security mechanisms of the psyche "will miss". "Security" mechanisms are our installations that it is possible that it is impossible. Sigmund Freud called their superago, which develops with our adulthies. Most of these settings, we do not even realize.

However, it happens and we see transparent dreams like a child. Let the sleep content at all are not children at all, but frightening, unpleasant, dramatic, but, waking up, we will know exactly what to do with it.

An example of this can be a dream of one of our readers.

"I'm in an apartment with some young man, we communicate, kissing, hugging, he is close to me, but I will not recognize him. Later, I am in the toilet with my subordinate, which in real life is very involved in the work, works overtime daily and very much worries, drink in turn of poison. After that, I go out of the booth and think about writing close, say goodbye. I think about my mom, how she will perceive it, and here suddenly realize that my act was a mistake, and the deadly, which I can never change. It was just a regular lesson of life, and I decided to escape, and there is no way back. I cry, silently and wake up.

At the end of the dream was the strongest fear that I made the biggest mistake in my life, which is impossible to change.

When I woke up, I experienced relief that it was just a dream, a strong emotional rise, thirst for life and feeling that the most important thing in life is life itself, and not external circumstances. "

The main picture of sleep is to drink poison with a colleague, which in real life works too much. That is, the dream is likely to sign that to run away to work means to take poison and make a mistake. I do not say that you do not need to love your work and give her a lot of time. "Yade" is only the fact that the work begins to replace, and then to completely dispense other aspects of life. And no accident. It happens, it is difficult for us to build relationships in which there are no status, tasks required functional. There, people are more helpless than in their work environment, where they are protected by their duties and positions.

The dream draws attention (with the help of a colleague) that now too much work is to work, it's like drinking poison, turning from the path that suggests something else.

The heroine wakes up with thoughts, most importantly - just live, as well as with fear that she can make an irreparable mistake.

Let us leave it only with the fact that in understanding sleep you can move one more step.

Caring for not to make a mistake is also a kind of "drinking poison", doubts and anxiety, which is spent on the moments of life. But they could be sent to something even more valuable.

Error is part of our life. To live is also to make actions, many of which may be incorrect, and it will be impossible to change the consequences.

Let my words look now just philosophy. And so that they are not empty edifications, I suggest you create something valuable every day. Doubts, fears and anxieties do not leave the trace, and the real acts leave a trace not only in your life, but also in the life of your loved ones.

I look forward to examples of dreams by mail: [email protected].

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